Chapter 1308 Nuoyu vs Luxi

“Really… It seems that today’s etiquette class must be taught carefully.”

A cold light flashed through his eyes. Nuoyu, who originally looked gentle and elegant, was now like a sword out of its sheath. The sharp aura that it exudes seemed to exist, and it hurts when it was scratched on a person’s face.

After all, no more words. The long skirt fluttered and the sword glow shone. Under the action of the Weapon of Light, Nuoyu’s entire body seemed to be turned into a beam of light, flying towards Luxi.

Sword Soul Skills: Liuxin·Stab.

Seeing that the tip of the sword quickly approached him, the part of Luxi’s body pointed by the tip of the sword had already begun to feel a tingling sensation under the action of the sharp sword aura. Even if that place is not the point, but if it is stabbed, it will be enough for her to drink a pot.

However, Luxi’s profession is a berserker, as long as the pain and injury can’t die, it can make her stronger. The sword held in both hands was swung forward one after another, and with each swipe, her body rushed forward for a certain distance.

Ghost swordsman general driving skills: three-stage cut.

Fighting Liuxin·Tang with three slashes was undoubtedly a choice that didn’t think he died fast enough. Even the berserkers who will get the upper hand in a fight are unlikely to make such a decision that would seriously hurt themselves when they first started fighting.

Luxi used a three-stage slash to approach the attack that made herself feel dangerous. Naturally, she had her reasons.

The third slash was swiped, the old force had just gone, but the new force had not risen. At this critical time, Nuoyu’s Liuxin·Thorn had arrived, and the target was Luxi’s side abdomen. It seems that there is no doubt about it.

However, Miss Dark Elf’s mouth was slightly tilted at this time, and her body suddenly flickered, moving a little distance to the side, completely avoiding the attack.

Just like Nuo Yu was born in Xu Zu, coupled with his own diligence and talent, so he learned some methods and skills about the use of Qi Gong masters. Luxi is also a dark elf from the dark elf kingdom.

Compared with humans, Luxi, who is a dark elf, is undoubtedly a long-lived race. Although, based on her age, it is actually no different from a human being in her twenties.

But she has spent more than ten times as long as Nuo Yu, and it will not change. What’s more, the dark elves are originally a race with agility, which is their racial talent.

Even if he changed his job to a Berserker, Luxi could not abandon his own advantages and choose a force-centered combat method.

If you link the identity of Luxi’s dark elf with her dual wielding two takas, someone with a little knowledge can easily see how she escaped Nuoyu’s Liuxin·Tang.

Night messenger transfer branch: Assassin skills: side step.

Moreover, it is not an ordinary side step, it can force oneself to twist the body to dodge, and force a side step.

In these days, if you don’t learn some skills from other job agencies, you can’t get out of it at all. Either completely specialize in your own job placement skills, or learn some other job placement skills that suit you to make up for your weaknesses.

Luxi, who succeeded in avoiding the attack according to the plan, naturally couldn’t let go of this opportunity. The double knives turned around with their bodies, turned into sharp spears and slammed into Nuo Yu.

Assassin skills: spiral piercing.


With a cold snort, a faint sound wave appeared around Nuo Yu’s body. Luxi’s body, who had entered the spiral puncture state, paused for a short time.

Qigong Master Skill: Lion Roar.

Relying on this pause of less than one second, she would definitely not be able to run away. Even if the attack distance of the spiral puncture was not long, she did not have the speed to run out. Fortunately, Nuoyu’s cautious character has always made several backup plans before attacking.

At this time, Luxi’s attack was completely in line with one of her backup plans. Then, the problem is much simpler.

The Nian Qi on his body skyrocketed in an instant, and Nuo Yu’s figure split into six in an instant. Every Nuo Yu body was shining with light blue electric light.

Qigong master skills: phantom burst. Use Nian Qi to generate a high-quality Thunder Light clone, combining offensive and defensive skills. If you use it well, you can turn the tide of battle in an instant.

But again, this trick consumes considerable mental energy. For qigong masters, these thoughts are nothing. But for Nuoyu, who is a swordsman by profession, the consumption is a bit big.

In Xi Lan’s eyes, Nuo Yu’s thought energy wrapped around her body instantly dropped by two-fifths.

But there is no problem with this decision itself. Rather, it should be praised as a wonderful one.

Luxi entered the spiral piercing, even if she forced her to interrupt her skills and dodge sideways, it would be hard not to encounter the Leiguang clone that surrounded her. It might as well simply cut all these clones.

The piercing spear of the body and the incarnation of Taito pierced through several Nuo Yu clones one after another, making a not-so-violent explosion. Lei Guang and Dian Nian left some scorch marks on Luxi’s purple-black skin. But just this degree of injury is not painful or itchy at all.

And because of the injury, Luxi’s all-around ability has again risen slightly. Because of Lei Guang’s avatar, she couldn’t find where Nuo Yu was. But to be sure, she couldn’t escape far at this point.

If this is the case, then simply kill her along with these damned clones!


There was a roar in the body that resembled a big earthquake, and Luxi’s bloody breath added a ferocious violent feeling.

Berserker Skill: Runaway!

His body leaped high, his blood entangled on the sword, and fell quickly with a sharp forward slash.

General Skill of Ghost Swordsman: Crash Mountain Strike.

However, the mountain crash used by other professions and the mountain crash used by the Berserker profession are completely two concepts. The berserker’s smash hit, but it can really smash a small hill.


Blood splattered, and a huge pit appeared on the road in an instant. In the dust, countless light particles formed by the fragmentation of Leiguang clone can be seen fluttering. However, Nuoyu was not seen.


Luxi suddenly raised his head along the position where he felt the danger, where Nuo Yu in a long skirt was falling quickly. The three-foot green front in his hand turned into a number of cold light and cut out one after another.

With this hand, Forrest Gump, who was watching the battle, couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows. Xilan, on the other hand, took another sip of the wine in the gourd, showing a triumphant smile.

Ordinary jumps, even if they impose a leaping state on themselves, it is impossible to escape Luxi’s just now that the speed and strength of the attack were combined. However, Nuo Yu gave a perfect answer.

Sword Soul Skill: Liuxin·Sheng.

With a special way of picking up and slashing, he suddenly accelerated, cut through the encirclement of Bengshan Bashing Blood Qi, and took the initiative to come into the air. And once again, through the gap of the opponent’s change of force, they launched a series of attacks.

Ghost swordsman general skills: continuous cutting in the air.


Although it is a general skill, unless you develop it yourself, it won’t have any special effects. Therefore, Luxi was just ordinary swinging his two hands, and successfully blocked Nuoyu’s slash.

The blade collided with the blade, and after fighting for so long, the two began a real short-handed encounter. But one stood on the ground, and one floated in the air. The collision of the blade is definitely beneficial to the person standing on the ground.

Naturally, Nuo Yu didn’t know this. Repeatedly cutting in the air, just deliberately lured Luxi out of the knife. And now, the picture is full of daggers.

A strong air current suddenly appeared all over the body, bounced off the weapon that Luxi had cut out, and fell suddenly.

Ghost swordsman general skills: silver light falling edge.


The next moment, the air current flew, screaming loudly.

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