Chapter 1291 Kazan Syndrome

“That’s afterwards.”

Xie Ming said indifferently: “If adventurers want to kill you, it is only natural for you to kill them. If you want to hunt humans, then it is natural for humans to kill you.”

“The killer must naturally have the consciousness of being killed.”

“Ha, ha, ha, ha, indeed, that’s the truth.” Seamus laughed hoarsely: “But not all creatures can be seen as open as you. So, I still need to say to you. Thanks.”

“After all, although I can’t live for long, I still hope that these little guys can be safe while I’m alive.”

“In this case, I hope you can answer my questions honestly.”

“Please speak.”

“The first question, why can you find me?”

Looking at the bloodthirsty cat demon in front of him, Xie Ming asked in a puzzled manner: “I know that the nose and ears of the cat demon race are very smart, so I specially distanced and reduced the range of motion. It stands to reason, even if It’s a special individual like you, and you shouldn’t find me so far away.”

“Can you tell me what is the reason?”

“…Special individual?”

Repeating these four words again, there was a trace of deep hatred and a deep sense of powerlessness in Seamus’s tone. But this emotion only appeared for a moment.

“I am the one who ran out of the test field of the Delos Empire, originally an ordinary cat monster.”

“Delos Empire? Proving Ground?” An answer appeared in Xie Ming’s heart.

“Yes, the name of the test site is the Birmack Empire Test Site.”

Seamus said lightly: “And there, I also changed from an ordinary cat demon to the bloodthirsty cat demon among the imperial experimenters.”

“Although the Birmack Empire Proving Ground was claimed to be due to a special material, Terra Stone, which caused a biological mutation, it was blocked by relevant empire personnel. However, it was only used by the empire to deceive unsuspecting personnel.”

“The mutation of Terra Stone will turn a tauren into a mechanical tauren? Sometimes you humans like to do these shameless things.”

“So, you were originally an experimental subject of the Delos Empire?”

“One of the experimental subjects.” Seamus stretched out his paws and scratched his hair: “In the Birmack Empire Proving Ground, a lot of research has been carried out. And those experimenters’ research on our cat monsters is all kinds of forces. Combination.”

“The appearance of the bloodthirsty cat demon is the successful experiment obtained by those experimenters who infected the cat demon with Kazan syndrome.”

“Kazan syndrome…”

Kazan is a ghost known as destruction. But in history, he was the predecessor of the Delos Empire, the general of the Perus Empire, and one of the most legendary figures in the history of the Delos Empire.

The Perus Empire at that time can be said to be crisscrossing the Arad continent. Its reliance is the imperial general Kazan and his deputy, Ozma, the strongest magician in the empire.

But Kazan’s strength is too strong. The prestige among the people even surpassed that of the imperial emperor. The so-called flying birds are good, good bows are hidden; cunning rabbits die, lackeys cook. Therefore, in order to prevent Kazan from rebelling, the then imperial emperor framed Kazan and accused him of rebellion.

Knowing that Kazan actually rebelled, in perplexity and anger, Ozma, a close friend of Kazan, personally suppressed the rebellious sinner. In the entire empire, only he, the strongest magician in the empire, has the ability to fight Kazan.

However, when the two were exhausted, the Imperial Army appeared. All the people who were related to the two were killed, and Kazan was cut off from his hand, and was exiled to the other end of the Rustlu Mountains to fend for himself.

Ozma was imprisoned in prison. After all, as the strongest magician in the empire, he still has a certain use value. As long as he doesn’t have such strong power and prestige.

During his prison life, Ozma learned that everything was a conspiracy of the imperial emperor. Having lost his best friends, family and relatives, Ozma is completely desperate for the world. He accepted Shinigami’s offer to him, and at the cost of his soul, he gained the power to destroy the world.

Ozma, became the ghost of chaos.

He found the lingering Kazan, transformed him into the ghost of destruction, and asked Kazan to plunge the world into purgatory with him. But Kazan, rejected Ozma’s request, and began to wander the Arad continent alone as a ghost.

In the process of wandering, Kazan possessed countless creatures. All creatures he possessed will get a condition called Kazan Syndrome. Once the disease occurs, the pupils of the patient change color, and the strength and speed are greatly increased, but they cannot maintain their sanity. So far, there is no treatment.

The only way to delay the onset is to try to avoid making one’s mood swings too intense.

There are also special cases among infected patients. Their left hand will be affected by Kazan’s ghostly power and become a ghost hand. However, patients with Kazan syndrome have a different talent for swords than ordinary people.

Therefore, the existence of Ghost Swordsman was born.

But what Xie Ming didn’t expect was that the bloodthirsty cat demon was actually caused by Kazan syndrome. Also right, how could the Delos Empire, as a **** country, let go of such a powerful force as Kazan Syndrome?

“Bloodthirsty cat demon is naturally not the only successful experiment. The empire also combined various elemental powers with cat demon to give birth to fickle cat demon. Combining the power of the demon in the demon world with the cat demon, the name Stubborn was born. Harnik’s special cat demon.”

“In addition to the cat demon, the empire has other research animals. Tauren, goblins, and…you humans yourself.”

Slightly raised his eyes and glanced at the yellow mask placed in the corner of his tree hole, Seamus squinted his eyes.

“Humans are far more terrifying than the monsters in your mouth.”

“I don’t deny this.”

Xie Ming said frankly: “Go on, what happened in the end.”

“Later, they killed themselves.”

There was a faint ridicule in his tone, and Seamus sneered: “It seems that it was because of the failure to communicate with the devil and the uncontrollable energy to run away. Finally, in that big bang, Bill Mark became the desert now. But the experimental body, naturally. Not all died.”

“The Imperial Knights, after knowing this, naturally will not let us go. Until now, they are still hunting, hunting and killing us these surviving creatures.”

“If it is the experimental body discovered by the public, it is called the abnormal change caused by Terra Stone. As an excuse, there are naturally many empires. And I, the knights hunted and fleeed continuously, and finally escaped the pursuit. And settled here.”

“As time goes by, my body has become more and more compatible with Kazan syndrome. From the original easy to lose my mind, now it is now controllable. At the same time, I have also acquired some of the berserkers’ ability to have the blood. Perception and manipulation capabilities.”

“However, you have good control over your body. Even if we are so close, if I don’t perceive it carefully, I won’t be able to perceive the blood in your body. So it was the broken axe in your hand that caused you to be discovered by me. ”

“The smell of goblin blood above is too obvious in my eyes.”

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