Chapter 1284 Duel

“Girl…girl? And…still twins!?”

Looking at the dark elves fighting with a hearty smile under the big tree, and the water elves watching the dark elves fighting softly on the side, Asuna twitched her mouth and turned her gaze to Xie Ming and others.

“Huh? It’s actually twins~ It’s so special~ I also know it for the first time~ (Great reading)”

“Yeah, yeah, they are so amazing~ Mom, come on~ (Great reading)”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh? I thought Xie Ming explained it to you later.” Lisbeth scratched her face: “Well, it doesn’t matter anyway, Asuna, you can do your best.”


Asuna sighed slightly and turned her gaze to the opponent she was about to fight again.

The shiny long purple-black hair kept dancing with the action, and the bright smile on that little face seemed to take away the surrounding atmosphere, filling the air with vitality.

The red hair band lifted the bangs slightly, the bridge of the nose slightly turned up, and the bright red eyes blinked from time to time, exuding the beautiful color like the light of amethyst. Because it was a dark elf, her snow-white skin was tinged with a little purple.

The lady wears an obsidian breastplate on the outside of her coat, and underneath is a long skirt of blue-purple like her coat, and the scabbard of the black rapier in her hand is not worn around her waist.

This is a young girl who can make people feel her vitality and happiness just by standing in front of her. Seeing her movements, even if she was someone else, she couldn’t help but put on a slight smile on her face.

But contrary to her cute appearance, the girl’s movements are smooth and sharp, like a goshawk flying above the blue sky. The attack is dexterous and swift, showing his strengths to the fullest.

If Kirito didn’t use the Dual Sword Style, then it would definitely not be the girl’s opponent.

Asuna’s expression gradually became serious. At the same time, a bit of warfare was gradually rising in his heart. As a speed swordsman, Asuna naturally didn’t want to lose to others in what she was good at.

What’s more, in front of his lover.

I want to show my perfect place to someone I like. This point is common to both men and women.

Asuna’s focus is on the purple-haired girl. And Xie Ming’s focus was on the water elves on the side.

The soft and smooth aqua-blue long hair and the white skin that can be broken by blowing have a nine-point similarity to the purple-haired girl in her face. The difference is in the eyes and the atmosphere of the two.

The purple-haired girl is a pistachio of vitality, which can bring vitality and smile to people. The blue-haired girl exudes tenderness that nourishes the body and mind. The cyan eyes seemed to be able to speak, truly embodying the four words of gentleness as water.

“Sure enough, it is indeed somewhat similar to Asuna.”

The same gentleness, the same strength, the same maturity and tolerance. However, there are still some differences between the two now. In Asuna’s eyes, there was a hint of confusion hidden.

And this water elf’s eyes were full of hope and determination. Not only her, but also the purple-haired girl. It was as if the haze that had been haunted was dispelled, the despair was finally broken, and the sun was finally seen.

Although the two of them had anxiety in their hearts, they were more looking forward to and looking forward to the future. Because before, they didn’t even have the qualifications for the future.

“That’s fine.”

Xie Ming retracted his gaze and returned his attention to his lover. Whether it is a girl with purple hair or a girl with water elf, they have a kind of thought, a kind of consciousness, and a kind of action ability that the current Asuna lacks.

If they can learn from them, then Asuna will inevitably change and grow to the point where everyone is a little surprised. Xie Ming looked forward to and waited for that moment to come.

“Wow, it looks like there is a next challenger.”

The purple-haired girl flying in the sky saw the waiting Asuna, who was somewhat similar to her sister, and her bright red eyes lit up instantly. A dexterous turn, flashed the sword of the challenger in front of him.”Sorry, but I think it’s almost time to end.”

There was a hint of playfulness in the energetic voice, and the purple-haired girl smiled and said: “You can’t let people wait long, so, bye~”

In the next moment, the pitch-black rapier in his hand turned into a few cold rays.

That is the simplest stab action, not a skill, but this speed is like purple-black lightning.

