Chapter 1317 Xie Ming’s Magic Modification Skills (2 in 1)

“No no, no night, no night.”

For fear of Guy giving up, Lynn said immediately: “After discovering that I was missing, Barn and the others will definitely look for me in the forest for a while. Moreover, the road conditions in the Grieving Cave are complicated, and they must have not found Shilock at this time.”

“As long as we speed up our pace and reach the Grieving Cave quickly. I have a way to find its hiding place after getting close to Shilock for a certain distance.”

Lynn, who was trying to promote herself, naturally made Guy Endo look at her a few times. After a few analyses, Guy soon got the result. This woman, I’m afraid it’s not crazy to stay alone in the forest.

But it’s okay. Although the task that the Purple Wist Group accepted did not protect Lin En, as the emperor’s subordinates, he still needed to have eyesight.

In addition, this woman has already stated her own value, and her strength as a magician is not weak. Taking her on the way to the mission will not be too slow. If it’s someone who’s going to be dragged down, Guy must be too lazy to talk to him.

After all, the Ziwu regiment is directly under the emperor, and the fighting regiment that kills people without blinking is not here for charity. Even if the opponent’s status in the empire is high and important, Guy can choose to ignore it altogether.

Even in this wilderness, even if you kill you, what can you do? The corpse can turn into a zombie, the soul can turn into a wraith spirit, can’t run back to the empire to file a complaint?

“Then that’s it. Everyone, speed up the pace.”

Nodded slightly towards Lynn, Guy continued to walk forward. Following his order, some members of the Purple Mist Regiment quickly disappeared in place. I thought that the scouts scattered around to explore the enemy.

This is much better than A-Gump and his team. After all, A-Gump and the others relied solely on their feelings and experience to barely deviate from the right direction of walking out of the forest. The Purple Mist Group sent scouts to detect in front of the team in a fan-shaped spread, and then reported to Guy one by one.

The former is somewhat metaphysical, while the latter relies on numbers and practical methods. No matter how you look at it, the latter is more reliable.

Lynn, who was following Guy’s left side and not too close with the staff, thought so.

But none of these matter to her, no matter whether Shilock was preempted by Barn or not, as long as the Purple Mist group is still there, as long as Guy is still there, she will feel very safe in her heart.

Time, another hour or two passed. The sky outside the forest was completely dark. At the moment when the sun’s last glow dissipated, the purple mist group finally walked out of the forest.

The mountain not far away is where the grieving cave of the destination is located.

But when he clearly walked out of the forest, Guy Eun’s expression became extremely gloomy and cruel, and his hand was already on the Taishou on his waist. The aura that exudes is like a fierce beast about to eat people, and it doesn’t cover up the killing intent at all.

Because the number of scouts who walked in front to explore the way before, the number has been reduced a bit at this time. And the news that came back made him kill Ling Ran.

Someone actually stood in front of the entrance of the Grieving Cave, knocked out the scouts he sent out one by one, and left them aside.

Guy’s killing intent was naturally not caused by the loss of the scout. For him, no matter how many guys other than him died, it didn’t hurt or itchy. As long as he doesn’t interrupt him to complete the task, it doesn’t matter whether other people are alive or dead.

But if it interrupts him to complete the task, he will drew his sword and kill them even if it was the team members.

Therefore, this mysterious man who killed him and sent scouts has undoubtedly affected his efficiency in completing the task. Then, he needs to die.For Guy, it’s that simple.

“Yo, I’m sorry, all tourists who come here for sightseeing.”

The purple mist group scout, who had been unconscious in his hands and unable to regain consciousness for a while, threw aside, Xie Ming smiled and looked at Guy En, Lin En and the remaining members of the purple mist group.

“Today, the Beiming Cave is under maintenance, so we stopped receiving tourists. So if you want to visit the Beiming Cave, please come back tomorrow or the next day.”

Seeing that the young man in front of him saw so many people coming, he still didn’t look back at all, the anger in Guy’s eyes was even more obvious. Too big? Very good, then go to hell.

“kill him.”

The icy command caused all members of the Ziwu Regiment to burst out of murderous intent. For a time, countless attacks attacked Xie Ming.

The members of the purple mist regiment, apart from the swordsman Guy En, are basically divided into three categories: spell master, martial artist, and assassin. So the type of attack naturally depends on how dirty it can be.

