Chapter 1299 Celia Krumin

When the sun went down and the continent of Arad was illuminated by lights, the red meteor suddenly disappeared from the sky. At the same time, thousands of meters away from the Alvin line of defense, a young man with a pale face appeared.

Due to the limitation of his body, his hand-barred state will not be activated for long, and the energy and physical strength in his body will be consumed almost. Turning on the hands-free state this time is a test of his own body.

In the full-speed flight using the hand-free state, including the recovery speed of physical strength and energy, it can barely last about two hours. If you fight with all your strength, I’m afraid it will be the limit if you can maintain it for five minutes.

So aside from the time limit of Spartan’s Wrath, the murderous intent fluctuates to the limit to enter the ghost state, I am afraid that the time that can be maintained should be the same level.

As for further up…

“How do you feel, I have become the self after injury again.”

Finally, from the Rewrite plane, his injury was dealt with in another way, which solved the limitation of battle time. As a result, he did not expect that the projection of consciousness turned him into an Ultraman who limited the fighting time in the strongest state.

Tucao returns to Tucao, but things that should be considered still need to be considered. First of all, what will be the consequences after you enable the banned hand state.

Xie Ming has already considered this point, but the final conclusion is that there is no serious harm.

After all, the continent of Arad is not like other places and knows nothing about Otherworld’s alien planes. In this world, opening a gap in space, doors of different dimensions, etc., although not like playful, is not so rare.

This also means that the powerhouses of the Arad continent will not be so repulsive to the visitors of Otherworld. Except, it is very likely that those fighting frenzy will come to you.

What’s more, Xie Ming will exude the aura of the Chilong Emperor when his hands are in the forbidden state. Strictly speaking, the Cage Hand of the Chilong Emperor should be renamed the Cage Hand of the Chilong Emperor after he has adapted to his various changes in his state, but the name is all used to it, and there is no need to change the name now.

And the aura of the Chilong Emperor is likely to cause some abnormalities among the dragons remaining in this world. For example, the ice dragon Skarsa in Ten Thousand Years Snow Yamanaka in the far north, and the evil dragon Spitz, which is sealed in the dark elf graveyard.

As for the third dragon, Hess, the mad dragon who first came to the Arad continent, there is no need to mention it. It met the two most ruthless people in Arad at the time, Kazan and Ozma. The ashes are raised, can it be resurrected?

As for the possible changes that may cause Scassa and Spitz…Uh, he might have to carry this pot on his back. But for the better, the two dragons will get involved sooner or later, so that they will explode in advance, at least the strength is definitely not saved.

In other words, if Skassa and Spitz really started to do things in advance, then they should now be in a relatively weak state. If you think about it this way, it’s still an opportunity, isn’t it?

If the Bantu clan and the dark elves heard Xie Ming’s words, I’m afraid the totem and arrows will definitely greet him.

So Xie Ming can only pray now that these two evil dragons don’t wake up. Otherwise, after he came out of the Screaming Cavern, he might immediately go to the dark elf cemetery and the snowy area of ​​Ston.

You know, these two places are the true mountains of South Blue North, which are located on two opposite corners of the Arad continent.

Thinking about everything in his mind, Xie Ming had already arrived at the Alvin line of defense before he knew it.

This place is not as prosperous as Huttonmar, but it is closer to nature. As far as Xie Ming is concerned, if he chooses his residence between the two, he will choose the Alvin line of defense.

Without him, it’s just quiet.

When the elves still existed, and when they were living in a friendly relationship with humans, the Alvin Line of Defense was a comfortable town. The elves used their wisdom and strength to hollow out the lower part of the big hollow tree in the forest and transformed it into a wooden house for people to live in.

Markets, hotels, and small shops, even if it is night, even if the comfortable town at that time is long gone, the current Irvine Line of Defense is not even a village. But Xie Ming still felt from the traces of this place, how comfortable, happy, and yearning the small town at that time was.

But now, although it has become more secluded here. But this kind of quietness gives people a feeling of loneliness.

A pavilion built with a few pieces of leather at random, underneath is the extinguished stove, anvil and hammer. The few sword racks behind were scattered with ordinary weapons.

It seems that the owner of this piece of land is not worried that someone will steal it. Also, who would come to this place and steal some iron swords and swords that can be seen everywhere.

Not far from the smithy is a wooden house with lights in the tree hole. Inside the wooden house, there was a faint smile of the young girl and the low voice of the old man. Next to the door of the wooden house, silk cloth of decent material is hung.

Above, the unique characters of the Arad continent are written with embroidery. The translated meaning is: Celia Hotel.

A little farther away, there are four or five wooden houses with lights on, but there are no silk cloths hanging outside. Come to think of it, it should be an ordinary family living in the Alvin Line.


After struggling for a while, Xie Ming decided not to disturb them. Even though, I might really need the ability and knowledge of the girl in the wooden house. Even though, I really want to see her.

But these cannot be reasons to involve her from a stable life. Even in the future, the girl’s life will not be stable, but at least now, her life is stable and happy.

Such a life, even if one more day, will be one more day of joy and happiness for her in the future.

“Go straight to the Screaming Cave.”

After taking out the map from the space bag, Xie Ming was about to leave after identifying the direction.

But obviously, some encounters cannot be destroyed in this simple way. What’s more, the other object I met was this mysterious girl.

“That… Mr. Adventurer?”


The gentle and soft voice made Xie Ming stop. The door of the wooden house was opened after Xie Ming left a few steps. What came out of it was a figure that the adventurers of Arad Continent all remember, love, and are unforgettable.

The silver-gray ponytail shook slightly, and the soft red pupil contained a trace of inquiry, a trace of worry and perplexity. The light green blouse and the pure white skirt are decorated with red lace. Blow-breakable white skin and beautiful and lovely delicate face.

It is hard to imagine that such a beautiful girl would actually live in this unpopulated Alvin line of defense.

“Mr. Adventurer?” The girl whispered again: “It’s getting late. If you go for an adventure now, it will be very dangerous. Would you like to stay in a hotel for one night and go after a good rest?”

At this point, the corners of the girl’s mouth were slightly raised, her eyes narrowed, and her tone was slightly mischievous.

“If you stay at Celia Hotel now, you can still taste Celia’s special creamy mushroom soup~ If it tastes, I can guarantee it.”

“Is this an accident? Or fate? Or…your power?”

“Mr. Adventurer, are you talking about something?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

Xie Ming turned around, looked at the beautiful girl, and said softly.

“Thank you, give me a dinner.”

“Okay, Mr. Adventurer.” Upon hearing this, there was an obvious joy in the girl’s voice. Slightly pulled up the skirt with both hands, lowered his head gently, and said to Xie Ming.

“My name is Celia Krumin. Mr. Adventurer, welcome to Celia Hotel.”

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