Chapter 1285 The Connection Between Sword Skill And Sword Skill

The original sword skill of 11 combos is undoubtedly Yuuki’s bottom-pressing technique. Although Asuna didn’t know anything about Yuuki’s original sword skills, she was a little guessing after fighting for so long.

Only relying on feeling and experience to fight, it is impossible to become the top player in the ALO. Constantly observing and thinking in battle is the most important thing.

First of all, Yuuki uses a one-handed sword that is almost as thick as a rapier. And in the previous battle, the number of times of using slashing attacks was not much, and more of them were the same stab-type moves.

Everyone knows the difficulty of creating original sword skills, so the created sword skills must be displayed in the way they are best at attack.

In other words, Yuuki’s 11 combo fencing skills must be a series of stabs. Coupled with the reaction speed and attack speed that she just demonstrated, she absolutely cannot dodge or parry.

Then, if you want to win, there is only one choice.

“Ding Ding Ding Ding…”

After four consecutive stabs, four red dots were left on Asuna’s chest, and three-quarters of Hp remained, which instantly dropped to one-half. At this time, the stiffness of using the cross sword technique had also disappeared.

Moreover, at the moment when she entered the stiffness, Asuna had already made the release of her sword skills in advance.

The name of this sword skill is…

“Star dust tears.”

The name of his original sword skill was silently recited in his heart, and the light blue thin sword in his hand turned into light and shadow, and the red dots formed by the piercing continued to be left on Yuuki’s body.

“Ding ding ding ding ding ding…”

“Ding ding ding ding ding.”

On Asuna’s chest, there was already an “X” made up of red dots. Similarly, five red dots appeared on the obsidian armor on Yuuki’s chest, forming a shape similar to tears.

But the difference is the blood volume of the two. Asuna’s health was only a little bit left after receiving the stab of ten combos. On the contrary, Yuuki’s Hp has about one-third left.

No matter how you look at it, Asuna is bound to lose. but….

“Don’t underestimate Asuna.”

Xie Ming, who was watching the battle, said with a smile. You know, the current Asuna, but even Kirito who is doing her best will be caught in a bitter battle.

As long as he doesn’t use the second sword flow.

“It’s not over yet!”

An astonishing aura erupted from the light blue eyes. After using the Oss (original sword skill), Asuna, who should have been frozen, actually moved again.

The stiffness still exists, so Asuna can’t move herself. However, if it was driven by sword skills, it would be another matter.

Kirito can use different sword skills with two swords and two swords to eliminate stiffness. This is Kirito’s uniqueness. But Asuna, also under countless trials, got her own unique move.

That is, the seamless connection between original sword skills and system sword skills!

Yuuki’s final blow was thrusting towards the center of the “X” on Asuna’s chest. Driven by the sword skills, Asuna also performed the final blow.

Rapier is one of the most advanced sword skills, dashing technique, flash piercing.

“”Ding! ! ! ! “”


The purple-black sword light and the white flash interlaced, and a strong wave of air erupted behind both sides. Smoke makes it impossible to see the result of the duel temporarily.


“in the end…..”

“The result will be…”

Everyone’s eyes were fixed on the center of the smoke, their hearts were agitating, and their fists were uncontrollably clenched because of tension. Such a fierce, high-level and wonderful duel, how can they not let their blood boil? How can they not let them want to see the final result?

Kirito’s arms tightened slightly, Liz swallowed, Lifa’s hands kept rubbing the scabbard around her waist, Silica hugged Bina tightly, and fortunately opened her eyes wide.



The smoke slowly dissipated, revealing the two figures inside. Yuuki’s sword stayed on Asuna’s chest. But Asuna’s sword penetrated Yuuki, causing her Hp to continue to decline.

Asuna froze for a while, then drew out her rapier, so that Yuuki’s blood volume finally stayed at the level of blood.


Pulling the weapon back into the scabbard, Asuna looked at Yuuki incomprehensibly, “Why did it end at the end? If I don’t draw the sword, I won.”

“Because there is no need to win or lose anymore.”

Facing Asuna’s question, Yuuki responded with a big smile. He stretched out his hands and held Asuna’s hands.

“I’ve decided, it’s you! Sister, we have found the one who needs it!”


Lan, who was standing on the side, walked over and whispered a spell to restore magic. The sound seems to have overlap, special and strange beauty. And all over her body, a different magic spell appeared.


A light green light flashed on Yuuki and Asuna’s body, returning their blood volume to the green area. It’s just that Asuna recovered more, while Yuuki’s recovered less.

Of course things, after all, sword skills have stiffness, and magic also has cooling. Impossible, cast the same healing magic twice at the same time.

Just like the seamless connection with Asuna’s Oss and System Sword Skills, only stardust tears and flash spikes can be combined.

“The dual use of magic…”

“These twins are too strong…”

Ignoring the exclamation of the audience, Yuuki and Ran looked at Asuna with joy and expectation in their eyes. Yuuki didn’t say a word, and immediately activated the wings behind her, and flew with Asuna.

“Let’s go, Asuna, come with my sister and me.”

“Hey? Huh? Wait…wait… Ming? Yui?”

Asuna couldn’t react a little, and subconsciously looked at Xie Ming’s side. As a result, they found that Xie Ming and Yui were waving at her together.


For Yui and Xie Ming’s performance, Asuna, who didn’t return to the wooden house until the night, naturally made a strong condemnation. However, as Xie Ming had already prepared a table of feast in advance, Asuna was’forced’ to forgive the two of them.

At the same time, he explained his decision to the two of them.

She wants to join the “Sleeping Knights” in the guild where Ran and Yuuki are, to help them overcome Aincrad’s newest boss. Engrave the names of everyone in the guild on the swordsman’s stele on the first floor.

In the original SAO, the names engraved on the stele of swordsmen were the names of players who died in the game and the time of their death. Sadness, anger, the meeting point of all negative emotions.

The swordsman’s stele is the tombstone of the players.

But in the new SAO, the monument of swordsman has become a symbol of glory. Because those who can leave a name on it are all players who have successfully defeated the tier boss.

It’s just that there is a problem.

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