The invincible flying poisonous insects, the vicious charms hidden among the flying insects, and the air cannon from the martial arts masters who seized the gap. Countless long-range attacks instantly drowned Xie Ming’s figure in it. Being baptized by such an attack, Xie Ming always looked at it with a lot of bad luck.

Lin En didn’t participate in this long-range attack feast. After all, in her opinion, a challenge to Xie Ming of the notorious Purple Mist Group is undoubtedly mortal, and she doesn’t need to take action at all.

But it is a pity that Xie Ming disappointed them all.

“Splitting Void slashed with a knife.”

The icy light flashed in a circular arc. Because of the need to save some energy, Xie Ming did not integrate this kind of positioning, attack, attack and defense, but a pure defense. Therefore, the spread of the arc knife light only lasted for a second or two, and then disappeared.

But the defensive effect is very significant.

The light of the sword containing the demon-breaking attribute successfully detonated it when it passed the spell and the gas cannon. The flames, frost, poisonous fog that erupted from the spell, as well as the shock wave generated by the explosion of the Nianqi Cannon, made Xie Ming’s surroundings instantly cleared.

The principle Xie Ming has always followed is that if you don’t want to kill me, generally speaking, I won’t kill you specifically. But once you kill me, then I won’t be too polite to you.

So after clearing the opponent’s long-range attacks, his eyes quickly locked on several poisonous warlocks who manipulated poisonous insects, and the light of the blade flickered again.

“Quickly draw a knife and cut.”

Several swift and sharp blade lights slashed towards the target, but after the blade was cut out, Xie Ming did not retract the knife, but the handle of the weapon in his hand, slammed to his side.

Because there, a cracking sound came. The bald man in the martial arts uniform was flying and kicking his head fiercely. This is about to hit, I am afraid that the head will become a football directly, and it will be accurately shot into the goal of the mourning cave.

Xie Ming, naturally did not have the habit of kicking his head to others. The handle of the knife hit his knee slightly downward when the bald man’s kick hadn’t reached the optimal point of force.



The bald man flew upside down quickly, hitting the ground with his body. The right leg he just kicked out has already been bent into an incredible angle. But he was hard-spirited and didn’t yell out any sound because of the severe pain.

Well, it’s very tough, so Xie Ming decided to let this tough man die just like that. He casually threw the cracked sword in his hand and pierced his head.

Now Xie Ming’s biggest problem is that he does not have a good quality weapon in his hand. The horns given to him by the bloodthirsty cat demon Seymour are, anyway, its tokens, and can only be used when there is no weapon.

But in case the horns are used up, and when the time comes to find the Ryshalyn Seamo said, what will he use to win her trust? Face?

Therefore, during the battle against Shilock this month, Xie Ming basically used ordinary iron weapons bought from Linus, or simply caged hands.

As for why it is not made by projection magic, the reason is simple.

Not enough energy.

Since it wastes precious energy on the projection weapon, it is better to leave it open. The latter is his most powerful reliance. As for the weapon, if there is no suitable one, it can only be used.

Anyway, Linus’s iron weapons didn’t cost much money. It didn’t take much time to take out the weapon from the space bag.

Moreover, since Xie Ming learned a certain skill about sword soul from Linnas, and transformed it into his own thing. Even ordinary iron weapons can display a lot of power in Xie Ming’s hands.

The price was that Xie Ming had to buy all the iron weapons in Linus for nearly a month.

“Breaking Extreme Weapon Blade·Absolutely.”

Energy conversion converts the energy in the body into a special kind of magic power, which is poured into the short sword just taken out of the space bag through the arm. In an instant, countless cracks appeared on the body of the short sword.

The reason why it hasn’t directly become fragments is only because it is wrapped by a sword light outside.

At the cost of permanent damage to the weapon, the attack power and sharpness of the weapon are increased to the level of breaking the upper limit of the weapon quality. This is the skill Xie Ming developed by himself after he understood the principle of Soul Sword Skill: Breaking Extreme Weapon Blade.

Speaking of this, it was caused by an accident.

Players who have played the Soul of Sword Profession should all know that Soul of Sword possesses two skills: weapon control and extreme weapon blade.

Weapon control is the ultimate point of the durability of the Master’s weapons, and it can slow down the wear and tear of the weapon’s durability in battle. The breaking point weapon is to speed up the durability of the weapon, thereby improving the performance of the weapon.

