Chapter 1281

“Mom, you!”

Asuna’s expression became a little excited. The mother and daughter had a very unpleasant quarrel about this matter before. But unexpectedly, she actually wanted Xie Ming to be her partner.

Even if she knew that Xie Ming was absolutely on her side, this behavior of drawing in her beloved made Asuna feel very chilling.

“Okay, okay, what are you doing so excited.”

“Ming, but…”

“Auntie hasn’t implemented compulsory measures yet, doesn’t this mean that everything is still at a negotiable stage, isn’t it?”

Touching Asuna’s head lightly, Xie Ming comforted him softly: “Isn’t it all I told you, I need to communicate well. The prerequisite for good communication is that both parties must have a peaceful and sensible conversation.”


Asuna slowly lowered her head, but her clenched hands meant that her mood had not calmed down yet. It was just because I simply believed in Xie Ming, so I held back it.

I have to say that under the influence of Xie Ming, Asuna’s personality has also changed a little. If she hadn’t had the courage to face Yuuki Kyoko before.

But the problem is that Xie Ming’s recklessness is really powerful. He is reckless because he is simple and effective. Just like Kyoko Yuki’s continuous temptation of her just now, if he continues to maintain his reckless style, then this relationship between him and Asuna will really not be able to save even Yuelao.

In Xie Ming’s eyes, Kyoko Yuki was like a cat with troublesome personality. Sometimes, you have to follow the hair to make her feel comfortable. But sometimes, when you follow Mao, she looks down on you instead.

When should I smooth the hair, when should I scratch and scratch, we must learn to grasp this opportunity.

Thanks to the blessing of some troublesome witches and demon gods, Xie Ming already has quite a wealth of experience in dealing with these troublesome guys.

“Aunt Kyoko, can I call you that way?”


Yucheng Kyoko nodded calmly, after all, she was quite satisfied with Xie Ming, the son-in-law.

“Then excuse me for taking the liberty.”

Xie Ming smiled gently: “Auntie Kyoko has always thought that Asuna’s life trajectory was completely ruined because of the SAO game, right?”

“Of course!” Kyoko Yuki said without hesitation: “The middle school classmates of the same age as Asuna have already begun preparing for the central test (the Japanese college entrance examination). But Asuna, the child, is not in a hurry! Wen Tun Tun, it’s really…”

“So, can I understand what auntie means like this?” Xie Ming said softly, “Aunt Kyoko is anxious, not that Asuna is going to school at the current school. But the aunt thinks that Asuna has lost her motivation, so I’m worried.”

“…You are really good, Uranus Temple-kun.”

“Auntie praised.”

The conversation between the two made Asuna suddenly raise her head. Is it true? Was that what my mother thought?

The way of education in each family is different. Some families believe that their children and grandchildren have their own blessings, so they carry out free-range discipline. Some hope that the child will succeed, hope that the child will succeed, and hope that the child will be motivated.

Kyoko Yuki is undoubtedly the latter one.

If she really feels that Asuna’s current school is not good, why bother to mention it until now. Wouldn’t it be better to just stay for a month or two and transfer directly after meeting the country’s requirements?

Why wait for such a year?

I really thought that the relationship between Yuki Kyoko and her daughter was so stiff, she felt very comfortable?

In her eyes, Asuna has enough ability and talent. Even if there is a gap of two years, she can catch up. However, Asuna has changed a lot.

Although her studies are still excellent, she does not want to make further progress, but plays in the virtual world all day long. In Yuuki Kyoko’s eyes, this was a pure waste of time.

In addition, because of this virtual world, not only did Asuna waste two years, but also encountered that kind of thing, and her dissatisfaction was even higher.

Therefore, in the end, she completely ignored Asuna’s mood and allowed Asuna to transfer to another school. In Asuna’s view, her mother’s thoughts were undoubtedly to make her go back to the mechanical life without the slightest joy in the past.

Disagreements, that’s what happened.

“That’s why I said, to communicate well, communicate well.”

Knocked on Asuna’s forehead lightly, and Xie Ming looked at Yuki Kyoko again.

“Aunt Kyoko, I have always had a thought. That is, the setbacks, difficulties and disasters encountered in life are also an opportunity for people. One that can make people change and grow more. Chance.”

“Because of SAO, I can meet Asuna. Because of SAO, I can become who I am today. Also because of SAO, I am a Chinese student who can obtain a permanent residence permit so easily, even with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. Cooperate. These are the growth that I have gained because of SAO.”

“Then, Asuna, like me, won from SAO and persisted in a desperate environment. Then, Asuna, has also grown, hasn’t it? I don’t know, did Aunt Kyoko find out, A little bit of Asuna, what about a good change?”


“Does Asuna laugh more? Is Asuna’s smile more beautiful, gentler, and more sincere? Asuna, is it stronger? Asuna, is it more considerate? Now? Asuna, will you take care of others?”

“These changes, Aunt Jingzi, you should have discovered these changes, haven’t they?”


Yes, Kyoko Yuki found out. How could she not find out? That’s my own daughter. When she went to visit her, she showed herself a happy, gentle, and true smile that she had never shown before.

Sometimes, when she is in a hurry to go out to work, she will make some portable sandwiches for herself to take. Sometimes, under the guidance of the nanny, she ironed her suit seriously.

Even if it was that day, He ran against him, and the two broke up unhappy. The next day, she would still hand herself a bento made by herself. Although he lowered his head, he said nothing.


Thinking of this in her heart, Kyoko Yuki looked away from Xie Ming and looked at Asuna. And Asuna was also looking at her mother.

The two eyes contacted each other, but they moved away instantly. Asuna lowered her head, and Kyoko Yuki rolled her head.

“Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh, these little Tsundere.”

Xie Ming smiled bitterly and shook his head, and decided to stop here. Too much is too late, these four words Xie Ming naturally understand. The next thing, the mother and daughter will solve it by themselves.


An untimely voice attracted everyone’s attention.

Xie Ming scratched his face embarrassedly, and said with a smile: “Sorry, sorry, I made everyone laugh. I am easily hungry when I am nervous. Although I am a little embarrassed, I don’t know if I can…”



“Hutaro-Kun, you really are…”

“Ming, you are really…”

Everyone laughed. Perhaps, this is the first time in this home that is full of such laughter.

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