Chapter 1294 Goblin Merchant Sherlock

For Xie Ming, the first thing he did when he came to Huttonmar was to make money. Without money, he really couldn’t do anything.

In this world, there is no Sai Liya hotel that provides food and lodging for free, and there is no vocational instructor who can teach you skills for free. No matter where you go, no matter what you do, you need to spend money.

Fortunately, during the three hours of walking out of the Gran Forest, many monsters with no eyes came to attack him, which can be regarded as giving Xie Ming an upfront fund.

The hands, fur and beard of the ordinary goblin, the marks of the ten-husband of the goblin, the nails and teeth of the cat monster, the horns and fur of the minotaur, the horns and hair of the minotaur, relying on their own already somewhat fuzzy In memory, Xie Ming will collect a lot of this material.

But materials are definitely not enough. If there is no market to replace these materials with money, Xie Ming will still be a pauper.

If you can go directly to the material store to sell it, it won’t work. As a result, he was a novice collecting these materials, and he was very simple and rude. Selling such materials directly to material stores is not a wise move.

There are a lot of materials, and the collection method is so simple and rude, it is easy to cause some misunderstandings. For example, what if a cute new adventurer is lucky enough to enter a suitable hunting spot?

When the time comes, the trouble will come one by one. Although it can counter-kill, but the trash fish that can create new ideas, what good things can they have on their bodies?

Therefore, based on the idea that more is worse than less, Xie Ming did not enter the well-decorated material shops on both sides of the main street in Huttonmar. Instead, following a small group of people, making a turn and heading towards the depths of Huttonmar.

There, there is a seller who is most suitable for people like him.


Compared with the prosperous places like the main street, central square, and Shizheng Street, Huttonmar’s old city seems a little deserted. Relatively, it seems a bit dangerous.

Many punks leaned against the walls of the alley, looking at everyone passing by here one by one, choosing suitable prey.

Some people may ask, if you are afraid of trouble, why you want to come to a more troublesome place like the old city. Isn’t these punks also troublesome?

If you think this way, you are quite wrong. Compared with the trash adventurers who can regenerate greed in the material store, the guys who can mix well in the old city are either smart enough, or the background is hard enough, or the strength is strong enough.

But these people all have one thing in common, they have very strong eyesight. Although they don’t have to look at people accurately, they can definitely tell who can be provoked and who can’t be provoked.

Especially those guys who look different at first glance and look weird. Such people are either crazy pervert or come to fish. No matter what it is, it is not someone they can provoke.

They were really stunned, they could tell at a glance. After all, the stupid energy braving all over the body is absolutely impossible to pretend.

And people like Xie Ming who wore some dirty commoners and shoes were definitely not within the attack range of the gangsters in the old city. After all, it looks like a compatriot in the old city.

For those of them who live in the old city, it is not easy. If you still don’t unite a little, it deserves to be bullied by those bastards from the empire!

As gangsters, they also have their own ethics.

Stare, and stare at those young masters who have come to take risks from the empire to rob the rich and help the poor. A meal of chaotic sticks, bricks, sand, and the sky blasted up, and those young masters who had no combat experience could not bear it.

With the strange and friendly sights cast from everywhere, Xie Ming walked along the road signs for a while, and finally found his goal.

A bearded goblin in a light brown overcoat, a hat and a cane, and a pair of glasses on his long nose.

At this moment, it just greeted a man in a cloak. Judging from the expression on its face, it seemed that it was still a regular customer.

“Yo, the guests go slowly~ Welcome to visit the Sherlock store next time!”

Waved at the cloaked figure, the goblin turned his gaze to Xie Ming, who was walking towards him. He glanced at Xie Ming quickly, and evaluated his clothes, expressions, steps and other details.

Then, draw a conclusion from the bottom of my heart.

“It may be a big opportunity, but it will also be accompanied by big troubles.”

As a goblin, a goblin named Sherlock will naturally have a different response in a human city. Lao La’s eyesight and his guess and judgment about the situation don’t know how many times he has saved it.

Customers like Xie Ming are a gamble for Sherlock. But whether to raise a bet in this gambling or not, you still need to actually contact the customer before you can judge. So no matter what, the reception still has to be received.

“Ah~Guest, welcome to the Sherlock shop. I wonder if you want to buy something or sell something?”

“Sell all kinds of monster materials, in a lot of quantities.”

Looking down at the smiling goblin merchant in front of him, Xie Ming said calmly: “Things are not suitable for taking out here. Are there any warehouses nearby?”

“Uh…Guest, can you, first let me have a look at what it is?”


A trace of mental energy communicated with the space bag hung around his waist, and then put his hand in. The next moment, a brown-yellow fur that could almost wrap Sherlock’s entire goblin was placed in front of Xie Ming.

A strong smell of blood, which instantly spread across this small street, attracted a lot of attention.

“Okay, okay, I see, the guests put it away.” Sherlock said quickly. There was a wave in my heart.

The fur just now is the fur of the Minotaur. Not only the fur is very complete, but the division between the meat and the skin is also very neat. This alone does not seem to be something that an adventurer who takes risks in the Grand Forest can do.

Is it possible that the person in front of you is a job transfer who went to the depths of the Grand Forest to investigate? Those who can transfer, wear the linen clothes that common people only wear?

With shrewd brilliance flashing in his eyes, Shylock was thinking while Xie Ming returned the fur to the space bag, and he tucked the things behind him back into his bag.

Later, he smiled brightly at Xie Ming.

“I’m really sorry, guest. After all, as a goblin merchant, I always have some worries. But you can rest assured that I will definitely charge your goods at the fairest price. I will trouble you to move to the warehouse now. Bar.”

“It’s not far away, and it’s safe and reliable enough, please don’t worry. I, Sherlock, have been in Huttonmar for so long, and there is absolutely no problem with credit.”

“Let’s go.”

Xie Ming shook his hand, shaking off the blood that had just been stained, and slightly nodded: “If you have no credibility, I won’t come to you.”

Hearing that, Sherlock’s smile became even brighter.

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