Chapter 1312 Bantu Clan and Empire

“I’ve been wanting to talk since the beginning…”

The flushed face and the drunk man smashed the wooden wine glass in his hand on the table, his drunk and hazy eyes were full of discomfort. He stood up and staggered towards the middle of the tavern, where no one was sitting next to him.

There, the brawny man with blond hair and golden beard and feather hair ornaments on his head was eating meat and drinking wine.


He slapped his hand on the blond burly man’s table hard, making him drink and eat meat, and looked at this inexplicable man with some doubts.

“Yo, brother, do you want me for anything?”

In the face of this obvious provocation, it did not arouse any negative emotions from the brawny man, he just raised his glass and showed a hearty smile.

“If you want to drink together, I can buy you two glasses.”


The drunk man burped a drink, and when he saw the brawny’s smile and heard the brawny’s suggestion, he was instantly stunned. Then, the anger in my heart erupted under the ignition of alcohol.

“You!! You Bantu barbarians in the North! Why are you in this civilized country!? Tell you that sooner or later the empire will kill all of you barbarians!”

Listening to the man’s roar, many people in the tavern nodded, and some even stood up to agree.

“That’s right! Snow gorilla of the Bantu clan! Go back to your snowy field!!!”

“Civilization and technology are not suitable for you! The most suitable way of life is to hunt with beast dung on your face!”

“Go back! Go back! Go back! Go back!”


“Hahahaha, it’s noisy.”

Xi Lan scratched her head and said helplessly, “Are these empires stupid to drink and drink?”

“It shouldn’t be Master’s turn to speak for you.” Nuo Yu looked at Xi Lan with a bit of annoyance: “At this point, how much alcohol have you drunk, Master? I didn’t say you, you don’t know at all. Are you restrained?”

With that said, he was about to take away Xilan’s wine gourd and the wine jug in front of him. But Xilan was faster, and hugged the wine jug and the wine gourd like the baby guard.

“Good apprentice, one drink, the last one. Let me have another drink, and I won’t drink it.”


“…I see, Yu, you are really getting more and more wordy.”

Honestly, he handed over the wine jug, but he took the opportunity to hang the wine gourd on his waist again.

“That’s also the reason for you, Master.”

Angrily replied, Nuo Yu put the flask in front of him. As for the wine gourd, she didn’t even think about bringing it from the beginning. After all, Xilan cherishes that wine gourd very much.

However, it can be seen from the very nervous conversation between the two that they were not surprised at all about the conflict between these adventurers of the Delos Empire and the strong man of the Bantu tribe.

Forrest Gumpuo and Luxi did not show any unexpected looks either, and ate the food on the table for themselves.

This is also a matter of course, after all, the conflict between the Bantu tribe and the empire can be said to have reached a level that everyone knows.

The Bantu tribe is not the name of a race, but the collective name of all the tribes that live south of the Stru Mountains. The reason why it was named Bantu was to commemorate a great man named Bantu in ancient times.

He was the first legendary figure in the tribe who crossed the Stru Mountains and led the tribe to occupy the area of ​​Belmar.

In order to commemorate this great figure, the tribes collectively referred to themselves as Bantu tribe. Because without Bantu, they could not survive.

But since then, the relationship between the Bantu and the people going south has not been friendly. In other words, since ancient times, the Bantu tribe has been hostile to the Perus Empire, the predecessor of the Delos Empire.

This hatred has naturally continued to this day. The people of the Empire generally had a hostile attitude towards the Bantu people.

Unfortunately, they did not know the helplessness and suffering of the Bantu tribe.

Doesn’t anyone really think that the Bantu people are very willing to leave the homeland they have lived in since ancient times and cross the tall Strou Mountains to live on the imperial territory, right?

If there is no reason, who would have enough food and nothing to do so much effort to migrate? And it’s this kind of great migration with all the people.

Bantu, the first patriarch of the Bantu tribe, brought his tribe to the Belmar region across the Stru Mountains, not to invade, but to survive.

Because at that time, the ice dragon Skarsa came to the Northland.

At that time, the people of the celestial realm were still fighting against Bakar’s invasion. The ice dragon Skarsa, who was equivalent to Bakar’s clone, was unmatched in strength. The breath of the ice dragon made the already cold Northland even colder, causing many Bantu people to be directly frozen to death.

The ravages of the ice dragon also killed many Bantu people. The powerful force allowed the Bantu tribe to retreat strategically. Under the leadership of Bantu, they climbed over the mountains and invaded the territory of the Perus Empire.

At that time, because of the chaos brought by Ozma and the failure of the Perus Empire to invade the ancestors, it had split into many small countries, and its strength was unprecedentedly weak. If we unite, we might be able to defeat the Bantu tribe.

But unfortunately, for the princes at that time, unity was the most unlikely thing to happen. Because of this, the Bantu tribe and the vassal coalition have fought a full 30 years of war.

This is also the war that is now called the “First Snowy Battle”.

If nothing happens, this war will last for a longer period of time. But something unexpected happened.

The Celestial War, which lasted for hundreds of years, ended, and the Celestial People defeated and killed the Dragon King Bakar. Therefore, Skassa, which was raging in the North, fell into a deep sleep because it lost its source of power.

Because the news at that time was really blocked, it took a while to learn about the Bantu tribe in the war with the princes’ coalition forces. After knowing that the homeland is safe, there is no need to fight the coalition forces. The first Snowy Battle ended in this way.

Three hundred years passed in a blink of an eye. The sleeping ice dragon Skassa woke up again. As a result, the poor Bantu clan finally took a while to recuperate, and had to climb over the mountains again and invade the imperial territory.

But at that time, there was no Perus Empire and allied forces of the princes. Yes, it’s just the continuously developing Delos Empire.

I thought there would be another war, and the Bantu people who were ready to fight were waiting for the negotiator sent by the Delos Empire.

This time, the empire directly chose to give in. Because the last snowy battle was really unclear, and it didn’t do any good. Therefore, during this period of time, the Delos Empire also collected a lot of information, and learned about the existence of the ice dragon Skasa, and understood the difficulties of the Bantu tribe.

Although the empire’s combat power at this time was sufficient to repel the Bantu tribe, but if it was too unbearable, the empire decided to take a small loss and leased the border city to the Bantu tribe to live in.

At that time, this decision naturally caused a lot of opposition. But what happened later proved that this decision was extremely correct.

Only five years later, the Bantu returned.

Because, Skasa fell asleep again.

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