Chapter 1328 Linus With A Wide Network

After the meal, everything was cleaned up, and the three of them sat at the dinner table, chatting cheerfully and laughingly about some dispensable things. Very ordinary and very warm.

Ordinary life is actually the most precious thing. It can be said that the days of peace and happiness that we spend every day are drawn by the efforts and contributions of countless people.

It can even be said that every ordinary day is actually a continuous miracle.

But many people don’t realize this, or that they don’t think so.

When ordinary life is destroyed and their environment and world begin to change drastically, people will miss the ordinary days of the past.

We only know how to cherish it when we lose it. Everyone understands this truth. However, knowing and doing is the furthest distance in the world.

Some things can only be understood by those who have really experienced it. The three people present are all such people. So each of them cherishes it very much, this moment is ordinary.

But they also know that the ordinary will be broken sooner or later. Continuous miracles cannot continue to happen forever. For the sake of ordinaryness in the future, we must break the ordinaryness of the present.

Because the world waiting for change makes me forced to change, it is better to break and change on my own initiative. In this way, at least in his own hands, the Master has the initiative.

So it’s time to leave this ordinary and warm day.

Seeing Linus who was a little thirsty chatting and drinking Celia from the cup, Xie Ming smiled and said abruptly.

“Tomorrow, I will leave the Alvin line of defense.”


As the voice fell, Linus and Celia had a pause. After swallowing the water in their mouths, they slowly lowered the cups.

“Mr. Xie Ming needs to do everything that has been done?”


Nodding lightly, Xie Ming chuckles and said, “I believe everyone has felt the fluctuation that came from the direction of the Weiming Cave today. The abnormal changes in the Weiming Cave have been resolved, and I have learned a lot of things.”

“So, it’s time to embark on a new journey.”

“That’s it…”

“Then where are you going next?” Linus asked, “Do you have any plans for the next?”


Xie Ming replied: “Uncle Linus also knows that I am still too unfamiliar with ghost swordsmanship. So I plan to go to Huttonmar and hunt for money in the Gran Forest. Learn ghost swordsmanship in some swordsmanship instructors in Hutton Marli to perfect yourself.”

Ghost swordsmanship is indeed a learning goal of Xie Ming. However, what he wants to learn is naturally not just ghost swordsmanship.

He must learn a little about the fighting skills of fighters, the holy skills of priests, and the magic of magicians. With the magical ability of energy conversion, the energy system differences between different professions did not exist for him.

Of course, ghost swordsmanship, which may be helpful to his own swordsmanship, must be his main study. For the others, he only intends to touch on them slightly, preparing for some things that may happen in the future.

For example, the Qi Gong master’s Nian Qi mask, Street Fighter’s Fuhu Overlord Fist, Judo’s throwing skills, Sanda’s fighting skills, the priest’s purification and healing skills, as well as the magician’s ultimate magical skill: the substitute grass man.

He still understands the truth about how greedy you can’t chew. So he only intends to learn skills that are helpful to him and can be incorporated into his own skills.

Learning these can not only improve the combat ability of the consciousness projection, but also a very strong reinforcement for his own combat effectiveness. Especially those grasping skills in close professions are something he must learn.

This kind of maneuver that can force control of the enemy is really precious. Although the control time is short, the two words ‘control’ are enough for Xie Ming to spend a lot of time learning.

Even if he doesn’t know whether the grasping skills learned here will have the same effect when placed in the main god space and placed on other planes. But at least, in the past few years in the Arad continent, these grabbing skills can definitely help him a lot.

“Grand Forest…it is really suitable for you to practice skills.”

Linus nodded, and became more relieved of Xie Ming. A person with a plan, and a person who follows the trend, naturally the former is more reliable.

“Well, don’t find any swordsmanship instructor by yourself. In the old town of Huttonmar, there is a powerful old man who specializes in teaching ghost swordsmanship. He is a strong man who has awakened from Ashura to the Great Dark Sky. ”

“Although you are a sword master, you are not too familiar with ghost swordsmanship, so he is more than enough to teach you. However, even if I wrote you a letter of recommendation, I don’t know if he will teach you. After all, he has only accepted ghost swordsmen with ghost hands so far.”

“However, it’s always good to try. It just so happens that I also want to introduce you to Master Sinda, so I just wrote it together.”


Xie Ming blinked and couldn’t help but spit out something that he had always wanted to spit during the game.

“Uncle Linus, you really know everyone.”

In the game, when players travel from the Alvin line to Huttonmar, Linus will introduce mentors of various professions to the players. The profession of swordsman is G.S.D, the profession of gunman is Guyte, the profession of fighter is Fengzhen, the profession of magician is Saran, and the profession of priest is Golantis…

The players didn’t think about it carefully when they were playing the game. After all, there is no NPC to guide them, how can they continue to move forward? But if this were put in reality, Linus’s connections would be quite terrifying.

“Hahahaha, this has nothing to do with me.”

As if guessing what Xie Ming was thinking, Linus waved his hand with a laugh.

“You also know that there are no powerful monsters near the Alvin Line, so it is suitable for some novice adventurers to test the water.”

“As for me, under the entrustment of those people, I helped introduce some talented and decent adventurers in the past. I and them can only be regarded as mutually beneficial, and there is no deep friendship.”

Well, half of the word will do. If Linus really doesn’t have any connections, Celia’s guardian Socia will feel relieved to hand her to Linus for protection?

He turned Byakugan silently in his heart, and Xie Ming nodded slightly: “Then I will trouble the uncle. Having an uncle here really saves me a lot of things.”

“Little things, little things.”

Although Xie Ming wanted to tell Linus in his heart, you should just help me write a letter of recommendation to Fengzhen, Grantis, and Sharan. But after thinking about it, I still didn’t say so. In this case, it is easy to cause other people to feel bad.

There is no Grandmaster in ghost swordsmanship. Do you want to learn combat, holy art and magic at the same time? Even if the strength is strong, it is not so ignorant.

“However, the uncle also wants to ask you one thing.”

“Uncle Linus is polite.” Xie Ming laughed: “There is nothing I can do, uncle just say it. As long as I can do it, I will do my best.”

“Well, then trouble you, take care of Celia.”

“Of course I didn’t ask…Huh?”

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