Chapter 1301 Stalker Shilock

Because it is a projection of consciousness, and there may be a big battle today, Xie Ming did not carry out the usual training. After only practising his mental power, he returned to the hotel, ready to set off.

It was still early, and it was not ten minutes before the sun rose. At this point, Linus naturally didn’t get up.

After all, he drank a lot of alcohol last night.

But to Xie Ming’s surprise, when he first came out, the hall was empty. When he came back, Celia, with her hair draped, was already standing in front of the counter.

But obviously, she just got up. He was wearing cute pajamas, and his silver-gray hair was not tied into a ponytail as usual, but draped behind him. Compared with the previous feeling, it adds a sense of laziness and charm.

“Mr. Xie Ming…get up so early…”

“Well, I have the habit of morning exercises.” Xie Ming looked at Celia and said in confusion: “It’s you, why did you get up so early?”

“Because, Mr. Xie Ming is going to take an adventure soon, right.”

Rubbing her eyes in a daze, a soft smile appeared on Celia’s face.

“I can’t help you, Mr. Xie Ming, but at least when you leave, I can watch with a smile. Then when you come back, I also welcome you back with a smile, and it’s hard to say to you.”

“Such a small thing, perhaps, is one of the few things I can do for adventurers.”


After a moment of silence, Xie Ming smiled: “Then, I’m leaving.”

“Well, please have a safe journey.”

Celia smiled and blessed from the heart.


Judging from the map, the Grieving Cave is located on the mountain ridge northwest of the Irvine Line. On the way, you will pass through a fairly deep forest. There is not much danger in the forest. At most, there will be some more common monsters such as goblins and cats, as well as some wild animals.

However, it is easy to get lost in this forest. Trees cover the sky, no matter which direction you look at, they are all the same tall trees. Without a good sense of direction, map, or guide, it’s really easy to get lost.

Fortunately, although Xie Ming’s sense of direction is not too strong, he will not deviate after identifying a direction. And there was no danger in the forest that could make him divert, so he easily passed through and came to the cave of Grief.

Hearing the constant screams from the cave and the special unknown and evil aura deep in the cave, Xie Ming couldn’t help shook his head.

Anyone who feels this creepy breath will think that there are evil monsters in the cave. In fact, Shilock, who exists in the depths of the cave, is no different from a monster at this time.

The apostle possesses a powerful force that can change the environment and cause anomalies, just like disasters. But who has ever thought about how these apostles came to the continent of Arad?

You know, they were originally, but they lived in the Demon Realm peacefully. Yes, the apostles can cause disasters, but is this disaster caused by them on their own initiative? Or is it caused by being framed?

As a player who likes to dig deeper into the background of the game, although in the game because of the plot, it is compelling. But when all this becomes a reality, and he has the ability to change this, everything, Xie Ming will never become a tool man like in the game.

Moreover, the behind-the-scenes man who connected Sword Art Online to this plane might not be able to get rid of that woman. In order to achieve her goal, it doesn’t matter to her no matter how much she sacrifices.

But this sacrifice is for other worlds and for others. She herself has been sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, making use of everything.

Such a person is the one Xie Ming hates and excludes most. Therefore, if you want to solve all the abnormal changes, then you must have a life and death battle with her.

But she is very strong in her own right, and she is also good at using other people. Among the Thirteen Apostles, the strongest ones might all be on her side. Even if the body came, Xie Ming might not be able to defeat her. If he wants to win this war, then he must also accumulate his own power from now on.

As the apostles who were attacked and framed by that woman, they were definitely their best helpers. Therefore, every apostle, Xie Ming must try his best to win over.

Shilock was the first apostle Xie Ming wanted to win over.

Originally, the Screaming Cave was a very dangerous place. Often walking, a huge Slaughter Gu rushed out from the soles of the feet to attack. And in the deepest part of the cave, there still exists the Insect King Slaughter Gu.

The hard shell makes it impossible for ordinary weapons to cut into it. The powerful strength and agile speed, coupled with the unexpected sneak attacks from time to time, and various disgusting negative states. In the game, it is a map that is extremely difficult to pass.

Put it in reality, it will only be hundreds of times more difficult than games.

But now, Xie Ming hasn’t even touched a Slaughter Gu. Because Slaughter Gus have become fragmented corpses. The stench made him frown.

As it continued to deepen, the creepy screams became more intense and harsh. But when Xie Ming took a certain step, his sorrow stopped abruptly.

What replaced it was a sense of danger that made him stand up all over his body.

Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately entered the forbidden state and slammed a punch behind him.



The bright red flame instantly dissipated the cold and darkness in the cave, allowing Xie Ming to see what hit him from behind.

The figure is like an invisible black mist, constantly twisting and rising under the shining of the flame. Surrounded by the mist, the purple-skinned and red-haired woman had a crazy and distorted expression on her face.

But because of the appearance of the flame, her mental state seemed to improve slightly. But there is still not much reason in the pale golden pupils.

“Light…fire…warm…light!!! Fire!!! Warm!!! I need it! I need you!!! Give me light!!! Give me warm!!!”

The harsh screams caused the surrounding rock walls to continuously drop gravel, and the black mist turned into countless sharp spikes, attacking Xie Ming from all directions. At the same time, invisible mental fluctuations also hit quickly.

“Splitting Void slashed with a knife.”

He waved the broken horns led by the bull head in his hand, and the light of the sword entangled in the flame spread, cutting off the spikes one by one. As for the mental fluctuations from Shilock, Xie Ming didn’t care much.

Because it did not affect him.

The principle of Shilock’s mental fluctuations is to evoke the dark side of people’s hearts and control them after they lose their minds. The dark side, for Xie Ming, is nothing more than pediatrics.

So of course, Shilock’s mind control didn’t work on him.

“Shirok, give me a sense of clarity!”

The dragon’s wings flapped to float in the air, and a huge amount of flame erupted from Xie Ming’s body, completely lighting up the space. He came here not to crusade, but to persuade.

The premise of persuasion is that both parties have reason. Therefore, Xie Ming’s most important thing now is to get Shilock back to his senses.

The way to restore her sanity is light and warmth.

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