Chapter 1289 Grand Forest

The Grand Forest is located in the center of the three major countries of the Arad continent: Xuzu, Belmar Principality, and Delos Empire. It is also the original race: the place where the elves live.

However, under a fire full of conspiracy, the elves disappeared, and the Grand Forest also began to undergo a strange change. All the animals and plants living in the forest began to change and violently. In the end, it became a foreign land where humans were forbidden to set foot.

Only those who have enough abilities, or those who are stunned enough, can step into this land without fear. But of the two, few people can really leave alive.

A powerful person is naturally not afraid of the violent and alienated animals and plants in the Gran Forest. However, it will get lost.

Even if the elves have disappeared for so long, the remaining one-and-a-half magic circle can also play a very terrifying effect. There are many people who claim to be high-powered. In the forest.

Therefore, when Xie Ming understood his position, the first thought that appeared in his head was to leave. First of all, there is nothing on him, and now there is only one more inferior bent axe from the goblin chief.

A cloth suit and shoes, no one looks like the dress that can walk in the forest.

The second is to understand the current timeline.

The specific plot of the dungeon and the warrior can be divided into three parts: ancient times, before the great migration, and after the great migration.

Ancient times, naturally refers to what happened on the continent of Arad in ancient times. As for the specific content of the transfer, Xie Ming can’t remember clearly.

He only knew that a huge explosion occurred in the Arad continent, almost reshuffling the entire map, and countless people disappeared and died. And people call this disaster the Great Shift.

However, Xie Ming also wanted to remember that this so-called big transfer was a book-eating incident. It seems that everything before and after the Great Shift has been directly fooled by the parallel universe. So naturally he can’t judge this Arad continent by the plot of the game, he can only investigate and find out by himself.

However, it is not to say that the original game memory will not help him in any way. Some monsters that have long been forgotten, but when you actually see them, you will remember their names somewhat.

The most numerous races in the Grand Forest are nothing more than those: zombies, goblins, tauren, and…

As the youth continued to advance, the originally dense forests began to change. The soil and air became more humid, and the environment became deeper and deeper. From time to time, the grass next to it will make a ‘shoo shoo’ sound.

It was the sound of some kind of agile creature passing by.

In this forest, there was only one creature in Xie Ming’s memory that met the two conditions of agility and dexterity.

“Cat demon…?”


One by one, brown, skinny cat-shaped humanoids crawled out of the grass everywhere. Under the messy and smelly hair, the vertical pupils shed a faint white light.

The sharp claws and teeth gleam with cold light under the rays of sunlight that shines through the green shade. Their throats are constantly agitating, and there is malice and murder in their low growl. Obviously, Xie Ming was targeted by this group of cat monsters.

Of course, this group of cat monsters are not all brown ordinary cat monsters. Several of them are obviously different in status. Their whole body is pitch black. The cat monsters who seem to have an ominous atmosphere just moved away from the grass surrounded by the cat monsters. come out.

That is one of the special alien species in the cat demon, cursing the cat demon.

Hunting with your own claws and teeth, combined with dexterous and agile movements, is the attack method of the cat monsters. And the curse cat demon, on this basis, has an extra ability.


Darkly cursing the cat demon’s attack is accompanied by curses and toxins. Of course, even if it is an ordinary cat monster, the body will be infected with the virus if it is clawed by this group of dirty guys. But cursing the cat demon is naturally impossible to be so simple.

The dark attribute energy attached to the curse will continue to erode the body. The toxins will gradually spread throughout the body, destroying your body. After being infected with the poison of the curse cat demon, there are only three actions you can do.

First, expect your body to be strong enough to resist toxins.

Second, take detoxification agents or related foods that can detoxify.

Third, wait for death.

In the game, the player naturally chooses the first and second behaviors. After all, the character he is manipulating is not an ordinary person, and the toxin cursing the cat demon is not painful to the character at all.

And if you want to detoxify, the monster will drop some antidote. Even if you don’t want to detoxify, but the blood volume is low, the recovery items that are constantly falling are enough for you to pass the level easily.

But in reality, this is naturally impossible.

Although Xie Ming didn’t understand the physical quality of his consciousness projection, what level it was on the continent of Arad. But what is certain is that it is impossible for him to catch the cat’s paw or be bitten, and he will be safe.

This ordinary commoner, even if it is cut by a sharp branch, will open a hole directly. If you look forward to its defensive power, you might as well expect the villain not to do anything.

Taking ten thousand steps back, Xie Ming doesn’t want to be slapped by the time, and take off the skins of these stinky cat monsters or tauren skins to make clothes, so he can’t suffer such grievances.

Moreover, he couldn’t expect this group of cat monsters to let him out of Gran Forest. After all, although the cat monster is a creature with a certain degree of intelligence, whether it can communicate with humans normally, whether it can communicate with humans, is still a question mark.

But for the time being, Xie Ming asked the leading dark curse cat demon without hope.

“I am too lazy to fight with you. I just want to get out of the Gran Forest. If you can take me out of the Gran Forest and return to the human town, I won’t hurt you. Or…”

Xie Ming asked calmly as a blood-red killing intent mist gradually exuded from his body.

“Do you think you can successfully hunt me?”


When seeing the wave of killing intent, all the cat monsters instantly arched their bodies, showing their sharp teeth, and their claws slammed into the mud. The instinct from animals tells them that the humans in front of them are monsters they cannot resist.

But it is not what they said to retreat, it depends on the decision of the cursed cat demon in the end.

However, it is clear that these curse cat monsters do not have that high level of intelligence. From the moment Xie Ming revealed the fluctuations in killing intent, they immediately obeyed their instincts and turned around and ran away.

In an instant, the entire encirclement net disappeared. In the past twenty cat monsters, all of them scattered around.


With a light sigh, Xie Ming looked at the running back of the few cursed cat demon, and the corners of his mouth slightly twitched.

“Since I’m running away, let me follow a little bit. It’s better to follow you aboriginals than to just wander around by myself.”

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