Chapter 1296 The Gap Between Game And Reality

In the game, Gran Forest is just a low-level map, and the monsters in it are all things that can be easily solved below level 20. But, that’s the game after all.

Putting it in reality, is it really that easy to solve the big beast, the dark curse of the cat demon, the red, the green goblin, and the goblin ten captain?

How can it be.

A strong person does not necessarily have a lot of size. But those with a large volume definitely possess certain strength.

If a huge monster like the Minotaur behemoth can’t fit in the game interface, once it becomes a monster in reality, how can it be easily solved by people. You know, that is a terrifying existence like an adventurer-killer in Gran Forest.

A sharp weapon can’t cut its thick fur, even if it cuts it, how can a weapon like a knife cut through the body fat, causing truly fatal damage to this monster.

The same goes for blunt weapons, strike weapons, and magic.

According to the information obtained by Sherlock and Karnina, the latest example of a successful hunting of a behemoth was a Devil May Cry who entered the Gran Forest to take specific herbs and used various ghosts and magic circles to consume them to death.

If you go further, either it is powerful, and the sword soul that is close to awakening uses a high-quality weapon to cut off the neck of the big beast. Or, the gunner uses high firepower and uses a laser gun to sniper at a distance, and a shot through the eyes of the Minotaur behemoth melts its brain.

To put it simply, those who are able to fight against the single big behemoth are all powerful players who have changed their jobs. Those who can easily deal with the big behemoths are those who have high damage or strong strength.

For long-distance high-damage occupations such as gunners, mechanics, and elementalists, it is naturally easier to deal with the thick and heavy behemoths. But other close combat professions, if they don’t have powerful weapons or enough strength, even if the Minotaur can’t beat them with agility, they can’t successfully hunt the Minotaur.

What’s more, the fur and hard horns of the big beast Xie Ming now have a completeness of more than 90%.

Also, pay attention to the premise. The only thing that these professions can deal with is the Tauren Beast. But Minotaurs are usually surrounded by Minotaurs. The speed of the Minotaur is much faster than that of the Minotaur.

But compared with goblins and curse cat demon, encountering the tauren squad, even if there are tauren behemoths in it, it is easy to escape. But if you encounter the Cursed Cat Demon and the Goblin Squad, there is really only a dead end if you are not strong enough.

The speed of Curse Cat Demon is comparable to that of job changers, and the teeth and claws that can easily tear apart the rare equipment is really terrifying for adventurers. What’s more, it is absolutely impossible for the Dark Cursed Cat Demon to appear as a single body, and there must be other cat demon around, and the number is absolutely huge.

A group of cat monsters with teeth and claws exuding fierce aura and fast speed rushed towards them, thinking about it, they were a little crippled.

In such a situation, even a well-matched team of all-professional adventurers can only run away. What’s more, not all professionals enter the Grand Forest.

After all, many so-called adventurers have seen some people accidentally make a fortune because of good luck in entering the Grand Forest, so they feel that they can do it too.

Therefore, the non-professionals accounted for almost half of the people who entered the Grand Forest.

Naturally, the mortality rate also rises.

The last is the Goblin Squad. Single green goblins, or six to more than ten goblins, are not too dangerous. However, if there is a Goblin squad with ten captains, the degree of danger is completely different.

Don’t look at Xie Ming killing the goblin squad and cutting vegetables, you can do it in just a few clicks. That’s because his own strength is too strong. Speaking of the realm alone, Xie Ming is an epic powerhouse who is no less than the second consciousness level.

You let people from the same realm of Arad continent come over, such as the Four Juggernauts, or professional instructors such as G.S.D, Glantis, and Fengzhen, and you can play and play in the same way.

But in fact, a goblin squad with ten goblin captains is really terrifying.

Even in the game, if you are not high-level and have not changed your job, when there is a goblin ten on the map, there will also be times when the car rolls over.

Regardless of monsters of completely different strengths such as Red Goblins, Blue Goblins, and Throwing Goblins. Just being a goblin who can become the tenth captain of a goblin, his strength will not be lost to a professional.

Even if you are strong enough to win a goblin squad, when the tenth goblin commanded his subordinates to explode, a group of red and smokey monsters shouted, including words that rushed towards you without fear of death. What kind of reaction or countermeasure will you have?

There must be a lot of players who have experience of being killed by goblins. This is the case in the game, not to mention the reality.

The game, after all, is easy and difficult. And when the game becomes reality, it will definitely become desperate difficulty.

Let’s talk about the red and green goblins. Do you think the fireball and ice cones they throw are just the size of a fist, just like in the game. What’s the joke, what is the guy who can throw fireball and ice cone in Otherworld?


In a squad of ten goblins, there are usually one or two red and blue goblins. What does this mean?

This represents the Goblin race, powerful enough to arrange one or two magicians in each ten-person team. This concept, as long as you take a closer look, you can feel how terrifying the deterrence behind it is.

The red and green goblins that can throw fireballs are just the most basic magician goblins. And the magic they can use can naturally continue to be upgraded and strengthened.

Red goblins become flame goblins, green goblins become frost goblins.

When the time comes, they will not throw fireballs and ice cones, but small meteorites and icicles. Even a magician goblin with a stronger strength might not lose to the one who feels strong.

Goblins can also have occupations, can change jobs, and can be awakened. Although the number is relatively small compared with humans, that is only relative. You know, the number of goblins and the speed of reproduction are beyond the reach of even humans.

Finally, it is to throw goblins. Throwing a stone trash fish, many people will subconsciously think so when they see this goblin type. And those who have this kind of thinking are the real trash fish in the eyes of throwing goblins.

The kind that can blast his head with just one stone.

The skill of throwing stones is a skill that every goblin must master. And the one who can become a goblin thrower can only be the hardest and most stable small batch of goblins in the goblin tribe.

A stone thrown by an ordinary goblin can blast the head of an ordinary wolf. And a stone thrown by a goblin throw can interrupt a big tree.

It can be said that the positioning of the throwing goblin in the goblin is the Shinsō hand.

Now, let’s take a look at an ordinary goblin squad.

A commander comparable to a professional, including a self-destructive soldier who is not afraid of death, and one or two magicians, who have almost a hundred shots and are as powerful as a shooter with a sniper rifle.


Players, don’t know if your resurrection coins are still enough?

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