Chapter 1297

“Three complete furs of the bull’s head behemoth, 6 hard horns of the behemoth, 10 complete furs of the minotaur, 20 hard horns, and cat monster nails…”

Sherlock held the knife skillfully, decomposing the various materials Xie Ming had taken out of the space bag, and muttered to himself to calculate. On the side, Kanina was helping out.

As the same old city merchants, they naturally cooperated with each other.

Sherlock, who departed from the tribe and ran to Huttonmar because he hated the custom of power-determining status in the tribe, understood his situation very well. Once, he also thought about opening a store in this city to do business, but reality has given him a great deal.

How could his goblin tribe make him a stable businessman? Goblins who betrayed the tribe have only one dead end. Even in Huttonmar, murder is not allowed on the bright side, but it is only on the bright side after all.

After all, the patrol in the city only manages the bustling area of ​​the central square and Shizheng Street. The backstreet of the old city is a mixed place, and it doesn’t matter at all.

Even if you want to manage it, you can’t manage it. So as long as there isn’t much trouble there, the high-level people will basically pretend to be deaf and dumb in that area. Where there is light, there will naturally be darkness. The more prosperous the city, the deeper the darkness.

Since it strongly suppresses the darkness and allows it to escape to every corner, it is better to plan them in a certain area, which is safer.

The old town and back streets are the places that exist for this purpose.

Relying on his extraordinary mind, Sherlock quickly got the first money in Hutton Marseed, and after a long preparation, opened his first and last shop in the old city.

Because within a few days, the shop he opened was smashed. The prisoner is a low-IQ goblin sent by the goblin patriarch of his original tribe.

From then on, Sherlock understood that he could not open a store safely to make money. He wants to do business, the only way is to do business. However, the shop finally bought it, so it can’t be wasted, right?

When Sherlock was considering how to sell her shop, Kanina took the initiative to find Sherlock. She talked with Sherlock for a long time, and finally the two reached a cooperation.

Usually, the two do not influence each other, but introduce each other to their guests to increase the source of each other’s customers. And because Karnina and Luo Li’an, the disciple of President Sharan Magical, had a good relationship, when Sherlock was in danger, she could use Karnina to ask Luo Li’an to help a little bit.

Finally, big customers like Xie Ming, Sherlock or Kanina alone, may not be able to eat all the goods brought by the customers. Then, the two will cooperate with each other, eat the goods together and sell the goods through their own channels.

As for how the final money should be distributed, the two naturally have long established rules. As long as they follow the rules, the two will naturally not turn back because of the money, but will only win together.

But this time, if you want to eat Xie Ming’s materials, if you just use money to buy it, even if you consume all the funds for the activities of the two, it is impossible to buy them all. However, if this batch of materials is resold to alchemists and blacksmiths, the value may be doubled.

After all, the two words that stand out for the materials Xie Ming brought are: quality and integrity.

Everyone understands the importance of these two words to alchemy materials and forging materials. Sometimes, the success of potions and equipment is closely related to the quality of the materials.

To eat this batch of goods, Kanina and Sherlock can only exchange goods. Use precious items suitable for Xie Ming to offset the value of the material. Moreover, it can’t be too tricky.This is a big customer who can bring a large amount of precious materials and opportunities. If you don’t seize this opportunity to become a big one, when will you have to wait?

In business, if you just want to make a fortune and run away, you will never succeed in that life. Sustained development is the eternal king.

Therefore, not only can they not cheat others, but they must also give some benefits. Of course, these things must be ‘inadvertently’ revealed to Xie Ming from the mouth.

Only in this way will Xie Ming remember them, and will come to them to sell goods next time. For businessmen, paying silently is undoubtedly something fools do.

Their ultimate goal is to make money, and the benefits they give are to make more money. Just like Fatty Zhao from the main god space, this is an investment in potential stocks.

Thinking of this, Sherlock and Kanina exchanged glances slightly and saw their decisions.

“Guest, you have been waiting for a long time. We have already counted all the materials.”

Sherlock showed a sincere smile and said to Xie Ming who was on the side: “I don’t know, do you need to buy some equipment or accessories you need now from Kanina and me?”

