Chapter 1313

After that, another three hundred years passed. That is, in 967, which is only 10 years away from the present in 977, Skasa awakened again. According to the usual practice, the Bantu people crossed the mountains and came to the Delos Empire.

But this time, the emperor of the Delos Empire has changed. The one who took office was an ambitious and uncompromising emperor, now Leon Heinrich III. He was only 15 years old when he became throne in 966.

In other words, in 967, he was only 16 years old. But it was such a young emperor who gave an extremely cruel order.

Faced with the peace treaty that the Bantu tribe had put forth a hundred years ago, he pretended to agree to let the Bantu tribe live in the border city that was previously leased to them. But in the dark, he mobilized his troops and sent secret troops to attack the city where the Bantu people lived.

This secret force is now resting at the Imperial Garrison near the Irvine Line, preparing to investigate the Purple Mist Group in the Screaming Cavern.

The Purple Mist group headed by Guy en quickly destroyed the important locations of the Bantu tribe, causing the vanguard of the Bantu tribe to collapse directly. The imperial army that followed, sang all the way, directly rushed into the interior of the Stru Mountain Range.

Hundreds of years of development have restored most of the strength of the Delos Empire. The Bantu fighters couldn’t resist the imperial army at all, and they were defeated and retreated one after another. Almost even the largest city of the Bantu tribe, Amros, the holy land, was captured.

The Bantu tribe is only one step away from being exterminated. It is said that 80% of Bantu people died in this second Snowy Battle.

The irony is that the Bantu tribe rescued from the extermination crisis, not the other, it is the ice dragon Skasa that forced the Bantu tribe to migrate again and again.

The imperial army, which wanted to destroy the hidden dangers in one go, underestimated the strength of Skarsa and the precariousness of the Stru Mountains, and was defeated.

In 969, the imperial army retreated, and Skarsa fell asleep. The poor Bantu people started a new life.

Except for not knowing that the ice dragon fell asleep because of the death of the blasting dragon king Bakar, almost everyone knew about the rest of the history. Therefore, the conflict between the Bantu tribe and the imperial people seemed so strange.

For the Bantu tribe, the ice dragon Skasa is the first in the hatred list. The Delos Empire ranks second.

As for the imperials, the Bantu tribe were the invader barbarians who were almost wiped out by their own country. To this day, it continues to disrupt the safety of the imperial border cities. When the two meet, the chance of a fight is almost 100%.

The four of Xilan were all ready to slap that weak empire adventurer to death by the strong man of the Bantu tribe. But things did not develop as they thought.

The strong man of the Bantu tribe who was ridiculed by more than a dozen adventurers from the Delos Empire, Qi Qi, just smiled. Although his smile looked a bit hideous because of his body and face, there was no anger or murderous intent on his body.

“Really? You didn’t come to me for a drink, so forget it. Go, go, go, don’t disturb me eating.”

Pu Shan’s big palm casually waved, as if he was driving away a kid who was not sensible and made trouble. Then he picked up the wine glass and the meat again, and began to feast on it.

Obviously, these empires weren’t taken seriously.

But this attitude will only anger this group of guys who are already on top. Especially the man who came directly in front of the brawny to provoke his face was about to become a flame goblin due to the dual effects of anger and alcohol.

He grabbed the edge of the table with both hands, and lifted it forcefully: “You bastard who looks down on who!!! Hmm! Why can’t it be lifted!?”

“That, I said…”

The hand that took the meat to eat, I don’t know when it has been pressed on the table. The brawny man sighed, his expression very helpless.

“Can’t you all have a good meal? The two beauties just had a wonderful match, but they still can’t satisfy you. Do you have to try it yourself? You know, I have work to do tomorrow, and I just want to rest today.”

“As expected to be the Northland Barbarian…hiccup…The power is as great as a monster. So…how about this!?”

The successive loss of face has made the man completely desperate, taking a long knife from the space pocket and slashing it at the head of the strong man. His face was filled with incomparable pleasure. It seems that you can immediately see the head of this burly man being split by himself.

“Ha… Taken it.”


The sword that was slashed at the head, slashed on the huge totem, making a clanging metal sound. After waving the huge totem next to him at random, the brawny man slowly stood up.

As he stood up, a strong sense of oppression descended in the tavern. This caused A-Gump to turn his head to the left, and Xilan’s drinking spirit was half awake.

The strength of this sturdy man is no worse than himself.

Forrest Gump and Xi Lan came to this conclusion at the same time.

“Since you have drawn your sword at me, it means you really want to kill me. In this case, I don’t need to be merciful anymore.”

“Asshole… asshole… so high…”

“Let me introduce myself first. My name is Buwanga. I am the current patriarch of the Bantu tribe in the northern part of the population of your empire. According to your statement, I should be considered the leader of the barbarian.”

Buwanga grinned and said indifferently: “I never take insults from the people of the empire in my heart, because what I want to defeat is the empire itself. At that time, people who insult our Bantu people will only More.”

“It’s just that since you’ve knifed me and the Bantu clan chief, in a sense, this is a provocation to our entire Bantu clan. So, I’m sorry.”

“In the next life, don’t drink so many bars again.”

With that, Totem slammed down with the momentum of thunder.



The strong sword sound made some people cover their ears. Sitting on the ground, Xilan had already stood there before the wet drunk man appeared in the crotch.

The Taitou in the wooden scabbard has been out of its sheath, and the sound of the sword is made by the constantly vibrating body of the Taitou.

“Huh~ This weight is about to squeeze me down. In order to overcome this weight next time, it seems that I need to continue to exercise.”


Seeing Xi Lan decisively intervened, Nuo Yu covered his head with a headache. He really doesn’t know when he can be cured of this big nosy problem. For the sake of a drunkard, is it worth fighting against the Bantu patriarch?

However, if you do something that considers whether it is worthwhile or not, then it is not Xilan.

“Ha! Interesting!”

Seeing Xilan who was able to catch his attack with one hand, Buwanga laughed: “The people on Xuzu’s side, do you want to get involved in the affairs of Bantu and the empire?”

“It’s okay. I will bring down the empire. If Xuzu wants to intervene, then even Xuzu will be eradicated!”

“No, no, no, although I would like to have a few discussions with you, but I can’t represent the ancestor.”

Xilan shook his head quickly, and then put Taito into the scabbard.

“The reason I stopped you has nothing to do with the empire, Bantu, or Xuzu. It’s purely to prevent the tavern owner from sad, and we don’t want to smell blood when we eat.”

“Furthermore, as a companion on the investigation team, it’s too much to fight at this time. Right, Forrest Gump.”


Forrest Gump who walked to the side of Xilan picked up a piece of parchment that had fallen on the floor of the wine table, handed it to Buwanga, and said calmly.

“Your stuff, it’s dropped.”

The parchment, which was held by Xilan and Forrest Zuo, was an order from the Duchy of Belmar.

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