Chapter 1320

I have to admit that Guy is really a very powerful enemy to his own projection of consciousness. Even if his sword skills surpassed him by one level, he was now forced to such a level.

Technology is the weapon for the weak to defeat the strong, and it is also the basis for the strong to defeat the stronger.

But if the gap between the two is too big, it is difficult for technology to make up for this gap. It’s like a person with a superb martial arts has traveled back to when he was about 10 years old. No matter how good his martial arts were, it would be difficult to kill a fully armed mercenary armed with a firearm.

Unless it is a sneak attack.

The current battle between Xie Ming and Guy is almost like this. To put it more accurately, the Sword God who is only level 33 but has the Master of the Second Sensation skill competes against the 75th level Sword Master.

Fortunately, this world is not a hierarchical world. Otherwise, even if Guy stands there to beat Xie Ming, the damage Xie Ming brings to him will only help him manicure.

It’s better to say that the speed, strength, physical strength, and weapons and equipment are all inferior. Being able to put Guy in this embarrassed appearance is enough to prove the difference in technology.

But unfortunately, it can only stop here.

As long as the weapon is slightly better, it will not fall into such a predicament.

Some people might say, why not use the horns of the Bull Head Commander that Seamus sent, or the corpses of those Slaughter Gu worms in the cave? All of these can be made into quite powerful weapons in DNF.

Well, yes, it can indeed be made into a very powerful weapon. But you also said that they can be made, not that they are very powerful weapons themselves.

The materials and weapons are still very different.

The corpse of the Slaughter Gu Worm King and the Bull Head Commander’s horns are indeed the main materials for weapons of very high quality, and they also have strong hardness, but after all, they still cannot escape the limitations of the materials.

Indeed, using these two materials to fight Guy En’s artifact weapons can last a while longer than these iron weapons, but that’s all.

Absolutely bladed state allows these iron weapons to surpass the limit of their own quality, and the attack power alone is definitely not inferior to the two materials themselves. The only difference is hardness and duration.

If you clash with Guy’s weapons many times, the material will still be damaged or even cut off. The state of breaking the extreme weapon blade, but Guy’s blessing has long been blessed on his own weapon.

So now Xie Ming is facing a situation of choosing one of the two.

Should you take out the material itself from the space bag and use it as a weapon to fight, or expose some of your hole cards to deal with it?

He reached the conclusion without thinking much and chose the latter.

As for the reason, it is naturally…

“I am a thrifty and family man.”

A crimson-colored caged hand suddenly appeared on both arms, Xie Ming turned his body, and his dark eyes instantly caught one of the three Guy’s graces, and blasted out fiercely. In the short period of time from when the fist was retracted to when it was blasted, the turquoise gemstone had sounded several times of ‘Boost’.

Strengthening is naturally the strength of the body.



Under the impact of a strong boxing, the flame turned into a ring and spread out in the air. Guy, who had used the storm-style upper cut, was instantly smashed down and embedded into the ground, with a deep concave fist mark on his chest.


Blood was constantly spurting from his mouth and nose, and the two weapons held tightly in his hands also fell to his sides.

After circling a few times in the air, Xie Ming dropped to the ground with no effort. The blow just shattered Guy’s ribs, lung lobes and the left atrium of his heart.

Unless he has the highest-quality restoration items on his body, or there is a paladin who can resurrect the dead nearby, he is bound to die. The reason why he hasn’t died is because he feels the strong physique of the strong is hanging his last breath.

But now Guy, because of physical pain, it can be said that life is better than death. The Red Dragon Emperor’s Yicheng flames had penetrated into his body under the influence of the penetrating power, even if there was only a trace, it was enough to burn people to death.

So his bones and internal organs should all be being burned by the flames.

The cage hand turned into a phantom and disappeared. Xie Ming drew the last iron sword from his waist and walked forward slowly. Although Guy Eun is a notorious and worthy of death, his skill in swordsmanship is already close to the existence of the second sense.

In order to prevent him from being resurrected, to be rescued, and to let him die happily, Xie Ming prepared to give him a happy life. After he died, Yanhuo would instantly burn his body to ashes.

This kind of fate is much better than the original ending in the world line where you can’t get away from becoming a skeleton.

And Lynn, who was standing by and watching the battle, was already scared by Liushen Wuzhu.

The turning of the battle is too fast, too much to make people react. Obviously Guy Eun was about to behead the opponent, but he was beaten to death by the opponent’s inexplicable counterattack.

What is that strange armband? Why does it suddenly appear on the arm and then disappear suddenly? I have never seen such a weapon! Also, isn’t this young man of his own age a sword master? Why did you punch suddenly?

Could it be that he is the Sanda of a fighter who has changed his job?

How can it be….

Countless confused thoughts filled the brain, making Lynn a little dizzy. However, to become an elementalist, the first necessary quality is to be able to calm down quickly. Even if the mentality is not good, Lynn is also an elementalist who is close to a nap.

She definitely didn’t want to die, otherwise she wouldn’t be so excited when she met the purple mist in the forest. But now, the purple mist group has led her to death.

Pinning the hope that the young strong opposite will not kill herself, Lynn is not so naive yet. So now she has only two choices in front of her, one is to turn her head and run away.

This choice can indeed survive, because the young powerhouse in front of him obviously wants to guard in front of the grieving cave, so there is a high probability that she will not be hunted down. But it symbolized that she was going to enter this forest that frightened her again.

The other is to attack Xie Ming and save Guy.

In her space bag, there happens to be a super precious restoration item that can save Guy’s life, and the family allows her to keep her life-saving super precious restoration items: Norton’s Master Life Potion.

Just feed this alchemy potion to Guy En, and he can definitely recover within a few seconds. But will this young strong man give her this time? Also, can your own sneak attack really work?

“The teacher said that when you are indecisive, follow your inner feelings.”

After escaping into the forest, continue to get lost in the dark place, or do you gamble for your life here?

Lynn squeezed the staff in her hand, a decision was already made in her eyes.

“Annihilate the black hole!”

In an instant, a huge black sphere appeared behind Xie Ming, and the strong suction force sucked all the surrounding gravel and trees into it. Xie Ming naturally had a physical meal, and then rubbed his feet on the ground and was quickly pulled over.

“It’s now!”

Seeing her strongest skills work, Lynn ran towards Guy and took out a bottle of blood-red potion from the space bag.

“Tsk, I really want to die by myself.”

Smacking his mouth, Xie Ming turned his head, his dark eyes turned into emerald green.

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