“If necessary, we can make some recommendations to our guests.”

“…Well, let me see.”

It’s not that Xie Ming has never dealt with these merchants. After hearing this, he knew that they wanted to eat their own goods, but they did not have enough funds. However, this is also in line with his ideas.

If you go to the equipment store on the main street to buy, if you want to buy good equipment, I am afraid that Kabuto can only buy a pair of pants or a top. But in the hands of merchants like them in the old city, the source of the equipment may be a bit unclear, but the price will definitely be a lot cheaper.

Moreover, as far as the source of the information is concerned, no one is more savvy than the businessmen who live in the old city.


Hearing Xie Ming’s answer, Sherlock’s heart was half relieved. Such smart customers are the existence that businessmen love and hate. Hate, it is impossible to slaughter them like stunned green.

But these guests can often bring them big benefits, and although they are a little tired from doing business with them, they are still comfortable in their hearts, and there is no need to circumscribe to suggest something.

If you are stunned, go back to the last sentence: Don’t sell, give money. At that time, Sherlock and Kanina were really going to curse in their hearts.

“Then, please make a selection.”

With a bright smile on his face, Sherlock took out a few pieces of jewellery from his own space bag, unfolded them on the cloth in front of him, and began to introduce them.

“Guests, since you can get a complete fur of the bull’s head giant beast, it means that you are very strong. Then, ordinary jewelry can’t help you too much. Just so, I have a few pieces here that are enough to be worthy of the guests. Your necklace of strength.”

“The Tauren Necklace of the Minotaur was obtained by a man who hunted the elite monsters and the Shadow Tauren. It can increase the wearer’s physical and mental power, and has strong magic resistance.”

“Inheritance: The sacred dark ice fairy necklace, the ice attribute necklace made by the elemental ice elves, amplifies the wearer’s strength, magic damage and mental power, and improves the ice attribute attack resistance and abnormal state freezing resistance.”

“Netherworld black lotus ring, increase the wearer’s power and magic damage, and can actively release the skills that Ghost Swordsman can release: Kazan of Soul Sword. If it is worn by Ghost Swordsman, then the level of Kazan of Soul Sword that he releases Will be raised by one level.”

“I don’t know the customer, are you satisfied with these accessories?”


“Guests are welcome to visit the Sherlock store next time.”

“There is also the Kanina grocery store. Brother guest, remember to come back again~”

Saying goodbye to these two small but extremely savvy businessmen, Xie Ming left the old town slowly. At this time, his body is naturally no longer a cloth coat, but dark red leather clothes and leather pants and boots with a little flame pattern.

For the three pieces of jewelry that Sherlock brought out, Xie Ming finally chose to inherit: the sacred Xuanbing Fairy Necklace. Because for him, only this ring is the most suitable for him.

What this projected body needs most now is to improve the strength of the body, strength, speed, and physical strength, which are particularly critical. On the contrary, in terms of mental power, there is no need to worry too much.

Because the source of spiritual power is his body in the world of Sword Art Online. Even if the mental power that the consciousness projection body can store is limited, the amount of mental power can be said to be continuous. As long as it is not turned on, basically you don’t have to worry too much.

Compared with physical strength, Xie Ming naturally paid more attention to some strength. Therefore, the Tauren Necklace was naturally excluded first. The Nether Black Lotus ring was better in a sense, but he couldn’t choose it.

Without him, because of the skill of Kazan of Soul Sword. Right now, Xie Ming still didn’t know exactly why the Sword Art Realm plane and the Arad Continental plane had such a connection. At this time, it is really dangerous to rush into contact with ghosts and gods like Kazan.

What’s more, who knows whether Spartan’s Wrath will be abnormal because of the power of Kazan’s ghosts and gods. At that time, if it attracts Kazan’s attention, it can really be played.

Therefore, Xie Ming finally chose to inherit: the sacred Xuanbing Fairy Necklace. The increase is relatively comprehensive, and the ice attribute resistance and freezing resistance are not too tasteless.

Good things naturally have high prices. When you buy this necklace, Xie Ming sells the gold coins that sell the materials directly in half. Although the price is a bit expensive, it is not a pit.

As for the remaining half, one half of it was used by him to buy the equipment he is now wearing.

