Chapter 1321


The crisp sound of glass shattered into the ears of everyone present. This voice completely froze Linn’s movements. Because she felt that her annihilation black hole had completely disappeared at this time.

It’s like the pencil sketch drawn on white paper is wiped out by an eraser. Even in that place, there was not even a trace of magical elements.

“It’s over.”

These two words appeared in Lynn’s mind. Although she didn’t know what kind of method the other party used to erase the black hole that she did her best to annihilate her, she still knew the fact that she was finished.

Because, the terrifying killing intent had completely enveloped her at this time. Under this killing intent, Lynn couldn’t move at all. Can only watch, Xie Ming walked towards Guy who fell on the ground.

“Women, you have to line up if you want to die, don’t jump in the line.”

Glancing at Lin En, Xie Ming said indifferently: “When you were young, your parents didn’t tell you, was it immoral to jump in the queue?”

Hell there is no morality, who is dying, who still talks about morality and immorality! And who would jump in the line to die! ?

Naturally, it is impossible for Lynn to complain like this, because she is not such a role. Then, she was now completely locked in place by Xie Ming’s killing intent, and it was a bit difficult to even lift her finger, let alone speak.

Walking to Guy En, looking at him who kept coughing up blood, but still wanted to take up the weapon to stand up, Xie Ming gently pushed the knife with his left hand, and ejected the iron sword for a short while.

“The winner and the loser, you have the superiority of your weapons and physical strength to suppress me, so if I fight back, there should be no complaints, right.”

“Asshole…how can I…”

“Yes, yes, don’t talk about the regular speech before the villain’s death, because you get tired of listening. Then, goodbye.”

A cold light flashed, blocking Guy’s words and blood in his throat. The head fell to the ground feebly, and was quickly burned into ashes by the crimson flames along with the body.

And Xie Ming put the iron knife in his hand casually in place, and then picked up the two weapons on both sides of Guy’s ashes.

Taito: Blade of the mist. Short sword: the curse of the necromancer.

The former is a rather peculiar weapon. The blade near the tip of the blade is not as sharp and smooth as the ordinary Dachi, but like a saw. The blade and the back have five corresponding serrations, which looks quite hideous.

And on the short sword of the Curse of the Necromancer, it exudes a faint and unknown aura. The blade is even more peculiar, separated from the middle of the blade, with two blade tips. It looks like a shark’s slightly open mouth.

The two weapons are both artifact-level weapons. The former has fairly satisfactory attributes. The highlight is that it will increase the critical strike damage by 18% during a critical strike. The latter has some interesting effects.

When using the Necromancer to attack, there is a 2% chance to apply a special dispelling effect to enemies within 50 meters. The dispelled enemy will enter a bleeding state for up to five seconds.

Coupled with another special effect: when attacking an enemy in a bleeding state, there is a 30% chance to increase the extra damage by 20%, making the Necromancer a very good weapon.

Just now, Guy’s luck was a little bad, and he didn’t succeed in inflicting bleeding on Xie Ming. However, Guy En didn’t hit Xie Ming a few times, and the 2% chance is really small.

This….. It is really impossible to say that Guy is African. It can only be said that his good luck did not come when he needed it most.

But to be reasonable, even if he is a European who really imposes a bleeding state on Xie Ming, it seems that the ending will not change, just the difference between adding more trouble and less trouble.

“Follow him, Guy is a good guy anyway, he sent me equipment.”

Although the Blade of Mist and the Curse of the Necromancer are not too easy to handle, they are also artifact-class weapons. The strength, durability, and effectiveness are definitely not comparable to those of iron weapons.

Moreover, if the Absolute Blade state were applied to these two weapons, how much damage would it have? Think about it, there are still some small expectations.

He took out an ordinary leather scabbard, put the Necromancer in it and threw it back to the space bag, then put the blade of mist into the scabbard on his waist, Xie Ming pulled out the iron knife inserted in place, and watched To Lynn.

“Well, girl, it’s your turn.”


Seeing the look of horror in the girl’s eyes, Xie Ming didn’t show the slightest movement. He doesn’t like killing women, but that doesn’t mean he can’t kill women.

Just now, the pretty girl in front of her shot him with murderous intent. Then, she was killed by Xie Ming, which was a matter of course.

“In the next life, learn to be smart.”

The iron sword lifted up and slashed fiercely towards… the silver-haired boy who rushed out of the forest with five slashing madness.


The interlacing of the blade and the blade caused a strong air current to blow Linn’s body towards the forest. Then a sloppy man with long brown hair put his hand on Lynn’s back and let her land safely.

By the way, with his own thoughts, Xie Ming’s killing intent locked on Lin En’s body was lifted.

“Tsk tusk, this place is really lively.”

Looking at the corpses in the same place, the minced meat, the sloppy man kept chattering, and moved his gaze to Xie Ming.

“Boy, you did it all?”

“more or less.”

Glancing at the iron knife that was almost unable to hold, Xie Ming kicked the silver-haired boy on the belly. He turned a few somersaults in the air and fell to the scruffy man’s side.

“So strong…”

Even if he had jumped back in time, he was still kicked. The silver-haired boy wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and after scanning the horror here, a trace of anger appeared in his eyes.

“You bastard…..”

“Yeahhhhhhhhhh, here is the highlight.”

Scratching his head helplessly, ignoring the silver-haired boy, Xie Ming shouted at the forest.

“The three hidden inside, don’t hide. If you want to attack me, I’m afraid you won’t find a chance. Come out generously and let’s meet each other.”


“Hahahaha, I didn’t expect that I could still meet a strong guy about my age!”

“Smelly boy, you are ordering…huh?”

Miss Dark Elf just wanted to make a few regular curses, but realized that some people’s words seemed a little bit wrong just now.

The others also turned their eyes to the blond brawny man who resisted the huge totem. Looked at Xie Ming, then looked at him.

“That… Buwanga, what did you just say?”


Buwanga was stunned, and then said: “I said that I can actually see a strong guy about my age, which is really unexpected.”


Everyone looked at Xie Ming’s face in his early twenties again, and looked back at Buwanga again.

“Bowanga, how old are you this year.” A-Gump in black leather twitched the corner of his left mouth and asked calmly.

“Huh? Haven’t I told you?”

Buwanga touched his head: “How old do you think I am, I am 25 this year.”


Xi Lan blinked, then took off the wine gourd around her waist and took a sip in her mouth.

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