Chapter 1282 Water Elf and Dark Elf

After all, people cannot fully understand each other. But this does not mean that people cannot reach a consensus. The way to reach consensus is mutual understanding, mutual tolerance, and mutual understanding.

Not to mention, Kyoko Yuki and Asuna are mothers and daughters, and are relatives. Not to mention, Kyoko Yuki is a cold-hearted woman. Although she seems a little uncomfortable in terms of values ​​and education, her original intention was to educate her children well.

No one can deny this.

But after all, everyone has their own ambitions, and everyone has their own standards for what kind of life they feel is happier. How to live such a life requires people to consider and work hard for it.

Asuna, what you want to do, this is the most important thing right now. Before Asuna found what she wanted to do, Xie Ming could only support and wait.

What Kyoko Yuuki had to do was to guide.

The so-called guidance is not to demand hard, but to hand the choice to the child, giving the child time to think and judge. Just like looking for a job, what is right is not necessarily what you like. And what you like is not necessarily appropriate.

How to choose is ultimately his own business. But at least, don’t live a life you don’t like.

For Asuna, she doesn’t like it. What is the life she hates? It is the same as in the past, mechanically learning, desperately competing, and fulfilling parents’ expectations like a doll.

That’s why she kept resisting and resisting constantly. But this kind of resistance, in Yucheng Kyoko’s eyes, has become a kind of non-aggressive and non-aggressive performance.

Now, Yucheng Kyoko’s idea has been pointed out by Xie Ming. Asuna also understood Yuuki Kyoko’s thoughts. What is needed now is for Asuna to take the initiative to express her true thoughts to Kyoko Yuki.

What kind of life does she want to live?

As long as you convey your thoughts to Kyoko Yuki’s heart, then the contradiction between mother and daughter can be truly reconciled. However, she still needs to overcome them by herself. Only by relying on herself to make this step can Asuna truly grow and transform.

Xie Ming, there is no need to go further. Moreover, he will also start to work on the most critical thing in this journey.

On January 6, 2025, Xie Ming received two couriers at his home. One is his reward for winning the BOB contest and the hunting king. It is a special out-of-print souvenir made by the GGO head office in the United States: his virtual character in GGO.

The sky full of grenade was fixed by a transparent plastic rod, and the long hair seemed to be dancing in the wind, and the lavender eyes revealed peace and a hint of pride. The bright red photon sword pointed diagonally to the ground, and the double-barreled shotgun in his hand aimed forward.

The production is very delicate and very vivid. If a figure of this level is sold online, I am afraid that it would not be possible to buy it without more than 100,000 yen or 200,000 yen. Not to mention, this is an out-of-print product specially made by GGO.

Along with the figure, there are letters in both English and Japanese translations from the GGO head office. The above content is generally congratulations, thanks and hope to see articles like Xie Ming’s figure in the next BOB, which is not too important.

The figure was put in the glass cabinet at home by Xie Ming, not in the portable space.

Another express delivery is the real highlight. Inside, is a game software, and a letter. The content and format of the letter are exactly the same as those in the photos Seijiro Kikuoka gave him.

At the end of the letter, he wrote his special account number and password. This, naturally, is different from the information he saw. Every player invited naturally has a different account. When the player dies, this dedicated account will also be cancelled.

Throwing the game software with the gears symbolizing destiny on the surface, Xie Ming took out his mobile phone from Kabuto and dialed the phone number left by Seijiro Kikuoka.

“Hey, Uranus Temple-kun. How have you had a good time in the past six months?”

“Thanks to you, it’s pretty good.”

Listening to Kikuoka’s smiling voice, Xie Ming said calmly: “You should know the reason why I called you.”

“Hahahahaha, of course. Uranus Temple -kun Your heroic figure in GGO, I have seen you from beginning to end.”

After Kikuoka Seijiro chuckled a few times, his tone also appeared serious and serious.

“Game, Uranus Temple-Kun, you received it, right?”


“Then Uranus Temple-kun, what are you going to do?”

“You are an employer, I will try my best to listen to your arrangements.” Xie Ming replied indifferently: “If you want this account, I can give it to you directly, but I will not bear the consequences.”

“If you want me to sneak into the hospital or observation room you specify, I have no problem.”

“Of course, what I prefer the most is to sneak in my home, and then organize the results of the investigation into a report to you. It is up to your employer to decide what to do.”

“Um… I definitely can’t agree with the third kind. After all, we must also be responsible for your life in Uranus Temple-kun. Even if you are confident that you will not die, according to the previous situation, the game Injuries in will most likely affect your physical body in reality.”

“So, sneaking in the hospital, I think it is the most appropriate.”

“Then it’s so decided. What’s the time?”


Seijiro Kikuoka said readily: “In the past six months, we are basically ready. When you decide to sneak in, Uranus Temple-kun, just call me two hours in advance.”

“At that time, we will meet at the Saitama Medical University Hospital.”

“I understand, then I will be in touch when the time comes, first.”

“Well, see you then, Uranus Temple-kun.”

Hanging up the phone, Xie Ming threw the game software in his hand into the portable space and walked to the bed. It just so happens that the wait will be the time for everyone to meet in ALO. This matter, I still have to tell Asuna.


“Oh, here comes.”

“It’s been a long time for you, Edmond.”

“What’s wrong?”

Xie Ming raised his eyebrows and looked at the mysterious people: “What rare bosses have you discovered or hidden missions?”

“That’s not it.”

Lisbeth couldn’t help but spit out: “We’ve all said that we are not Kirito game idiots, how could we be excited about that kind of thing.”


Kirito’s body stiffened, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He wanted to refute something, but he had nothing to refute, so he could only lower his head.

“Okay, okay, after all, it’s really exciting to find rare bosses in online games. Kirito-kun is just more enthusiastic than others.” Fortunately, he covered his mouth and laughed softly: “This kind of Kirito- Kun, so cute.”

“…I was not comforted at all, luckily.”

“so what?”

Ignoring the daily farce of the trio, Xie Ming went straight to the subject and asked, “What makes your discussion so lively?”

“It’s the player, Mr. Edmond.”

Silica said seriously: “In ALO, there are two super powerful players. It seems that they were transferred from other games.”

“A water elf who specializes in all kinds of magic, and a very powerful dark elf swordsman. During this period, the two have been on the tourist island north of the 24th floor of Aincrad, challenging All kinds of players.”

“There hasn’t been a failure so far, and it has now spread in ALO’s circle.”

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