This is the equipment that Kanina’s father succeeded in hunting a salamander by a chance and coincidence, and crafted from the skin of that salamander. Salamander leather jackets and salamander leather pants have good fire attribute resistance, and their defensive power can be compared to slightly weaker light armor.

Among the five equipment types of plate armor, heavy armor, light armor, leather armor and cloth armor, Xie Ming finally chose leather armor. As a result, he is a player with both strength and speed. Plate armor and heavy armor, two high-defense but cumbersome equipment, are naturally the first to be eliminated.

But the light armor that the sword soul is suitable for high agility swordsmen is really tasteless to be honest. The defensive power of the mean would hinder some of his combat moves, so it was eliminated.

As for why not choose the lightest cloth armor, the reason is simple, because Kanina doesn’t have that. Moreover, the bonuses of cloth armor are basically bonuses of the magic profession, for Xie Ming, it is just a little stronger ordinary clothes.

Compared to wearing cloth armor that is useless and expensive, leather armor that is stronger and does not affect movement has naturally become Xie Ming’s choice.Compared with expensive and scary jewelry, the price of leather armor is naturally a lot cheaper. Only after one set was spent, about three-quarters of the money used for the necklace was spent. And the rest, there are only a few hundred gold coins.

For nearly 50 gold coins, he bought the maps of Huttonmar and Gran Forest from Sherlock, and bought a few bottles of alchemy potions for healing injuries from Kanina. The rest was money Xie Ming used for another purpose.

When communicating with Kanina and Sherlock, Xie Ming also mentioned the name ‘Risalin’ to the two consciously or unconsciously. But unfortunately, there was no reaction on both of their faces. Obviously, they didn’t know Rashalyn.

Or, I don’t know the name Rasalin.

If Sear said that Reshalin was still active in Hutton Marli for so many years, then she would definitely be in contact with Sherlock and Kanina, two representative businessmen in the old city.

Sooner or later, she would hear from Sherlock and Karnina that she was looking for this person like Risalyn. At that time, naturally, Xie Ming will be able to complete Seamer’s commission.

As for whether it is possible to stun the snake, I can only say that it is possible, but the possibility is very low. If Resalyn is the girl’s real name, and then she lives with a pseudonym after entering Huttonmar, then there are only a handful of people who know the name of Resalyn.

Even if the knights of the Delos Empire also knew this name, those knight masters couldn’t go to the old town to sell materials. Inside the Knights, there is a better way.

When the time comes, Reshalin will naturally be curious and even wary. But no matter what, she will come to herself, or use other methods to find out why she knows the name.

It would be even better if the girl told Seamus that the name of Ryshalyn was a pseudonym. Because of the name Reshalin, the girl probably only told some people. Now that a complete stranger reports the name, she will definitely find out the reason, the same as above.

If it is really stunned and made the girl ran away as soon as she heard someone asking about the name Rasalin, then Xie Ming would be fine. However, girls who like to use heavy swords and long swords are unlikely to be timid, right?

All in all, Sherlock and Kanina can be regarded as a dark move played by Xie Ming. It works best, but it doesn’t hurt. It was counterproductive…. Then honestly admit it.

It was Xie Ming’s goal to find Ryshalyn in the Arad continent within a year. I can’t, let the old cat demon wait until he is about to die before taking people over to see him.

That was a bit too much, and it didn’t fit Xie Ming’s character.

But everything must be done immediately and slowly. There is still enough time to find Rasalyn, so you don’t need to worry too much. On the contrary, there are some things that Xie Ming needs to investigate now.

Because, he heard something in Sherlock and Kanina’s mouth that made him a little shaken.

“Do you know where Forrest Gump is now?”

“Forrest Gump? Who is Forrest Gump?”

“…What about Xilan, Buwanga and Barn? Do you know each other?”

“Xilan, it’s the famous sword soul from Xuzu’s side, right? Buwanga isn’t the patriarch of the Bantu clan. I have certainly heard of him after doing business with the Bantu clan a few times. As for Barn…it seems Is it the knight from the Delos Empire?”

“What’s the connection between the four of them?”

“No, it’s okay, just ask.”

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