The first stab was blocked by the player with a wide blade.

But the second time, it directly stabbed him in the wrist. The third time, shoulders. The fourth time, elbow. The fifth time, chest. For the sixth time, it stopped in front of the player’s throat.

“Keep on working hard~”

Withdrawing the rapier in her hand, the girl lovely wink against the opponent in front of her, and then slowly landed. The duel between the two officially ended.

The winner, [Yuuki].

“Sister, I am victorious~”

“Well, it’s amazing, Yuuki.”

First ran to the water elf and gave her a light high-five. Then, the girl named Yuuki walked up to Asuna.

“Next, are you going to challenge? Big sister.”

“Ah, uh…”

“So…well… do you want to challenge my sister? Or do you want to challenge me?” Yuuki tilted his head and asked with some doubts: “Although you are a water elf, you People feel the same as a swordsman.”

“Ah, by the way, my name is Yuuki, and my sister’s name is Ran. Where’s your name, big sister?”

“Miss Yuuki and Miss Ran, my name is Asuna, just call Asuna.”

“Then, Asuna directly call my sister and me by name.”

Yuuki happily said, “Close to the subject, does Asuna want to challenge my sister or me?”

“If you can, please trouble Yuuki for a duel with me.” Asuna clicked the control page a few times and pinned the rapier forged by Liz to her waist. In his eyes, there was a bit of seriousness.

“Oh, good momentum, I look forward to it more and more.”

Yuuki’s eyes lit up and her face was full of interest: “If you challenge me, there are two ways to challenge. One is only on the ground, and the other is aerial combat. Asuna, which one do you choose?”

“Ground combat.”

“OK, then flying into the air means surrendering. The duel mode is the same as usual, is it possible to have a complete win-loss mode?”

(PS: Complete win-loss mode, until one party’s HP is cleared to lose.)



Tap in front of you. The duel invitation was sent to Asuna. After the finger clicked to confirm, the countdown to the start of the duel appeared between the two.


Take a deep breath, then exhale slowly. Asuna adjusted herself and began to breathe at a certain rhythm. And her heart is getting calmer and calmer. Slowly drew out the rapier and lifted it to the side of his face.

The cold light at the tip of the sword and Asuna’s calm gaze had already locked Yuuki tightly.

“Oh, it looks like you have to get serious.”

Very rare, Yuuki felt a little danger. Few can give her such a sense of danger so far. The black one-handed rapier lifted up, and his body slightly bent down.

The smile that has been hanging on his face has also become serious.

As the number counts down, from one to zero. Dust rose up behind the two of them at the same time, and the blade collided with the blade, making a clanging sound. The explosive aura of the two girls made the players who wanted to watch the game closer, couldn’t help but step back a few steps.

Although the two girls both use rapiers, there are still many differences between rapiers and rapiers. Yuuki’s black rapier has a narrow blade, but it can be used to slash without any problems.

And Asuna’s rapier is a one-handed sword that favors the European stabbing sword. The characteristic of the stabbing sword lies in its speed. Asuna also intends to gain an advantage in this regard.

But in fact, it did not develop as she thought. Even in the previous observations, Yuuki’s extraordinary reaction speed and attack speed were already known. But the actual fighting still made Asuna palpitations secretly.

As expected, it was an absolute sword that could defeat Kirito and Lifa, it was too strong.

However, she has never seen a sword faster than this! Once, Asuna, Kirito, and Lifa wanted to see Xie Ming’s true strength in the game, and they went heads-up with him.

Xie Ming raised his eyebrows and agreed. Then, the ending of the three is the same.

In the first second, the two sides fought. In the second second, the weapon was picked up. In the third second, the spirit sword exuding cold air was already placed on their necks.

Yuuki’s attack speed is comparable to sword skills. So Xie Ming’s attack speed in the game far surpasses sword skills. The two are simply not comparable.

At least, after the actual battle, Asuna felt that she still had the possibility of winning. But the one who faced his own family was completely powerless.

