Chapter 1290 Bloodthirsty Cat Demon Seamo

Following this group of cat monsters, it can be said that Xie Ming’s first correct decision after coming to this world. Because while following the cat demon, Xie Ming thought over and over again, and finally came to a conclusion.

Looks like you have ever had a chance to leave Gran Forest?

If you change to another player, you will definitely be knocked out by the goblins at the time, and then be sold to the arena of the Delos Empire to learn about gladiators.

Although the cultivation of gladiators is cruel and bloody, it is a relatively suitable place for newcomers. It’s not possible, I still feel that when I came to another world, I immediately followed some mysterious powerhouse to learn.

However, I am afraid that every player has a different situation. For Xie Ming, his situation may be that he was sold to the arena of the Empire by the goblins. It’s just that he didn’t act according to the script and killed the goblins.

Thinking calmly, he could have reached an agreement with the group of goblins at that time. First use the killing intent wave to deter you, and then ‘reason (physics)’ with them. Let them pretend to be captured by them, and then let them sell themselves to the imperial arena before they escape. This is not enough.

After all, creatures like goblins are greedy and timid. How could they not agree to this method that can earn gold coins without hurting their lives?

At that time, everything happened too quickly, so Xie Ming directly adopted the most common method he used to deal with the enemy. As a result, he is now following the cat monsters.

But because of this, Xie Ming also had another chance. This group of cat monsters brought him directly to his lair.

A hollow was dug out in the trunk, which contained various messy things and nests built with branches and leaves. In a few dens, there are still cat demon screaming.

And with the return of the leading few cursed cat monsters, the group of cat monsters that had been scattered before also returned here one by one. Moreover, each cat monster has a different prey in its mouth.

Birds and beasts, fruits, and some rotten pieces of meat that cannot see the original owner.

It seemed that this group of cat monsters was supposed to go hunting, but unfortunately they ran into Xie Ming. When there is no alternative, they can only be broken into pieces, and then hunt in a safe place.

Of course, these are all Xie Ming’s guesses. After all, what the cat demon was thinking, how could he know so clearly.

However, Xie Ming was really surprised that the few cursed cat monsters were not the real bosses of this group of cat monsters. In this lair, there are still nearly ten cursed cat monsters crawling in their lair.

The real boss is a blood-red cat demon crawling in the most central and largest tree hole. Its official scientific name is: Bloodthirsty Cat Demon.

It can be said that the bloodthirsty cat demon is definitely one of the most powerful alien species in the cat demon. Incapable of speed and dexterity, as well as headaches and negative states. I believe that every old DNF player may still have fresh memories of this guy.

In the game, if the character is attacked by the bloodthirsty cat monster, he will enter an extremely exaggerated bleeding state. One bad thing is the resurrection coin or the weak state. And if it is bitten by a bloodthirsty cat demon, it will recover a large amount of Hp.

If the character is already in a bleeding state, the bloodthirsty cat demon will also go into violent, that is, the kind of blood that will kill you. If something like this rushes in a big nest, it will make your scalp numb.

As for why the bite of the bloodthirsty cat demon is a headache, it is because the bloodthirsty cat will enter the domineering state during the bite. If you don’t have compulsory control skills, you can only dodge or be bitten, then bleed, and then the bloodthirsty cat will go into raging.

In places like Gran Forest, there will be monsters like bloodthirsty cat monsters that only appear in high-level areas, which is enough to prove that the reality is different from the game.

If everything is judged according to the game, even Xie Ming may not be able to bear it.

However, the bloodthirsty cat demon in front of him did not seem to be in a very good state. There is no madness or fierce atmosphere on his body, and the white vertical pupils exuding dim light are even more listless.

It seems, a dull old man.

“Older bloodthirsty cat monster?”

Standing on a thick branch in the distance, Xie Ming raised his eyebrows with interest. It is a fact that the cat demon has a certain amount of wisdom. And the stronger the alien cat demon, the higher the wisdom.

And an old bloodthirsty cat monster, I am afraid that wisdom will not lose to some human wise men. After all, the bloodthirsty cat monster, such a crazy death squad monster, can live to old age, which is enough to show that it will not be driven by its own instinct.

“Would you like to go there and ask it for information?”

Rainbow lights flickered in his pupils, looking at the cat demon lair in the distance, Xie Ming felt his chin and thought. But soon, reality helped him make a decision.

The bloodthirsty cat monster, who was talking with the curse cat monster, slowly raised his head. Youbai’s eyes actually met Xie Ming.


Seeing the bloodthirsty cat demon extending his front paws and beckoning in his direction, Xie Ming blinked: “This bloodthirsty cat demon is really alive.”

You know, in order to prevent himself from being exposed, he has separated a considerable distance to prevent the smell or other things from letting himself be detected by the cat demon in front of him. But unexpectedly, this bloodthirsty cat demon actually found himself.


I have to say that Xie Ming is more interested in this bloodthirsty cat demon. It definitely has a wealth of experience and knowledge. Perhaps, I can get some important information from him.

No matter how bad it is, you should be able to learn from it how to leave the Gran Forest and go to the human city.

As for whether it would be a trap, Xie Ming didn’t consider it.

Even if he only had a curved axe he had brought from the Goblin Captain, the Great Master of Swordsmanship could not be dealt with by a bloodthirsty cat demon with a group of trash fish. Is it possible that an apostle can jump out of the lair of a group of cat demon?

Jumping between the bushes several times, Xie Ming fell in front of the bloodthirsty cat demon. There is no unpleasant smell in the nest. The other cursed cat demon and cat demon also returned to their tree hole, shining with their gloomy eyes, staring at Xie Ming closely.

Therefore, in the open space in front of the Big Tree Cave, there were only Xie Ming and this bloodthirsty cat demon.

“Human powerhouse, first of all let me express my gratitude to you.”

Some hoarse voices came from the bloodthirsty cat monster’s mouth. It calmly looked at Xie Ming and said faintly: “My name is Seamo. Thank you for letting go of my descendants.”

“this is nothing.”

Sitting cross-legged casually in front of the bloodthirsty cat demon who called himself Seamus, Xie Ming said indifferently.

“If they slammed and attacked me, naturally they would all be dead. But since they didn’t attack, I didn’t have to kill them either.”

“…There is no need to kill?”

Xie Ming’s words made Seamo stunned for a moment, and then the gaze looking at Xie Ming became a little strange.

“Even if my descendants might kill other humans in the future?”

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