Chapter 1302 You Want To Become Light?

Why do you say that the apostle Silok is the most difficult apostle? The reason for this was not Shilock’s own character, but the place where Shilock was transferred, the grieving cave, had too much influence on her.

Although the apostle is strong, it is not without weakness. Especially for individual apostles, the weakness is very obvious.

Originally, the apostle came from other worlds. Because the devil world is a world drifting everywhere in the universe, it is easy to connect with other worlds. The apostles, it is the powerful existence of the Demon Realm that did not return to its own world in time when the Demon Realm was connected to its own world.

The world where Silok was originally located is called the invisible world: Zhuyalopa. The creatures there are invisible bodies that can transform everything like smoke. And Shilock is the queen of that world.

She can transform into any material in her own domain, and she is quite capable. However, her weakness is also very obvious, that is, she must be in a warm place to be able to move freely.

For Shilock, who lives in light and warmth, a cold and humid place like the Screaming Cave is indistinguishable from hell.

Since being transferred here, Shilock has been suffering. The body is constantly weakening, and the spirit is constantly being pushed to the limit. In the end, she broke down completely and started to attack everything around her frantically.

The Slaughter Gu that originally existed in the cave was directly extinct by the crazy Silok.

The original danger has become a greater danger. Even if Shilock is already weak to Ultimate due to the environment. But a lean camel is bigger than a horse, even if it is an extremely many apostles, it can’t be conquered by just one person.

The four powerful sword souls of Forrest, Xilan, Buwanga, and Barn were still defeated by Shilock. Except for Buwanga, the others almost even swallowed their spirits by Shilock.

Therefore, Xie Ming said that Shilock is very difficult. Because what he has to do now is to restore Shilock to his senses.

And all that is needed to restore sanity is warmth and light. That’s why Xie Ming is like now, igniting the flames regardless of energy consumption, and illuminating the entire cave incomparably bright.

However, there is another huge problem.

No one knows when Shilock will regain his sanity. If Xie Ming’s energy is almost exhausted and he has not succeeded yet, he can only retreat. However, as the cave continued to warm up, Shilock, who was in a weak state, would gradually become stronger.

At that time, how long can he last?

If possible, Xie Ming wanted to solve it all at once. After all, if the Imperial Investigation Team came over, things would be a lot of trouble. But if it is impossible to solve it all at once, he can only think of a solution slowly.

Regardless of the current situation, it feels very difficult to finish today.

“Light! Light!! Light!!! You are mine!!! You belong to me!!!”

As the cave was shining brightly and hotly by the flames, the expression on Shilock’s face became more and more excited, like moths fighting the fire, desperately rushing towards Xie Ming. The pitch-black mist turned into several sharp tornado air currents, trying to fix Xie Ming in place.

“Where did you come from Ultraman? Light and light all day long, should you become light too?”

He spit out, naturally, Xie Ming couldn’t be willing to be fixed by Shilock as a furnace bulb in the cave, the dragon wings suddenly flapped, and the same number of flame tornadoes slammed into the sharp airflow composed of black mist.


The two collided, and the violent explosion sound instantly caused this area to collapse directly. In the next second, Silok immediately turned into tens of thousands of black mist, drilled out of the gap in the rock, formed a body again, and rushed towards Xie Ming.

“Light! Don’t run!”

“Good, good, no run, no run.”

The body turned into a crimson meteor rushed to the front of Shilok, inhaling slightly, the green gems on the crimson armor continued to flicker, and the sound of ‘Boost’ was emitted, making the flames condensed on the right fist even greater and hotter.

“But you also recover a little bit, don’t I need money for my energy?”

With a right fist hit, the continuously strengthened fireball exploded and turned into a pillar of fire that melted everything. It penetrated Shilock who was leaping toward her, and a large hole with a diameter of several meters was dissolved in the chaotic world behind her that blocked the exit.

The retreat has been secured.

Such lavish burning flames and squandering energy have already made Xie Ming’s physical strength a little anxious. Can’t hold on for a few minutes, I’m afraid he will withdraw.

Where there is life, there is hope. Shilock had been tortured in the Grieving Cave for many years, and it was very difficult to restore her sanity within a day.

In that case, he can only slowly let her recover. Come here every day and give her some warmth while beating her again, which should speed up her recovery.

After all, in the game, before being killed by Luxi, Shilock seemed to have recovered his sanity and left a prophecy. That is to say, the pain should be able to stimulate her mind, but it will also stimulate her madness.

But now there is no other way, and can only act in this way, can’t give up Shilock because of a failure.

And if you want to give her pain, the stimulation of the soul should be the best choice. Coincidentally, Xie Ming happened to have a skill that could stimulate the enemy’s soul. And for Shilock as an apostle, it might be a miraculous effect.

“Spartan’s Fury, go on.”

On the crimson dragon emperor’s armor, there appeared a blazing black flame of Killing God. Xie Ming did not combine the two states, but increased Spartan’s Wrath in the forbidden state.

To use the analogy of Yu-Gi-Oh, that is the difference between fusion cards and equipment cards.

Seeing this black flame, Shilock, who had just reunited with his body, kept yelling ‘light, light’, his figure fluctuated violently. He didn’t rush over like before, desperately.

Obviously, the nature of Spartan’s Wrath is also effective for Shilock or the Apostle. Even if she didn’t directly attack, the existence of God Killing Black Flame would stimulate her.

Then Xie Ming doesn’t need to add more to it. If he accidentally killed him, he would really have nowhere to cry.

The dragon wings flapped fiercely again, and the black and red meteor rushed into the big hole that the pillar of fire had just dissolved.

At the same time, after leaving enough energy and stamina to fly out of this area, Xie Ming crazily condensed the remaining energy, forming a black red fireball that blocked the big hole.


The only warmth and light source became two light sources, one strong and one weak. This change caused Shilock, who had lost his mind, to pause. And taking this opportunity, Xie Ming has already rushed out of the grieving cave.

“…Light…dangerous light…but also warm light…”

The pale golden eyes stared blankly at the stable Great Fireball that blocked the big hole. The danger on it made her dare not get too close, and the warmth and light it brought made her not want to leave.

Therefore, the purple-skinned and red-haired woman, after approaching the fireball to a certain distance, sat down with her knees on her knees, and squinted her eyes comfortably. No more penetrating screams like before, the crazy neurotic expression on his face has also eased a lot.

I don’t know if it is an illusion, but the black mist on Shilock’s body seems to be a little condensed.

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