Chapter 1300 Blacksmith Linus

“Unexpectedly, it’s so late, there will be guests visiting the hotel.”

“Yeah, Uncle Linus, it’s so strange.”

Celia, who led Xie Ming into the wooden house, heard the old man sitting at the wooden table and smiled slightly: “If I didn’t want to open the door to let the air out, this Mr. adventurer is about to leave. .”

“Well, Mr. Adventurer asks you to sit down and wait a while. I will go to the kitchen to prepare your dinner.”

“I’m tired.”

“You’re welcome.”

Responding to Xie Ming with a smile, Celia walked into the kitchen behind the counter. In the hall, only the old man called Linus and Xie Ming were left.

“Don’t stand there, come and sit down.”

Linus narrowed his eyes slightly and greeted Xie Ming to come to his side. On the dinner table, there are still slightly steaming thick soup and rough-textured bread slices. It seemed that the two hadn’t had much time for the meal.

Now that Xie Ming had been entertained, Xie Ming didn’t plan to hide or anything. Maintaining the attitude of letting the flow go, sat down opposite Linus. Facing each other’s gaze, he calmly looked at the other side.

The old white vest and brown iron apron gave him a greasy feeling, and the strong muscles on his arms showed that even if this man doesn’t have much fighting skills, he also has good combat power.

The calluses on a few specific locations on the palm indicate that this man must be a honed swordsman. Or, it should have been.

The angular face shows how handsome he was when he was young. It was only years and experience that turned the genius swordsman who was once incomparable into a blacksmith in a remote village.

The hand that should be used to hold the sword gripped the hammer. The splendid and splendid sword skills have become a basic, ordinary, yet thick and steady swing. The destroyer has become a producer. The murderer has become a helper.

Now his most daily work is probably to help the novice adventurer who finds here repair the ordinary weapons. Or, help your neighbors repair agricultural tools such as hoes and iron picks.

“My name is Linus Smith, and I am considered the only blacksmith in the Alvin line.” Taking out a cigarette from Kabuto and lighting it with a lighter in his mouth, Linus said with a smile: “Boy, yours. Where’s the name?”

“My name is Xie Ming.”

“Xie Ming….. Xu Zu came over there. Why did you come to such a remote place so late? There is nothing here.”

“It’s just that there is something to go to the Weiming Cave.”

Faced with Linus’s question, Xie Ming did not lie or cover up. After all, this is not needed, and there is no need to cover up.

“Sorrowful Cave…”

After repeating these four words, Linus looked at Xie Ming again, but just as before, still did not see the depth of the other party. It looks like an ordinary person. However, carefully observing his expression, movements and invisible aura, it is completely different from that.

Simply, just like those old monsters returning to nature. But he seems to be in his early 20s.

“High-ranking transferee? Or simply stunned?”

He also lived on the Alvin Line for quite a while, and naturally knew where the dangers were around this place. And the Screaming Cave is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous places.

The sorrow of the sorrow cave has the same meaning as the literal meaning, and the sorrow of human beings is often heard in it. But after the powerful adventurer went in to find out, he found that it was not human beings who screamed inside, but insects.

A kind of ferocious androgynous giant worm named as Killing Gu by scholars.

The whole body was covered with dark barbs, without eyes, two circles of sharp teeth grew on a giant that was more than a few meters away. This kind of bug that lives underground has existed in the Screaming Cave for hundreds of years.

Whenever they multiply, these insects will come out of the cave, perceive all the living creatures on the surface through the sensory organs, and then madly attack the past. At other times, Slaughter Gu would only stay underground, getting nutrients from the soil.

And when Slaughter Gu arched through the soil, the sound it made was like a human scream. Therefore, it was named the Sorrowful Cave.

However, in recent years, the wailing in the wailing cave has changed. The voice became more and more unknown, more and more painful. It feels like a normal sane person, but because of continuous torture, torturing his spirit, it makes him become crazy gradually.

This weird change naturally attracted the attention of the Delos Empire a long time ago. According to Linus’ own intelligence network, it seems that the empire will send an investigation team to investigate the Grieving Cave in the near future.

But now, the young man who doesn’t know the depth in front of him actually said that something is going to be a trip to Beiming Cave? Could it be that he was the one sent by Xu Zu to investigate? That country of Buddhism actually acted faster than the empire?

It’s unbelievable.

But no matter what his identity, Linus didn’t have the habit of watching others go to death in vain. Even if Xie Ming’s strength is very strong, it is still too dangerous to go to the Grieving Cave by himself.

At least, you have to gather a companion from the adventure team.

But to say this directly, it will make people feel shameless. After all, it is normal for young people to be confident in their own strength. So after considering it for a while, Linus had an idea in mind.

“Xie Ming, since you are going to the Screaming Cave, you have to repair your weapons and equipment before you go, right? So before you leave tomorrow morning, come to the forge first. I’ll help you repair the weapons and equipment. , And then you set off.”

Anyway, soon, the investigation team from the empire will come over. After the investigation team or other people who are going to investigate the Grieving Cave arrive, they will return his weapons and equipment to him.

Linus couldn’t help but like his wit. After all, repairing expensive and excellent weapons and equipment requires careful attention. It takes a lot of time to be careful, which is very reasonable.


Seeing the cloud and fog, the corners of his mouth were slightly cocked, showing some triumphant Linnas, Xie Ming’s mouth couldn’t help but twitched a few times. This uncle, it turned out to be so interesting. But unfortunately, he didn’t need to repair anything.

Weapons, just use the horns of the Bull Head Commander. Although some are not easy, but it is not a big deal. The equipment, which he bought newly, does not need to be repaired at all.

So Linus’s idea was destined to fail. Moreover, he still has a lot of trouble now.

“Uncle Linus!”

“Uh…Sai…Selia, what’s the matter?”

“Uncle, do you remember how we made the three chapters?” Putting Xie Ming’s dinner in front of him, Celia looked at Linus with her hands on her hips reproachfully: “You are not allowed to smoke while eating.”

“Uh…this…I haven’t eaten yet.”

“Then uncle, please tell me, what is on the table?”


“Then what?”

“I… I was wrong.” Linus apologized honestly after pinching the cigarette butt out.


Looking at the two people’s small theater, Xie Ming’s mouth was slightly tilted, and he shook his head with a chuckle. These two people who are not father and daughter, but better than father and daughter, just look at them, can make people feel a touch of warmth.

This kind of life with a little farce in the ordinary, I don’t know how long it will last.

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