Chapter 1303 Twenty Days

“Haha…haha…haha…it’s true, it’s been a long time for me to feel the crazy enthusiasm of women chasing men. By the way, have I been chased by women?”

Sitting leaning in front of the mouth of Beiming Cave, Xie Ming, who was pale, panted slightly, and there was a little fatigue on his face. However, what made him feel a little surprised is that the body of his own consciousness projection seems to be much stronger.

No, it should be said that when slaying monsters such as Minotaur behemoth before, the body was also slightly strengthened. Because that kind of enhancement is almost negligible, Xie Ming didn’t take it seriously either.

But after this battle with Shilock, although the increase in physical strength is not a leapfrog improvement, it is still considerable.

Every time you experience a battle, your physical strength will increase. This is the same way as online game upgrades. It is unlikely that the people of Arad mainland will share the situation. In other words, this should be the unique ability of consciousness projection.

Well, thinking about it carefully, this is indeed the truth. The black hand behind the scenes took a lot of effort to connect this plane to the Sword Art Realm plane in a game, and it must be a tool person who can help her accomplish her goal.

If the tool man is too weak, what’s the use? That’s why we specifically select those players who have won in various game competitions. And then under her arrangement, get the opportunity to become stronger.

If there is no way to become stronger, then go to death, it is very simple. The way to become stronger is to fight against a strong enemy, defeat the opponent, or kill the opponent. Perhaps this is the special rules that the residents of the Sword Art Realm plane will get after they come to the Arad Continent.

Of course, all of this is Xie Ming’s guess. Although the possibility is very high, there is no evidence. It’s just that through fighting, you can become stronger and improve your physical fitness. And the physical quality improved by the projection of consciousness will be fed back to the ontology to some extent.

At least this point is basically certain.

“In other words, how much can I improve (recover) a bit of strength when I come to play with Shilock every day during this period of time?”

This is a surprise. After all, from the situation of Shilock, Xie Ming may have to spend a lot of time here in the Alvin line. If this time is wasted, it may have some bad effects on future plans.

Without sufficient strength, any plan is just empty talk. And if the strength is not enough, how can these powerful apostles be willing to communicate with you?

Equality of status is the first step in communication. No matter where it is, strength is always a symbol of status.

“Judging from the current recovery speed, about one or two o’clock in the afternoon, you will be able to fully recover. When that time comes, I will go in again to find Shirlock’s trouble, and then I will return to the Celia Hotel for dinner and rest.”

After setting out his plan of action for this period of time in the future, Xie Ming sat cross-legged at the entrance of the cave and closed his eyes.

What he needs now is to concentrate on recovery and recharge. Because after a whole morning of light and warm recovery, Shilock’s strength will definitely be stronger. With the passage of time, she will become stronger and stronger until she reaches a complete state.


“Boom boom boom boom boom boom…”

The countless weapons that the thick black mist turned into enveloped Xie Ming overwhelmingly. Xie Ming is absolutely certain that if these things hit him, the armor of the Chilong Emperor will be directly penetrated.

Therefore, all he can do is to dodge and fight back.

“Splitting Void slashed with a knife.”

The long knife of fine material instantly turned into countless pieces of iron, mixed in the light of the knife and sputtering around, colliding with the weapon transformed into the black mist, making a harsh rubbing sound.

With this opportunity, the dragon wings behind him flapped, and Xie Ming’s body turned into a bright red streamer and rushed in front of his opponent. In his hand, he had already held the infantry epee that had just been taken out of the space bag.

The Dragon Emperor’s flames entangled on the giant sword and crashed down under the lead of his arm. It seemed that there was quite a feeling that the berserkers used their sword skills to collapse the mountain.


The blade of the great sword collided with the round shield formed by black mist, like a bell hitting an ancient bell, the roaring sound made countless cracks appear on the cave wall, and it seemed that it was about to collapse in the next moment. Come down.

However, after the black mist passed, the rock wall returned to its original intact appearance.

The buckler shattered and turned into a black mist again, entwining Shilock’s body. As for the heavy sword in Xie Ming’s hand, only the handle was left at this time. The heavy sword body has been torn apart under the collision just now.

Even with the protection of the sword light and the strengthening of the Red Dragon Emperor’s cage hand, this well-made weapon could not withstand such a high and intense battle. Seeing this result, the corners of Xie Ming’s mouth couldn’t help twitching a few times, and he looked at Shilock in front of him.

Obviously, this guy is recovering pretty well under Xie Ming’s interruption twice a day for half a month. The black mist is no longer as thin as it was at first, and his expression is no longer so crazy and neurotic, and the corners of his mouth still have a slight smile.

The screams of the screaming cave no longer exist. Logically speaking, the plan should be considered a success. However, Xie Ming forgot to think about it.

That is what kind of character Shilock himself is.

“I said, are you woman sick?”

Throwing the epee with only his hand aside, Xie Ming said angrily: “When I regained my senses, I kept saying that the black hand behind the scenes should pay the price. I said I would take you out, but you were not willing.”

“If you have your own considerations, then speak out. Don’t say anything, and fight first when you meet. You are the fighting freak of Casillas.”

(PS: Casillas the Conqueror, the fourth apostle, very militant, always looking for a strong opponent)

“Of course I have my ideas, human.”

Recovering all the black mist into his own domain, Silok said faintly: “Otherwise, do you really think I’m willing to stay in this broken place for an extra second?”

“Then tell your thoughts.”

Xie Ming said helplessly: “What are you worried about, say it and think about it together, okay?”

“Why, I want to tell you what I think?”

Sitting floating in the air, Shilock dragged his chin: “If you want to know what I think, guess for yourself. Otherwise, just provide me with light and heat honestly.”

“When the time comes, I will naturally go out with you.”

“Haha…. Okay, you have your own considerations. But at least, give me a deadline. You know, investigators from all over the Arad continent, I’m afraid they are almost here.”

“If they see you who don’t look like a good person, they are afraid they will fight.”

“Oh, a joke.”

Shilock said with disdain: “Even if it was me 20 days ago, it is not a trivial human being able to defeat. Of course, you, a person of Otherworld, are not counted as human.”

“Don’t expel me casually.”

Converging the energy in the body, he threw a huge fireball onto the cave again. Xie Ming turned Byakugan and said, “Then, can you give me a deadline? When will you finish working in this broken place?”


After a little calculation in his mind, Shilock laughed.

“The day after tomorrow, it should be fine.”

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