Chapter 1319

“Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom b

The violent magical fluctuations accompanied by a roaring explosion completely disturbed the magical elements in the air. As the smoke dissipated, a large sword was inserted straight into the center of the explosion.


The brutality and killing intent in the voice is enough to scare ordinary people directly. Guy swayed from the forest, and while walking, he violently pulled out the huge sword fragment that had penetrated his body.

What is the most important thing for a guy like Guy Eun who is strong and brutal? First, interest. Second, face.

For the sake of profit, he can be shameless at all and use whatever means. But if there is no interest in it, face is what he values ​​most.

And Xie Ming’s series of offensives undoubtedly made him lose face. If it weren’t for Lynn to help him find Shilock in the Screaming Cavern, I’m afraid he would kill Lynn immediately after the battle is over.

As the old saying goes, the dead genius is just a simple corpse. Even if Lynn is a genius with high potential, what about it?

Even if he reported directly and said that he had killed Lynn, there would only be a few symbolic punishments on the empire, and it would not hurt at all.

The living Juggernaut and the dead genius, no one can tell which is more valuable.

Of course, the prerequisite for everything is that Guy can kill Xie Ming, and then enter the Cave of Grief to successfully defeat Shilock and return to the empire. And now, Guy is naturally ready to complete the first step.

Kill this bastard kid who threw his face on the ground and trampled on him in the most cruel way.

With such a powerful physical fitness, Guy Eun quickly stopped the blood flowing after Guy Eun pulled out the fragments. He slowly walked to the center of the explosion, drew out the magic weapon Taishou, and suddenly raised his eyes.

At the next moment, Guy’s body turned into a black shadow and rushed to Xie Ming swiftly.

At this time, Xie Ming just took out a giant sword from the space bag, and inserted the same style iron sword into the scabbard on his waist.


The tip of the sword stabbed on the giant sword in a state of absolute blade, and the powerful strength and impulse caused Xie Ming’s feet to retreat a few steps before taking off his strength. However, Guy’s offensive is not over yet.

The body revolved, and the short sword clinging to his arm was like his arm blade, flashing through several knife marks in succession with the rotation of the body. The powerful slash hits the giant sword, and the weapon that has just been taken out within a few seconds is directly turned into fragments.

Moreover, these fragments also slashed towards and stabbed Xie Ming at an alarming speed. This, of course, is Guy’s intentional move.

The purpose is to use the way of the person to treat the person’s body. He wanted to let this stinky kid taste the same.

But obviously, Xie Ming has no interest in this ‘dish’ at all. His right foot slammed the ground quickly and forcefully, with his body as the center, a shock wave spread to the surroundings, shaking off all the fragments of the great sword.

Silverlight falling blade magic change: war trampled.


Three slashes sounded one after another, and it was Guy En who quickly approached Xie Ming with three slashes. The three-stage slash used by Soul Sword and Swordmaster is naturally not the same as the three-stage slash used by swordsmen in other professions.

The three-stage cut used by the sword soul transfer system should be five-stage cut to be precise.

At this moment, Guy En had already cut four times in a row, approaching Xie Ming. And his fifth slash was not a normal downward swing, but a fierce attack from the bottom to the top.

The strong sense of danger caused all the cold hair on Xie Ming’s arm to stand up. If you just pull out the iron sword that is blessed with the absolute blade state to resist, you will definitely suffer serious injuries!

Because this is not a challenge at all, but the awakening skill of the Master after the sword soul awakens as a sword master.

The extreme, ghost swordsmanship, and storm-style ending strokes are incredibly hurtful!

Don’t look at the previous fights that caused Guy En to suffer so much from Xie Ming’s hands, but after all, they are one of the top talents in this era. Xie Ming was able to gain the upper hand entirely because he used technology and combat experience to make up for the lack of physical strength and weapon quality.

Coupled with the enemy’s contempt and surprise, Guy Eun suffered a lot of injuries just now.

But now, Guy is so smart.

He is cruel and loves face, and interests are paramount, but he is not stupid. The sword soul who can awaken as the sword master, who is a fool? His swordsmanship and combat experience are no better than the bastard in front of him.

Even if I don’t want to admit it anymore, this is also a fact. However, the physical strength of the enemy in front of him was surprisingly weak, and it felt the same as the sword soul before he was awakened. And now, he hasn’t produced any decent weapons.

For the former, I am afraid that the enemy has some injuries, leaving him in a weak state. But for the latter, Guy can be sure that the other party really has no good weapons.

Reminiscent of Xie Ming’s actions to prevent others from entering the Screaming Cave, the answer is not difficult to come up with.

This guy may have had a battle with the apostle Shilock inside, and was seriously injured, and the weapon in hand was destroyed in the battle. As for why it is blocked here? It is very likely that he and Shilock have reached an agreement or cooperation.

Or, this guy has been completely controlled by the apostle. That’s why I stood in front of the cave and bought time for the apostle. And this time gained is likely to be the time for the apostle to recover from his injuries.

In other words, the apostle inside is probably also seriously injured. As long as you defeat this bastard and enter the cave to find Shilock, he is very likely to capture the terrifying Fifth Apostle simply and easily.

If you really capture Shilock, then whether you embezzle it yourself, try every means to obtain Shilock’s apostle power, or directly hand it over to the empire, you will fly straight to the top.

The former can give oneself almost invincible power. The latter can completely make oneself the true power of the empire.

No matter what it is, it is a real benefit. Those who prevent themselves from gaining benefits will all have to die!

Thinking of this, Guy’s eyes almost turned into the same scarlet color as the berserker, and he severely cut out the storm-like slash.


Like lightning flashing in the sky, the pale blade light disappeared in a flash, causing Xie Ming’s body to rise into the air. With both hands, he pulled out the two Taito swords with scabbards that crossed in front of him in time, and after they were split into two halves, they turned into iron filings.

His arms trembled slightly, and the soreness filled every muscle fiber, the same as he felt after training every morning.

But at least, blocking this can almost become a killer blow.

“Difficult kid, die for me!”

Seeing that his violent maneuver didn’t cut Xie Ming in half, Guy En’s eyes were not only harsh, but also a little more surprised. But immediately, he was filled with killing intent.

His body shook slightly, and in an instant, two clones identical to him appeared on the left and right sides of Guy. The three of them tapped their toes and jumped high with sword light.


With this skill, the three figures rushed to fly high and not far below Xie Ming. The sword in his hand was severely cut out again.

Storm Style·Up Slash!

The flashing slash pierced the sky, and the intersecting point was exactly where Xie Ming was.

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