Chapter 1307

Outside the pub, because the night is quite dark, there are no pedestrians on the avenue. And because of the small town, there are not many people on patrol. Even if there is, seeing two beautiful women about to fight, I am afraid they will not stop them.

It just happens that the night tour is boring. Who will stop such a scene. If these two sexy and beautiful women really fight, maybe they can still get a glimpse of the scenery.

I believe that many people who are watching the battle on both sides of the road at this moment are holding this idea.

Glancing at the gleaming audience, Nuoyu and Luxi at this time had the same idea for the first time.

Oh, man.

“Oh oh oh, what a headache apprentice.”

He scratched his messy hair, carried the long knife in the wooden sheath in one hand, and took a sip of the wine gourd hanging around his waist in one hand. The man faced Forrest Gump who was standing not far away. Smiled.

“Brother, I’m sorry, my apprentice is too serious, and it’s causing you trouble. My name is Xilan, what’s your name, brother?”

“…Forrest Gump.”

After a moment of silence, Forrest Gump calmly replied: “This is the same, please don’t care about Luxi’s words too much. She just has a bad and gloomy personality, but she’s not a bad person.”

“Also, you don’t need to speak so loudly, I can hear you.”

“Ah? Hahahaha I’m sorry, because when I traveled to the mainland when I was young, my ears hurt, so I developed this habit. Anyway, what are you doing here, A-Gump Zuo brother? Me and Nuo Yu It was commissioned by the Principality to investigate the abnormal condition of the Weiming Cave.”

“……You too?”

“You? That is to say, you and this dark elf lady also accepted the commission from the principality?”

“only me.”

After seeing the crumpled order that Xi Lan had pulled out of his clothes, A-Gump looked a little less vigilant, and also took out a well-preserved order from under the cloak.

“It’s just that Luxey is my travel partner, so I brought her with me.”

“Uh…that means…”

Xi Lan blinked: “It was supposed to be a companion investigating together, but now they are fighting because of a big fart?”


Forrest left silent, and then, at the same time as Xi Lan, looked at Nuo Yu and Luxi, who had a very bad atmosphere. Looking at their appearance, even if they knew about this, I’m afraid they won’t stop right away.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the two of them showed a little helplessness.

Alas, woman.

Nuoyu and Luxi naturally did not hear the conversation between Xilan and Forrest Gump. The two now only see each other in their eyes. Well, there is no language problem, it is indeed only each other.

The Sanchi Qingfeng that was originally contained in the scabbard has been unsheathed. He held the scabbard in his right hand against his arm, and held the hilt in his left hand, so that the tip of the sword pointed slightly at the ground.

The moonlight piercing through the dark clouds shone on the cold sword of the long sword, and the cold light reflected was like spring water flowing between the mountains and gorges. Judging from the color and lustre alone, this is a weapon of at least the artifact level.

On the other side, Luxi also took out his weapon from the space bag.

The milky white sharp blade and the jet black blade have a peculiar shape, but it can still be seen that this is a Tachi-type weapon. If you are a bit sharp-eyed and knowledgeable, you can even see Kaluya’s name on it.

As a legendary blacksmith in the Arad continent, the name of Master Kalua can be said to be known to everyone. As long as the weapon has the unique name of Master Kaluya, the value of the weapon will directly increase several times.

At this moment, the Taito that Luxi was holding upside down was such a weapon. Although not well-known, the quality of Kaluya alone can be determined.

And the most important thing is that the dark elf’s hands at this time are each holding such a rare-grade Taisa. It can be seen that the rumor that the dark elves are rich in wealth is not trying to catch the wind.

However, Forrest Gump knew that the most valuable things in Luxi’s body were the pair of swords made by the master Kaluya. The other is hidden under her shoulder-length gloves.

Regarding the Nuo Yu from Xilan, A-Gump didn’t pay much attention to it. As soon as the master was next to him, he didn’t need to worry about it. Secondly, it was Nuo Yu who looked sensible, and he was unlikely to make heavy moves.

But it’s completely different on Luxi’s side. This woman had already been transferred to a job agency like Berserker who was easy to top up. She herself is still the kind of character that is particularly easy to hit the head.

Such a guy can describe her as troublesome capitals. This is the exact opposite of Forrest Gump who is reticent and likes quiet. Seeing such two people, anyone would have such doubts.

“How did these two people with completely opposite personalities travel together as partners?”

The answer to the question, even Agan Zuo himself could not answer clearly, but he would always remember the pleading voice of this dark elf girl after he defeated Luxi.

“Wanderer, heal my arm. I still want to live…”

Therefore, Forrest Gump took her on a trip. Today, the two have long been accustomed to each other. The two have long been inseparable from each other.

It is precisely because of this that Forrest Gump wanted to look at this uneasy woman from time to time. When she is about to take off her gloves, she must be stopped immediately.

This is only due to a small spat, not a battle of life and death. Naturally, it is impossible to make Luxi crazy to that extent.

“Dark Elf, it’s still too late for you to apologize.”

On the graceful body, a kind of strange energy began to be entwined. Make Nuoyu’s more sensitive and activate his body functions. At the same time, the three-foot green front in his hand was also wrapped with a layer of sharp brilliance.

The name of this energy is called Nian Qi. In Xuzu’s land, although it is impossible for everyone to be a master. However, everyone will think about this, which is not too exaggerated.

And Nuo Yu, who was taught by Xu Ancestor’s well-known sword soul Xi Lan, would naturally be mad. Moreover, she can also use some skills that can only be used by the martial artist branch transferred as a qigong master.

This also represents how strong the Nian Qi in her body is.

At this time, what she used with her mind energy were two special skills for qigong masters.

Breath of Wind: Improve physical activity, speed up the attack speed and action ability of oneself and teammates.

Weapon of Light: Wrap a sharp light attribute mental energy around the weapon, and add the light attribute when boosting your own attacks. It has a miraculous effect against enemies with dark and evil attributes.

But it’s just an open state, who wouldn’t be like it.

As if expressing such a meaning to Nuo Yu, a strong blood wafted out of Luxi’s body, which was wrapped around his body. His eyes were completely bloody red, and even the two swords with him added a hint of blood.

Berserker’s unique skill: Blood Rage: By continuously consuming blood in his body, he can strengthen himself in all aspects. The more severe the injury, the more strengthening.

“Stop talking nonsense.”

Leaning down slightly, Luxi’s voice was hoarse and crazy because of the violent blood.

“Look at me, don’t tear the gauze off your face, give it to me to wipe my mouth after eating!”

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