Chapter 1292 Seam’s Entrustment

Although Seamus said it was an understatement, the hidden information contained in it was too numerous to count.

Kazan syndrome, in the final analysis, is due to the power of the ghost and god Kazan remaining in the body behind Kazan. And through this power, patients can communicate with Kazan ontology.

The power of ghosts and gods is quite terrifying. You know, also infected with Kazan Syndrome. After the dark elf Luxi completely liberated Kazan’s power of ghosts and gods, the burst of power even directly killed Shilock, one of the thirteen apostles.

The apostle can be said to be one of the most powerful beings in the entire DNF world. Even if Shilock was in a weak state because of the environment, it was something that could be killed casually.

Unleash the power of the ghosts and gods of Kazan, and even pull the apostle off the horse directly. It’s no wonder that the Pelos Empire would have this idea of ​​power.

However, cat monsters are different from humans and elves, and their innate conditions determine where the upper limit of cat monsters will not be as high. Coupled with Kazan, it is unlikely that one by one will possess creatures like cat demon.

Therefore, those imperial experimenters should use the method of injection to inject a little Kazan ghost power into the cat demon’s body, thereby causing the cat demon’s alienation.

But even so, Seamus, who can master the power of these ghosts and gods, is probably the top existence in the cat demon race. If the empire is to know the existence of such a special individual, I am afraid that it will be found through the entire Forest of Lorraine.

“You are not afraid that I will tell the empire about you in the Forest of Lorraine?”

Xie Ming looked at Seamus with interest: “Your value to the empire, I am afraid you know better than me. I don’t believe that a cat demon who can escape the imperial knights will casually tell such important things to a stranger. Humanity.”

“Either, what you just said was all lies. Or, you have confidence in your own strength, so you have no fear. Or…you want to be with me and plot something.”

“Honestly, what is your purpose?”

“…I have been alive for a long time. In the cat demon race, probably no one has lived longer than me.”

After a moment of silence, Seamus said with emotion: “I have hidden in the dark places of the city, garbage dumps, sewers. In order to survive, I have killed many innocent humans. Sometimes, I will also wonder why I To live so hard.”

“In the end, the answer is hatred.”

“But in Lorraine Forest these years, watching these little guys grow up, the hatred is buried deep in my heart. I begin to think that it’s not bad just to watch them die like this.”

“But today, you are here.”


Xie Ming is a little inexplicable, what does it have to do with him. He is not from the empire, if he is really forced, he should also be regarded as an imaginary ancestor.

“Yes, it’s you.”

Seamus looked at Xie Ming calmly: “I have seen too many things and people, but you are the first. You are willing to talk to a cat monster on an equal footing, and your own strength is extremely powerful.”

“On this point, I dare to use the survival and death of myself and the ethnic group to affirm that you will never go with the empire. Therefore, I want to issue a commission to you.”

“At the beginning, on the way to escape, I rescued a little girl who was also chased by the imperial knights. And with her, escaped to Huttonmar. But because I am a cat demon, it is impossible to be in a human city. Life.”

“After placing her in Huttonmar, I entered the Gran Forest. Unknowingly, more than five years have passed. I had secretly entered Huttonmar and wanted to see her, but looked for It took a long time, but she was nowhere to be seen.”

“So, do you want me to find this little girl?” Xie Ming raised his eyebrows.

“If you can find it, it will naturally be the best result. If you can’t find it, you can find some clues or traces. I only hope that you can take this matter to your heart a little. Just pay attention to it.”

“Regardless of the outcome, I will now give you the reward for this commission. Believe me, this is the reward that can move you.”

After speaking, Seamus stood up, walked slowly into his big tree hole, and took out two things from it. One is a horn that looks unusually sharp. The other is a stone that seems to have a lot of weight.

“Those empires are right about one thing. After the big bang, Bill Mark did appear as a mysterious mineral like Terra Stone. If you sell it to those alchemists, you can get quite a lot of money.”

Putting the two things in front of Xie Ming, Seamus laughed hoarsely.

“In order to survive, I took a lot of things from Bill Mark. But the valuable ones were either used on the road or lost. Or they were given to the little girl. I only left a few items. .”

“One is this terrane stone ore with a fairly good density. The other is the weapon I used when I fled. The horns taken from the corpse of the Bull Head Commander infected with Kazan Syndrome.”

“This horn contains quite impressive magical fluctuations. For those Ashura who uses magical power, it is a dream weapon. Along the way, the number of Ashuras that have made my mind because of it is almost catching up with the empire. The knight.”

“Although to you, this may not be a handy weapon. But it’s better than that goblin’s broken axe, right?”

“The two items are the commission I paid in advance. If you can find her, if you can, I hope you can bring her back to see me. If she is dead, I hope you can bring back some of her belongings. .”

“My old body should have no problem living for a few more years. So the commission time is set before my death. I don’t know this, can you accept it?”


After looking at the two objects Seamo took out, and then at Seamo, Xie Ming asked faintly after being silent for a few seconds.

“That girl’s name, looks.”

“Long wavy silver hair, slightly dim red pupils. On the earlobe of the left ear, there are three moles that are close together. The words are a bit unpleasant, but she doesn’t have any malicious intentions.”

Seamus squinted his eyes and recalled as he recalled: “From the perspective of human aesthetics, she can be regarded as a great beauty. More than five years have passed, and she should be about 16 or 17 years old.”

“By the way, you are not allowed to hit her idea.”


Xie Ming looked at Seamus calmly, without speaking.

“She has a lot of strength, so she should use an epee or a giant sword. I have told her that choosing a blunt weapon is better than her swinging a giant sword, but she mocked me for being stubborn.”

“…So, where’s the name?”

“Oh, by the way, I haven’t told you her name yet.” Seamus scratched his hair and said softly.

“Lisalyn, this is her name.”

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