“Ding ding ding ding ding ding…”

Every stab was resisted by the rapier in Yuuki’s hand by a fraction of the difference. But Yuuki’s attack was also used by Asuna to attack and counterattack, pulling it to other positions.


The collision between the steel made a humming sword sound with a strange frequency. The footsteps of the two kept interlacing, and the rapiers in their hands turned into showers of thrusts and slashes. The flames of the blades rubbed on the cheeks of the two of them. The duel between the speed type and the speed type, that’s it.

Every second is a moment for them to decide the victory or defeat. Every attack requires precision and speed. And to maintain such a battle, it consumes a great deal of physical strength and energy.

“Great….. Great…”

“Are these two people… monsters!?”

“And… they haven’t used sword skills yet…”

Different from Xie Ming, the most important thing for players is sword skills, whether it is PK or boss battle. How to minimize the rigidity after performing sword skills and how to carry out sword skills are the foundation for top players.

“Persevere….. Persevere…. Continue to persevere…”

The light blue eyes flashed with determination and cold light. With experience and feeling, the weapon in his hand collided with the opponent’s weapon and then bounced away. This is a battle of speed and a battle of will.

Before the opponent turns over his first card, he must hold on to it. To win, this is the only way.

In terms of reaction speed, it is not as good as Yuuki. The attack speed is also inferior to her. But in terms of skill and endurance, I was given a swordsmanship course unique to me.

Maintaining the unique rhythm of breathing, Asuna continued to attack. At the same time, every time Asuna collided with the opponent’s weapon, Asuna would shake her wrist very slightly.There are not many things Xie Ming taught Asuna. One is the technique of vibration. The other is the breathing method when fighting. The latter, Master Asuna is very fast, after all, she often practices in daily life.

But for the former, even after half a year of training, Asuna doesn’t have a real Master. You can only influence the other party in this way. This is why, Asuna chose to drag the battle into a protracted battle.

Even if Yuuki has become accustomed to her current attack speed and habits, even if her Hp has been diminishing under the abrasions of Yuuki’s blade, she must stick to it.

Persevere until the quantity changes and turns into a qualitative change.


Suddenly feeling a little numb, Yuuki frowned, preparing to give up the current suppression, stepped back and adjusted. And this is exactly the opportunity Asuna is waiting for.

“It’s now!”

With a clear shout, light appeared on the blue and white rapier, which was a sign of the activation of sword skills. Asuna’s speed suddenly skyrocketed.

Explosive skills, meteors.


She stretched her fingers quickly, and Yuuki’s weapon also radiated light. The body revolved, and four whirlwind-like slashes suddenly blasted out.

Sword skills, horizontal cut in all directions.


Relying on the unloading technique to accept the opponent’s attack one after another, Asuna lowered her body again, preparing to bring back the difference in blood volume all at once. After all, as a shooting star, the freezing time is very short.

As a powerful attack sword skill, the level of the square cut, the longest freezing time can even reach more than 2 seconds.

This is an opportunity.

The blade flashed a light blue light again, and the tip of the sword quickly pointed out in the air, vertically and horizontally, forming a cross.

The rapier is a six combo fencing technique, a cross.

“Hmm! Great!!”

Yuuki uttered a shout of praise, but Asuna’s heart sank when she heard the shout. Being able to speak with extra energy means that the other party has not fully exerted its strength.

The black rapier flashed quickly like a phantom.


The crisp sound of Six Paths directly shattered the cross pierced by the rapier. Asuna also fell into stiffness due to the side effects of sword skills. Yuuki, it is naturally impossible to miss this opportunity.

“That’s it, Asuna!”

A gloomy light appeared on the black rapier. In my mind, the alarm bell rang loudly. Asuna understood that this was the opponent’s trick.

However, I am not unprepared.

Cross, but he is one of the few sword skills that drastically overcomes stiffness.

“It’s not over yet!”

With a wrong step, Asuna leaned down.

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