Because of the reason that weapon control is still effective in the state of breaking extreme weapon, even if breaking extreme weapon is turned on, the weapon in the hands of sword soul actually consumes a little more durability than other professional weapons.

But the problem is that Xie Ming didn’t break the extreme weapon before the Master’s weapon control. So after turning on the Smashing Edge Weapon, Xie Ming could only watch the iron weapon in his hand rapidly break down, aging and finally shattering.

Ordinary iron weapons do not have a high durability value, and even if the ultimate weapon blade is turned on, they cannot rise to the level of the rare level, and the maintenance time is short. Simply put, it is two words, tasteless.

So he was thinking about what would happen if all the durability values ​​of ordinary weapons burst out in one breath. But the ordinary breaking point weapon, even if the durability value is consumed quickly, it is stage by stage.

For example, the durability of an ordinary long sword is 100, and hacking a goblin will consume a little durability. However, after turning on the Destroyer Weapon without weapon control, it will consume 10 durability points per second.

You can’t control it, let this long sword directly consume 99 durability points within this second. But the problem is, Xie Ming can see people who explode weapons to play at every turn.Mr. Jin, the oldest village chief, had a certain stunt by Xie Ming taught melee red archers on all planes. Both of them used magical power to detonate treasures to cause a huge amount of damage to the fantasy collapse.

So, what will happen if you use the skill of Destroyer Weapon with the magical power of the fantasy collapse and the Moon World?

What would happen if the Chiryu Emperor’s cage hand was used to increase the limit and then switched to a weapon to increase its power?

With this idea at the time, Xie Ming approached Shilock, who hadn’t recovered his sanity at the time, to try it. Well, I tried it in the afternoon. Then the next day, Shilock regained her senses.

Now you should understand why Xie Ming would find him for a fight every time Xie Ming came to meet Shilock in the Grievance Cave.

Later, under Xie Ming’s continuous improvement, combined with the imaginary collapse of the ultimate weapon, Xie Ming added a suffix of ‘absolute’, representing the meaning of extinction and extinction.

Or, you can also use the [Absolute Blade] state to call this Xie Ming researched out, and only belongs to his breaking weapon.

Of course, during this period of time, the skills that he has completely mastered and magically modified are not only the ultimate weapon.

“Disperse feathers suddenly.”

Suddenly pierced the short sword in his hand, and pierced it six times in this instant. At the next moment, Six Paths’ sharp aura, like a thin needle, penetrated the heads of the six members of the Purple Mist Group.

Of course, the iron dagger, which was blessed in a state of absolute blade, also turned into countless small iron filings and fell to the ground after it was cast.

From the continuous spike magic change, the fixed direction of the continuous spike is converted into multiple directions for mid-to-close range attacks. The energy consumption is small, and it is ruthless and accurate.

At the moment when the short sword became iron filings, several ghost figures with iron claws and black masks appeared around Xie Ming. A sharp glow extended from the iron claws, blocking all Xie Ming’s retreat.

The purple mist group has been lurking in the environment, waiting for the enemy to attack the assassins in the gap. At this time, it revealed its sharp fangs dripping with venom. Their weapons are naturally smeared with the poisonous blood that seals their throats.

Even a single rub will cause all the meat in that area to rot. It can be said to be extremely vicious. With Xie Ming’s current physical fitness, the speed is not as fast as these assassins.

If the speed is enough, they will naturally be smashed one by one. But now, it can only be made up with skill.

His right foot slammed on the ground, and in an instant, a muffled sound and shock wave shook all the assassins who were surrounding him and attacking him.

Silver Light Falling Blade Magic Modification: The war tramples, the range will blast the enemy who has not activated the hegemony body, and the shock wave also contains the vibration technique, which makes the enemy’s body instantly stiff.

He took out an infantry giant sword again, and was held upside down by Xie Ming for an upward movement. The next moment, a giant rift like petals turned in the air, turning the bodies of the assassins into fragments.

Bones, internal organs and minced meat fell sparsely to the ground. But not a drop of splashed blood spilled on Xie Ming’s body.

This is Xie Ming’s most effort to change his magic into a successful one.

The split wave slashing demon is modified to capture the enemies who can’t control the body in one’s own body, and then use the master-level demon-breaking knife to turn into a rotating split wave to cut the enemy.

Its name:…….

Not ready yet.

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