Chapter 1316 Lynn and Guy

Already, how long have you been away…

The reason for the tightness of the spirit has caused the fatigue to slowly flow all over the body. The breath began to be messy, and the anxiety and fear that had been suppressed in my heart seemed to be slowly changing to despair.

As the highly anticipated genius magician of the Delos Empire, Lynn has been transferred to an elementalist at the age of only 20, and has mastered the top-level killing skill of Annihilation Black Hole.

You know, if the elementalist wants to awaken as the great magister, annihilating the black hole is his stepping stone.

It can be said that Lynn, who mastered the annihilation of the black hole at the age of 20, is really talented. If it goes well, she will be able to successfully awaken before the age of 25.

Therefore, the empire has always been precious to Lynn.

In particular, Emperor Leon Heinrich III, who wants to reproduce the glory of the Pelos Empire, has always wanted to cultivate magicians and warriors who are completely loyal to the empire like Ozma and Kazan before.

Barn and Lynn are the two candidates for the Imperial Talent Training Program.

But warriors need to fight, magicians need knowledge accumulation. So the training methods of Barn and Lynn are completely different. Barn has been leading the knights in the Knights to fight, increasing his commanding ability and swordsmanship.

Lynne, on the other hand, is constantly receiving the teachings of the great magisters of various empires, and is learning knowledge in the guild of wizards. And I was fortunate enough to get the guidance of the guild president Shalan.

Therefore, Lynn has not suffered much from growing up. When I came out to investigate this time, it was Linn’s own wishes. Secondly, there are also high-level ideas.

Let Barn and Lynn Duoduo contact, cultivate the tacit understanding of combat, and thus become a powerful pair of partners. Just like the original Ozma and Kazan. Moreover, with Ba En, a genius swordsman who was about to awaken as a sword saint, the empire’s senior officials did not worry about Lin En’s survival and safety.

However, they never expected that Barn, who had always been reliable, had something wrong this time, and he lost Lynn.

The reason for the loss is also a bit funny.

After seeing the three of Forrest Gump, Ba En, who wanted to become stronger, focused on the three men, wanting to learn the reasons for their strength. Therefore, even if Lynn asked him to talk to him along the way, he didn’t respond.

Lynn, who had spoken fruitlessly many times, made a little bit of a woman’s temper. Angrily stood in place, to see when Barn could find that he hadn’t followed.

As a result, everyone was gone, and no one found her missing. At this time, Lin was a little panicked, and hurriedly followed. Then, just lost it.

So now Linn, besides slowly filling her heart with despair, there is only annoyance at Barn.

Women are totally unreasonable when they get angry, and most people have the bad habit of pushing mistakes to others in the first place. In desperation, Lynn was naturally at ease and pushed all the mistakes to Barn.

Blame him! Blame him for ignoring himself! I didn’t even notice that I didn’t leave! Stinky Bath! If you die here, don’t let him be a ghost!

Despair and resentment filled Lynn’s heart.

In spite of this, she still did not stop, and continued to look for some traces of human trails everywhere. He raised his ears and carefully distinguished the surrounding sounds.

This can be regarded as a special ability of Lynn, not only can judge who the person is based on the sound of footsteps, but can even recognize the sound of different pulses. Although the darkness in the forest was extremely silent, apart from the occasional worms, there was only the sound of his own footsteps and gasping.

But because of this, when different voices appeared, Lynn had the confidence to recognize them in the first place.

But the problem is that after such a long time, she really can’t hear any other different voices. She and Barn separated from about 10:30 in the morning, and now, I am afraid it is already 4 or 5 in the afternoon.

In the past 7 hours, Lynn’s physical strength and spirit have been consumed almost. In the originally cheerful and bright eyes, at this time, they were almost filled with despair.

At this moment, God seemed to make a joke to her. Her ears heard a little different movement.

In the beginning, there was only one point. What follows is sparseness, with orderly pace in the chaos. Judging from this voice, there should be nearly 20 human beings passing by nearby.

After obtaining this information through analysis, Lin En couldn’t help speeding up her pace.

It doesn’t matter who it is, it doesn’t matter who it is, as long as you can see someone, as long as you can take her out of the forest, no matter who it is!

It seemed that the other side also noticed that someone was approaching, and the chaotic and orderly pace instantly became light and rush, as if it was slowly surrounding him.

“Wait! Wait! Please don’t attack me! I don’t have any malice or hostility!”

Lynn stopped and shouted loudly to the surroundings.

“My name is Lynn, and I am a magician from the Delos Empire! If you can, please take me out of this forest, and I must have a good reward afterwards!”

“…Lynn? This name seems to be…”

An indifferent man’s voice sounded, and after thinking for a few seconds, he issued an order.

“Stop, she is not the enemy.”


No one answered, but the murderous intention that surrounded Lynn slowly disappeared. Then a group of purple-robed figures, led by a man with long brown-gray hair, came to Lynn.

There was a large sword and a short sword hanging from his waist, and his arms were tattooed like wild beast fur, and his face was expressionless. But this expressionless face represents indifference, a ruthlessness that can pass by calmly even if there is a cruel and innocent massacre in front of him.

This is a group of extremely dangerous people, people who live on the dark side of the world. But it was precisely because it was such a group of people that Lin En had a great sense of security.

“Miss Lynn.”

The man who took the lead said indifferently: “We are the investigation team appointed by His Royal Highness to investigate the abnormal changes in the Screaming Cavern, the purple mist group. My name is Guy.”

“Purple Mist… Guy uh…”

Lynn’s eyes gradually lit up, and of course she had heard of these two names. The emperor’s direct subordinate sharp knife is responsible for doing shameful things.

Unexpectedly, his Majesty sent them all in this investigation of the Grieving Cave.

“We started after Miss Lynn and the Barn Knights.”

Seeing what Lyn was thinking, Guyn replied indifferently: “After Barn Knight and Miss Lynne left, the Empire soon received a new piece of news about the abnormal changes in the Grieving Cave.”

“The abnormal change in the Screaming Cave occurred because of the existence of the Fifth Apostle, Shilock. Therefore, the Emperor sent us the Purple Mist Group and gave the order.”

“Before the Belmar Principality investigation team arrives at the Screaming Cavern, capture or kill the Apostle Shilock and recover its body.”

“Since you are here, Miss Lynn, it means that our arrival time is a bit late.”

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