Chapter 1314

“Hahahahaha, I didn’t expect such a coincidence!”

Buwanga, who was already at the same table with the four Xilan, touched his stubble and laughed: “Unexpectedly, in this tavern, I would meet a teammate who also accepted a commission. The relationship between people is really true. It’s amazing.”

“That’s it, I really didn’t expect it.”

Xilan also smiled, raising the glass and Bowanga Forrest Gump gestured for a while, and the three of them drank a little bit of water in the glass together. After all, the encounter of the three can really only be described in terms of fate.

Both are partners in the investigation team and both are Sword Soul. Although they have not discussed each other, they can be judged from their feelings. The strength of the other two is not inferior to their own. And there is no ill feeling between each other.

After opening the chatter box, I felt very agreeable. Even Forrest Gump said a lot more.

And because Buwanga and Xilan were sitting together, the other imperial adventurers who had just looked for things left without interest. As for the man who was scared to pee, he had already run away with the help of Hupengoyou.

Buwanga naturally didn’t bother to find this kind of trash fish.

As he himself said, what he wants to lead the Bantu tribe to defeat is the empire itself, not all the people of the empire. Even if there is a bloody feud between the Empire and Bantu, he will not mistake the object of his revenge.

It is the emperor of the empire and the army of the empire that is really going to be defeated. If you see an imperial man and shoot to death, what is the difference between him and the imperial army that slaughtered ordinary people in Bantu?

Pointing the blade at the innocent people is not something the strong should do. Although there is no right or wrong in war, the massacre shouldn’t happen.

This kind of thinking of Buwanga certainly seemed too naive in the eyes of the military officer. But in the eyes of Xilan and Forrest Gump, it is worthy of recognition. After all, in their opinion, only strengthening their own strength is the most correct path.

If the Bantu tribe at that time had the power to kill the ice dragon Skarsa, would they still encounter this kind of thing? Can the imperial army still wreak havoc in Bantu?

All ideas and goals are based on sufficient strength.

That’s why Buwanga, the patriarch of the Bantu clan, left his clan and accepted the commission of the Belmar Principality to investigate the Grieving Cave. Among them, there are many meanings to travel to the mainland and learn from the strong.

Working behind closed doors will only confine yourself to small circles. Only when you go out can you see a broader road.

“By the way, Buwanga, do you have any thoughts about investigating Beiming Cave?” With a mouthful of vegetables in his mouth, Xilan said while eating: “We are not alone in investigating Beiming Cave this time. people.”

“The empire has also sent an investigation team, and it is now near the destination. Maybe they will set out to investigate tomorrow, just like us.”

“Hahahahaha, don’t worry. Unless the empire takes the initiative to provoke me, otherwise I won’t take the initiative to act on them.”

Buwanga smiled and said: “And the purpose of this time is to investigate the abnormalities of the Grieving Cave. I am not the kind of person who can confuse the primary and secondary relationship because of personal feelings.”

“Of course, I don’t dare to say so full. If the Imperial Investigation Team really encounters my Bantu enemy, then please don’t stop me from both of you.”


“If you encounter an enemy, you will naturally go up, but this is the cause and effect.” Xi Lan said slowly: “How can I and Forrest Gump do such ignorant behavior?”

“It’s just that revenge depends on the time and occasion. If you still insist on revenge, Bowwanga, at a critical time, my knife will still be against you. Stubborn guys, use my knife to slash. , But the most suitable.”

“Uh…hahahahaha, it’s okay. When the time comes, just cut it over as much as you like.”Hearing Xi Lan’s overly straightforward words, Buwanga didn’t feel any irritation, but seemed very happy. Regardless of whether Buwanga’s thoughts are naive or not, but his aura is really nothing to say.

Whether it was the slander and mockery of the previous imperial adventurers against the Bantu tribe, or the aggressive behavior of the drunk man, Buwanga was not very angry from beginning to end.

Perhaps, this is the aura that a power leader should have. How can a person sitting in a high position not be able to tolerate others.

