Chapter 1286 Will provoke me in the future

The stele in the new SAO, the player name that can be recorded is limited. It is impossible to record the player names of every participating class of Boss. You know, the new SAO has 100 levels, and the highest number of players that each boss can challenge is 49.

If all the calculations are done and the Boss of each stratum is attacked by 49 people, then up to the 100th floor, the Stele of Swordsman will record 4900 player names.

Well, how big a monument is needed.

Therefore, if the Boss Raiders are conducted in different teams, only the captains of 7 teams can be recorded. And if there is only one team of seven full-management players, then the names of the seven can be recorded.

In other words, the boss of each level can only allow up to seven players to leave their names on the monument of swordsmen.

In this way, the problem arises.

“The Silent Knights Guild you are talking about is a small guild with only seven people, right?”

Putting the tea in his hand on the table, Xie Ming looked at Asuna: “They want to be separated soon, so they want to leave a proof of their sleeping knight on the Swordsman’s Monument.”

“That is to say, the names of the seven of them must be left on the Monument of Swordsmen. But if you join, the method of leaving names in the form of a small team will not work.”

“With your joining, there is only one way for all seven of them to leave their names.”

“A team is created by each of the seven Sleeping Knights, and then you join one of their seven teams. But in this way, Asuna, you can’t leave a name with them.”

“Well, I know. Yuuki and Ran also explained to me.”

Leaning her head lightly on Xie Ming’s shoulder, Asuna said softly, “However, I still decided to help them.”

“What everyone of the Sleeping Knight wants to do is to work hard together for the same goal, and work together to complete it. The record of the Swordsman’s Monument is just a trace.”

“What is really important is the memories we have together and the mood when we struggled together, isn’t it?”

“Yuki and the others have left memories in various VRMMO worlds, and finally decided to come to ALO ​​and come to the new SAO. Seeing them like this, I can’t help but want to support them, help them, and let them They all smiled.”

“So, it doesn’t matter if you can’t leave a record on the Monument of Swordsman with everyone. I just want to help them simply.”


Xie Ming laughed and held Asuna’s hand: “Then, just do it. Anyway, I’ll be there for everything. So, do it with confidence.”


Asuna showed a beautiful smile.


“Hey, yeah, I didn’t tell Asuna in the end.” Taking off the demonic modified version of NERvGear from his head, Xie Ming scratched his head with some annoyance: “No way, let Asuna go with worry. Go to the strategy with Yuuki and the others.”

“But, you can’t keep it from mom, dad.”

Flying out of the device and turning into a humanoid Yui said worriedly: “Sooner or later, Mom will find out. After all, Dad doesn’t know how long it will sneak this time.”

“Um… or Yui, stay in ALO and help Asuna.”

Xie Ming thought for a while, and asked: “Dungeons and Warriors are not unfamiliar to me. At most, the plot and characters have been forgotten. The rest seems to be nothing.”

“Asuna and the others will encounter a lot of difficulties with the 27th floor of the Boss strategy. With Yui’s support, it seems better. When the right time is right, Yui will tell Asuna about mine. matter.”

“Of course, if I had come back before then, it would be the best. And even if Yui you want to be with me, you may not be able to succeed.”

“…It can only be this way.”

After thinking about it with his arms folded, Yui reluctantly came to a conclusion.

“OK, it’s so decided.”

Touching Yui’s head, Xie Ming got up and went to the kitchen: “After eating, let’s work harder.”

The next day, at Tong Gu’s house, Tong Gu Souha, who was eating a slice of bread, choked directly when he saw a certain VRMMO news that hit the headlines.

[Blood-clothed swordsman shines the butcher knife again! That night, the wailing of the players was full of ALO. 】

“Brother… Brother!! Brother Xie Ming doesn’t know what is going crazy!!!”

“Why… What’s wrong, Xiaozhi!? Edmond, what did he do?”

“Just look at it!”

“…Who else provoke him?”

Looking at the content in the news, Kirito’s stunned expression did not disappear for a long time.


“Okay, it’s almost time to go.”

After tidying up the house a bit, Xie Ming put on his coat and was about to go out. Kikuoka Seijiro’s car is already waiting for him downstairs.

Then, the phone rang, it was Asuna.

“Hello? What’s wrong?”

“What else can happen.”

Asuna on the other end of the call was full of helplessness: “Did anyone offend you last night?”

“Um… to be precise, they will provoke me in the future.”


“After all, you see, you and the Sleeping Knights are not going to attack the 27th floor of the boss. But those guilds that focus on attacking the boss, naturally, it is impossible for you to attack like this. Sure, they will use some small tricks.”

“In this case, I will first kill their proficiency and level to the point where it is temporarily impossible to attack. Then, you can rest assured to attack?”


Asuna didn’t know what to say for a moment. Moved? It’s very touched. But, what is this funny feeling that cannot be described in words.

Oh, no one is so domineering. Because I’m worried about you playing small tricks, I kill you to the point where it’s useless to use small tricks. this…….

“Don’t worry, I have asked Eugene to speak out for me.”

Xie Ming said casually: “The serious guy felt sorry for me in the original ALO, and always wanted to find a chance to make up. This time, he just asked him to help.”

“Threatening guilds have been dealt with by me. The remaining guilds that want to opportunistic will also be blocked by Eugene’s lead. Coupled with my deterrent power there, you can already attack the 27th floor with confidence. .”

“So, come on~”

“…Um.” Asuna said softly, “I’ll be back soon. So, you have to be back soon.”

“…Don’t worry, trust me.”

Gently hung up the phone, Xie Ming gave a wry smile and opened the door of the room. How could such a smart girl as Asuna not discover anything from this incident?

Looking down from the corridor of the apartment, Seijiro Kikuoka smiled and waved to himself beside the black car.

“Then, let’s go.”

Go to the unknown world, the continent of Arad.

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