Chapter 1293 Huttonmar

“Huh, finally figured it out.”

Looking at the lively and bustling city not far away, Xie Ming, who finally walked out of the Gran Forest, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After bidding farewell to Seamus, he followed a cursed cat demon and came to a path in the forest with traces of trampling. And after walking in the direction pointed by the curse cat demon for almost three hours, he finally felt the human breath.

This shows how deeply he had gone deep into the Gran Forest before. If he hadn’t encountered this group of cat monsters, it would probably take him more than half a month to get out of the forest.

But the fact that he is close to the town means that he will meet the people of Arad. During this section of the way to Huttonmar, he has already met many adventurers who went to the Grand Forest and returned to the city from the Grand Forest.

And how he looks like a civilian in his clothes and shoes. However, there will be civilians who will come out of the Gran Forest with a calm face. Are there any injuries on their bodies?

Therefore, during this period of time, many adventurers naturally gave him a ‘watching ceremony’, but no one came up to talk to or make trouble, which made Xie Ming a little regretful.

After all, he is now penniless, and if he wants to live in the city, money is naturally indispensable. The cat demon lair where Seamus is located, naturally it is impossible to have such a thing as gold coins.

I also said before that Seamer left most of his body to the girl named Ryshalin before entering the Gran Forest. Among them, it was useless for it, but the gold coins that were important to Ryshalin were naturally all left.

But having said that, Xie Ming still got a very important bonus equipment from Seamus. It can be regarded as the addition of the two entrusted funds of Terra Stone and the horns of the Bull Head Commander.

It has basically become the basic equipment for adventurers on the Arad continent, the space bag.

After running for such a long time, Seamer has naturally killed countless people. And the space bags on those people naturally belong to Seamer. After all, Tyra’s rough stone and horns, it can’t escape all the way with his back.

When Xie Ming asked it if there were anything that could hold things like cloth bags, cloth strips, etc., even if it was Seamus who felt that Xie Ming was very strange, he was surprised for a while.

Finally, it took a cloth bag from its tree hole and gave it to Xie Ming.

The space bag is a piece of equipment promoted by the Wizards’ Guild and the Alchemists’ Guild on the Arad continent how many years ago. Today, it has become one of the main sources of funds for the two major guilds.

Just like the rarity of equipment, space bags naturally have different levels of distinction. The criterion for distinguishing is naturally the amount of storage space for cloth bags.

Just like the settings in most fantasy novels, as long as you communicate with the space bag through your own mental power, you can open the bag to put in and take out items. Except for their own mental power, no one can open the space bag.

And when the owner of the space bag dies, the ‘password’ that was locked on the space bag will naturally be unlocked. Therefore, things like killing people and surrendering goods are very common on the Arad continent.

As for the fact that the space bag may be damaged by fierce fighting in battle, it has been improved a lot today. The defensive power of the space bag is directly proportional to the strength of the holder.

Before Seymour entered the Gran Forest, the highest level of space bag it knows, its defensive power can even withstand the fluctuations of the battle between the awakened strong. Of course, it was an awakening.

The space bag it gave to Xie Ming was obtained from a captain of the Knights of the Delos Empire. According to Seamer, this space bag is also a good thing.

At least in its battles so far, this space bag has not been affected. The strongest enemy Seamo has ever encountered is the mid-range powerhouse with at least two skill specializations. That person was also the strongest imperial knight it had ever encountered.

Ignoring the various sights around him, Xie Ming walked into Huttonmar along the flow of people. As I said before, the current Arad continent has three countries. The Delos Empire, the Duchy of Belmar and the ancestors.

Huttonmar, the capital of the Belmar Principality, is also the most prosperous city on the Arad continent. The Principality of Belmar also attaches great importance to the cultural and economic development of its own country.

People live and work in peace and contentment, and live freely, making it the most open and free country among the three countries. And because the head of the priesthood is located in Huttonmar, plus a thigh that you can’t afford to be in this city if you are not careful, the law and order is quite good.

Every year, adventurers, businessmen, and scholars from various countries and regions come to Huttonmar to communicate, so in order to encourage this atmosphere, Huttonmar does not implement the entrance fee system like the empire.

This is also one of the more important reasons why Xie Ming decided to come to Huttonmar.

If you talk about the two most distinctive points of Huttonmar, then it should be the magical installations full of streets and alleys, and the buildings that are almost pure white in color.

The former is a natural product brought about by the development of economy and trade. The latter is related to the history of the creation of the Duchy of Belmar.

In the predecessor of the Delos Empire, when the Perus Empire was in civil war due to the disaster caused by Ozma, a great magician named Mar turned the desert in the center of the continent into an oasis through the magic circle. And all the refugees in the war were moved here.

Subsequently, Mar declared independence and created the Duchy of Belmar.

The Perus Empire was in economic decline due to the continuing civil war, and the ancestors were as Buddha-nature as before. The people all pursued strong power without the idea of ​​launching a war. Only the Duchy of Belmar continued to develop its economy and maintained its neutrality during the Civil War in the Perus Empire.

In the end, he became the center of economic and trade development on the Arad continent.

And because Mar, the founder of the Principality, likes white, a color that symbolizes purity, almost all buildings in the Principality of Belmar are white.

In this way, the principality can be regarded as a country like a paradise on earth. However, it is not without criticism. That is the Duchy of Belmar, which hardly develops the country’s military power.

If it is eroded by evil forces, then the priesthood in this country will come forward to solve it. If there is a disaster or an invasion, it will be resisted by the reinforcements of the Delos Empire and the Void Ancestor.

Such wise ideas and countermeasures are really unheard of. Relying on the support of a **** country like the Delos Empire, what is the difference between this and a tiger seeking skin?

Also because of the Principality’s style of inaction in military development, the Imperial Knights have basically no scruples in the Principality. Intervene as much as you want in the internal affairs of the public. Because of the big fat sheep of the Duchy of Belmar, the Delos Empire, which was rebuilt after the Civil War, would recover so quickly.

Of course, these are all about Xie Ming. Unless the Delos Empire provokes him, he won’t bother to care about the mess between these countries.

Therefore, defining Xie Ming as a Xuzuren is really no problem at all.

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