Chapter 1283 Original Sword Skill

“Water Elf and Dark Elf, sightseeing island, under the tree…”

The last three words touched Xie Ming’s past memories, allowing him to instantly know the identity of the two. Just, why?

Why do these two people appear in ALO? Could it be that what happened?

With some doubts pressed into his heart for a while, Xie Ming looked at Lifa and Kirito.

“Undefeated so far, in other words, your brothers and sisters have also been defeated?”

“Ahaha, uh…it is true.”

Lifa was a little unwilling, but honestly said: “The opponent is too strong, and the exaggerated attack speed and flowing movements make me respond with feeling and experience.”

“They are strong.”

Kirito suppressed the slight haze in his eyes, raised his head, and said seriously: “In terms of magic, that water elf has a unique pronunciation technique, and can release more than two magics at the same time. This is the first in the entire ALO. Unheard of.”

“And the other dark elf has an original sword skill with 11 combos. Coupled with her own reaction speed and skills, it can be said that she has stood at the top of the swordsman. I think that in the entire ALO, I am afraid Only you alone can Edmond win her.”

The original sword technique is a brand new system added to the ALO sword technique system along with the opening of the 21st to 30th floors of Aincrad. The player creates a sword swing and logs it into the system to create a brand new sword skill.

Of course, it’s not just a few random swings, even if you create a new sword skill. The creation requirements for original sword skills are very strict.

It cannot be a sword skill that has been registered in the system, but must be a sword skill similar to the sword skill system in ALO. The former restricts that the original sword skill cannot be a simple slashing stab. The latter has greatly tested the players’ skills.

Players usually rely on system assistance to complete the release of sword skills. Can be original sword skills, but there is no system assistance. This also means that players must rely on their own strength to perform continuous and effective actions. If a detail is wrong, it will fail.

Strict requirements have left few ALO players with original sword skills. Xie Ming knew that there were only four.

The fire spirit, the two-handed Kenpachi, who had intercepted him, once intercepted his original sword skill: [Volcano Ejection].

Kirito, one-handed sword seven combos original sword skill: [Seven Deadly Sins].

Asuna, the original sword skill of five combos of thin swords: [Stardust Tears].

Lifa, one-handed sword four-strike original sword skill: [Flower and Bird].

In a sense, the number of combos represents the strength of original sword skills. And this original sword skill with 11 combos is undoubtedly the original sword skill at the top of the current ALO. Value is self-evident.

Not to mention, the other player also possesses the unique articulation skills of casting two or more magics at the same time. This must be done with considerable knowledge and language talent. Even Xie Ming was a little surprised when he heard this.

Then, then it’s all right.

“Oh, that’s it. Then I’ll forget it.”


Xie Ming’s speech left everyone in a daze, and then let out a startled voice. Well, why doesn’t this guy play cards according to common sense?

According to the flow of this discussion, shouldn’t the next development be Xie Ming’s enthusiastic challenge? What… why did it all of a sudden.

“According to the enthusiastic discussion you have discussed, it means that these two players should have caused considerable waves in ALO. And since they have been used so far, it also means that a steady stream of players continue to challenge them. .”

“There is no benefit, it is impossible to make the enthusiasm of the players so high. In other words, if you defeat them, it will have considerable benefits for the players.”

“Coupled with Kirito’s special pronunciation skills and 11 combos of original sword skills, then the answer is obvious.”

Xie Ming said faintly: “The two players are rewarded with pronunciation skills and original sword skills, encouraging them to challenge them. So, what is the goal?”

“Since you have guessed to this extent, then…”

“That’s why I’m not motivated.” Xie Ming waved his hand and said boredly: “I am not a magician. What do I need to have unique pronunciation skills. As for the original sword skill of 11 combos, it is even more meaningless to me. .”

“…..that’s true.”

Kirito squeezed his eyebrows, and said with a wry smile: “Original swordsmanship or something is meaningless to you. It seems that you haven’t entered the original skill of “Unlimited Swordsman” into the original. Sword skills.”

11 original sword combos? For players, it’s really strong. But for Xie Ming, it makes no sense.

The characteristic of Xie Ming’s sword skills all the time was that he could kill with one blow, but he wouldn’t make a second one. And how to integrate various technologies, concepts and essence into a knife is the basis of his creation of knife skills.

What’s more, according to the characteristics of the sword skill system in ALO, the higher the number of combos, the stronger the skill. To what extent can Xie Ming, a master of swordsmanship level, be able to hit combos?

The answer is infinite.

As long as the physical strength is enough, then Xie Ming can keep hitting continuously. But, what’s the point of ALO like this? Just hit a boss and put a skill on it, it’s extremely boring.

Moreover, upon hearing the news, Xie Ming knew that Asuna’s opportunity was not destroyed by her actions. So, how could Xie Ming destroy it again?

“That’s it.”

Xie Ming shrugged and responded to Kirito’s words: “Of course, all the above are just excuses, and the most important reason is still one.”

“I’m lazy.”


Everyone staggered in an instant, and looked at Xie Ming with a lazy face somewhat speechless. This guy really doesn’t shy away from it.

“So, you might as well encourage another master. Right, Asuna?”

“Hey? What?”

With Yui sitting on her shoulders, Asuna, who had just walked into the door, blinked cutely. Seeing everyone watching their movements together, they shrank in fear.

“Send…did something happen?”



“It hurts, it hurts, lightly, lightly.”

“How could there be so much pain in ALO, you still pretend!?”

Hearing Xie Ming’s begging for mercy, Asuna made the flesh on Xie Ming’s waist turn in a circle again with enthusiasm. In other words, there is also the action of pinching soft flesh in ALO, which is very outrageous. This should be regarded as an offensive behavior, but it does not lose blood.

On the contrary, the pain felt is several times stronger than usual when encountering monster attacks. this…..

“Alright, alright, in fact, Asuna, you are not completely uninterested, are you?”

“Though you say that…”

“Always discussing with us insiders. Asuna, you can’t feel your progress, don’t you?” Xie Ming said with a smile, “So, this is just an opportunity.”

“Even if you don’t covet the original eleven combos of other people’s sword skills and the pronunciation skills that can use multiple magic. It’s a good thing to see and see. Maybe you can learn something you lack.”

“…You are justified.”

Asuna couldn’t help but flipped Byakugan, but then she also had some expectation on her face: “I don’t know, what kind of a swordsman who can be called the “Absolute Sword”.”

In my mind, I couldn’t help but have the impression of a strong, burly man who looked very strong.

“Although I don’t know what you are thinking, I know it is definitely not what you think.”

“Mom, I think so too.”

“…Ming, Yui, do you two know something?” Asuna narrowed her eyes slightly when she heard the father and daughter’s common complaints: “Otherwise, how could you Ming Don’t go to see and see?”

“Sa, who knows?”

Xie Ming raised his eyebrows, flapped his wings behind him, and instantly caught up with Kirito and others in front of him.

“Ah! Ming! You wait for me!!”

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