This also made Nuo Yu, who thought he would be cold because of Xilan’s outspokenness, breathed a sigh of relief. She is ready to switch the topic euphemistically and re-drive the atmosphere.

But he didn’t expect that Buwanga actually answered the question which sounded uncomfortable to anyone, faintly threatening, and let the flow go to another topic. Sure enough, as the patriarch of the Bantu clan, this skill still needs a Master.

After all, to become the patriarch of the Bantu clan, one of the most necessary things is to be able to adjust the contradictions between the various tribes. To do this, speaking skills are naturally an indispensable skill.

“The Bantu clan, this time I really elected an incredible patriarch.” Nuo Yu thought to himself.

If there is no ice dragon crisis, the Bantu tribe might really be able to cause a lot of trouble to the empire under the leadership of Buwanga. It’s a pity that the Bantu tribe, whose vitality is badly injured, now the only thing they can do is to recuperate.

The few people chatted for a long time, and after setting a time to leave together tomorrow, they went back to their hotel rooms to rest. The premonition of being a superb swordsman tells them that tomorrow, there may be a battle involving their life and death.

Everything, there is a feeling of wind and rain. Therefore, they must adjust their state to the best.


On the other side, on the Alvin Line, a city street near the imperial army station, a pair of attractive men and women came here.

The man has short dazzling silver hair, gorgeous earrings on his ears, and a short sword in the scabbard behind his waist. There is no expression on the face, and between gestures, it gives a feeling of arrogance.

If you have a more keen observation, you can see the attachment and desire to become stronger in the eyes of this young man.

And the girl standing with her is beautiful and colorful, with long silver-gray hair spreading behind her, and the black gauze dress fully reflects Miaoman’s figure.

Such a beautiful girl naturally arouses many men’s hormones.

But when the men want to take action, the girl will often look at these men with a smile, and the magic of the various elements around her body will instantly agitate.

Magician, a very capable magician.

After understanding this, the men’s heads naturally calmed down, and obediently put away their little thoughts.

Seeing the men retreating, the magic fluctuations on the girl’s body also calmed down, and then with a mischievous smile, she looked at the young man next to her, deliberately speaking in a seductive tone.

“Hahahaha, how about it, sister is still very attractive, right, Barn~ do you want to take this opportunity to play with your sister~”

“Please respect yourself, Miss Lynn. As you know, I already have a wife.”

For the girl’s temptation, the youth rejected it mercilessly. Along the way, this kind of dialogue has not known how many times it has happened.

The encounter with Lynn came from a mission sent by the Empire. As the genius swordsman of the Delos Empire, Barn, who was only 17 years old, was already able to command the Knights for various missions.

Because that mission was related to the Magic Association, the empire sent the highly anticipated genius magician Lynn to assist Baen.

This is a very troublesome woman, and Barn has understood this deeply since that mission. Especially at this point that she always likes to tease herself, Barn really can’t do anything about it.

From the original full retort, to the weak response, to the current adaptation. The ghost knows what he has gone through.

“Hey hey, Barn, you ruthless brother. With Emily, I don’t want to take care of your sister.”


The corners of his eyes flicked a few times, and watching Lynn’s pretended crying look, Barn really wanted to hit her with a fist on the head. But considering that the fist goes down, even if it doesn’t work hard, this woman will really squat here and cry for herself.

Therefore, Barn still held back. After all, the two have been together for a while, and he almost understands how to treat this type of person.

Just ignore it.

So he continued walking forward blankly, but his pace accelerated a lot.

“Barn, why are you walking so fast? Barn, wait for my sister.”

The physical quality of the sword soul and the magician can’t be compared at all, so even if Lyn is taller than Barn, he can’t keep up with the fast paced pace of Barn. Even if she has tried her best to walk her long legs.

Fortunately, the hotel is not too far away from the destination of the two, so Lynn rushed to Barn’s back before Barn finished the check-in procedure.

“Barn…you…a little…slow down…ah…”


Looking at Lynn, who was dripping with sweat, and because of her shortness of breath, a certain magnificent part was particularly eye-catching, Barn immediately shifted her gaze away, meditating in a hurry.

“Emily, Emily, Emily, Emily, Emily…”

Subsequently, his mood returned to normal.

“Lynn, even if you are a magician, you have to exercise more energy. Otherwise, your magic power will be exhausted and you won’t even be able to run.”

“Huh? Huh? Huh? Barn, are you caring about me? Sister, I’m so happy~”

Hearing Barn’s words, Lynn instantly showed a beautiful smile: “But it’s okay, because when my magic power runs out, Barn will protect me, won’t you?”

“……. What I’m talking about is just in case, what should you do if you and I get separated by accident? And, with my current strength, it is far from enough.”

Having said this, Barn’s eyes were slightly gloomy, and he took out a piece of parchment from the space bag. The same parchment with Forrest Gump, Buwanga, and Xilan.

“According to the intelligence obtained by the empire’s intelligence agent in the Principality, the people entrusted to investigate the Grieving Cave were three other people besides us. The patriarch of the Bantu tribe, Buwanga, the strongest sword soul of Xuzu Xilan, and the wandering swordsman who has been wandering the mainland, the giant sword Forrest Gump.”

“In terms of strength, these three people should be called the three strongest swordsmen in the entire continent. So following them, I will definitely learn something from them and become stronger!”

“But, Barn, you are also very strong, aren’t you?” Lynn leaned on a side table: “You are a genius boy among the top swordsmen of the empire at only 17 years old. I don’t think you need to worry at all. So arrogantly humble.”

“Age is not an excuse for being weak.”

Barn said coldly: “So I want to become stronger and have more powerful power!”

“Oh~ okay okay~”

After sighing helplessly, Lynn gently touched Barn’s head: “Sister will help you, so come on, Barn.”


“Huh? What’s the matter? I was moved by my sister?”

“How many times have I said…”

Barn, who finally couldn’t stand it, hit Lynn’s head with a fist mercilessly. There was a roar in his mouth.

“Don’t touch my head!!!”

“It hurts~!!!”


Looking at Lynn, who was squatting on the ground with his head, Barn only felt that all the uncomfortable feelings he had suppressed along the way were vented. The expressionless face was a little more comfortable.

“Okay, it’s getting late. According to the content of the order form, the commissioned investigators will gather near the Alvin line at 9:30 tomorrow morning. I have to get up early, so let’s rest today.”

After speaking, Barn put a key on the table next to Lynn.

“This is your room key. After you have played with the treasures, you can go back to the room and rest. I’ll go back to the room first.”

“Hey? Barn, aren’t you and me in the same room?”

“…I emphasize it again, Miss Lynn.”

When he was about to leave, Barn showed a smile without a smile: “I, already, have a wife.”

“It’s okay, if it’s Barn, sister won’t mind~”

Lynn, who was squatting on the ground with her head in her arms, raised her head, looked at Bath, and blinked mischievously.

“My sister won’t tell Emily.”

“I! Will! Mind! Mind!!!”

I really couldn’t stand this troublesome woman’s Bath. After leaving these four words, he quickly walked up the stairs and returned to the room. Seeing Barn leave, Lynn also stopped playing tricks and picked up the key from the table.

“Hmph~ The little brother Barn is really interesting. However, the three great sword souls…”

She is a magician, and she doesn’t know how these close-range professions judge combat power and intensity. She only knew that Barn’s swordsmanship strength could not be improved in the empire, so she ran out specifically to gain and learn the experience of fighting against the strong and the various techniques of the strong outside.

After learning the news, Linn specially ran to apply, and then came here with Barn as a team. No matter what, she couldn’t let go of this little brother who was a little brainy.

“I hope this investigation can end without incident…”

With this expectation in her heart, the magician girl hummed a small song softly, and also stepped up the steps.

The long night came to an end as the young girl fell asleep.

Because tomorrow is the day when the show begins. All that happened tonight is just a small performance before the big show, not even the opening.

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