Chapter 1329 Mutual Promise

“I said, please take care of Celia.”

Looking at Xie Ming, who cast doubts at both of him, Linus drank all the wine in the glass and said seriously: “I want to ask you for this.”

“Take care of Celia?”

Xie Ming frowned: “This means…”

“Well, Mr. Xie Ming.”

Celia, who had been listening to Linus and Xie Ming’s conversation, put down the water cup and smiled at Xie Ming. However, in this smile, there was a seriousness that Xie Ming had never seen before.

“I also told Mr. Xie Ming before that I obviously have no memory of the past, but sometimes, there are memories that I have never remembered in my head. In order to find the source of this mysterious memory, I came to Irvine Line of defense.”

“Because this place gave me a very familiar feeling, I thought that maybe I might find a clue here, so I stayed here all the time.”

“However, there has been no progress.”

“But when Mr. Xie Ming came here, I had a feeling. If I were with Mr. Xie Ming, maybe I could find the source of the mysterious memory.”

“So I want to ask Mr. Xie Ming, can you let me follow along during the next adventure? Although I don’t have much fighting ability, I believe I will be able to help Mr. Xie Ming in certain things. of.”

“Uh… I naturally have no problem.” Xie Ming scratched his face: “Why don’t I still want to ask, Seliya, can you do this?”

Celia wanted to embark on a journey with herself, this was something Xie Ming didn’t expect. But if you think about it, it’s a matter of course.

In the future, Xie Ming will definitely be the one who has dealt with the apostles the most. After all, he was going to pull up a revenge squad that had been framed by the apostle, and went back to the Demon Realm to find Herder’s troubles. And the root of almost everything and the change is inseparable from Helder.

Celia, as the most mysterious girl in the entire DNF, many players who like to study the background of the game, almost came to the same answer. Celia is the twelfth apostle who has never appeared.

She was originally an elven clan, because of the Grand Forest fire caused by the doll Alice controlled by Helder, the great magic circle protecting the continent of Arad was destroyed. All members of the elven clan had to sacrifice the clan and created a new magic circle.

Celia also changed from an elven race to a human due to excessive consumption of power, and lost her memory. Perhaps this was a kind of protection for herself at the time. Perhaps it was the measures taken to escape the fate brought by the apostle status.

But if at this moment, Celia followed her on the journey, then she would re-engage with the apostle, and it is very likely that she would shoulder the fate of the apostle again.

Xie Ming didn’t know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing. That’s why he wanted to check with the smart girl in front of him again.

“Selia, are you sure you want to embark on a journey with me?”


It seemed that something could be heard from Xie Ming’s voice, and Celia fell silent. She was certain that the youth in front of her might know something. She can also be sure that if she embarks on an adventurous journey with the youth, then in the future, she will inevitably touch the facts she wants to know.

But, is that fact good or bad for me? After knowing those things, after retrieving your past memories, what will happen? What kind of changes will happen to yourself?

Everything is unknown, everything is unpredictable.

Yes, it’s the same as who I am now.

I don’t know my past, but I am always troubled by the completely unimpressed memory that pops up suddenly. I don’t know anything, but it seems to know everything, but I don’t know why I know it.

It seems to be talking about tongue twisters, but this is indeed the current state of Celia.

“I always have a dream. In the dream, there is always a familiar voice that makes me forget the past. But, what is the past? I don’t even know my past, how can I forget it?”

“But sometimes, forgetting the past may be the best choice.” Xie Ming said softly.

“Yes, Mr. Xie Ming, you are right.”

Celia slowly raised her head, her hands clenched slightly.

“Perhaps, maintaining my current life, forgetting everything, and ignoring all abnormalities may be the best choice for me. But the best choice is not the one I like.”

“I’m not saying that I hate such a peaceful life now. It’s just that I don’t want to stand still. I want to find myself, I want to figure out the facts, and I want to know why.”

“Even if the facts may be extremely cruel, even if the past may be full of sadness. However, they are still part of me. I want to truly be me.”


The girl’s clear eyes were filled with firmness. Looking at such a girl, Xie Ming sighed softly after being silent for a moment.

“I see, if this is your choice.”

After speaking, Xie Ming stretched out his hand towards Celia and smiled slightly.

“Since you have said so, then I will give my answer too.”

“As long as Celia you don’t let go of this hand for a day, then I will do my best to protect you to the last moment. This is my promise to my adventurous companion.”

“Mr. Xie Ming…”

Sai Liya’s pupils fluctuated violently, and she dropped her eyes slightly and wiped the corners of her eyes. When she raised her head again, she already showed her brightest smile.

“Yes! Me too, and I will do my best to help Mr. Xie Ming!”

The white and slender hands were gently held together with the rough and callused hands.

Seeing the hand held by the youth and girl, Linus touched the beard on his chin and smiled at ease.

“It’s also time to get into your own craft.”

Thinking of the cracks on the blade of mist, the uncle blacksmith lit a cigarette and silently thought: “Selia is already moving forward, so I have to keep going.”

The sword, Linus has been put down, has been abandoned. Swordsman Linus Smith has become his own faded gray past. Back then, that handsome handsome boy, beautiful boy, now his belly is full as he gets older.

The sturdy figure has also been out of shape, and the vigorous and energetic has also become the ordinary life it is now.

However, looking at the young adventurers who are going to move forward, sometimes, some passion will burn in my heart.

“I can’t wield a sharp sword anymore, but at least I have to raise the hammer in my hand properly. Supporting the adventures of young people is what old people like me should do.”

Linus squinted his eyes as he felt the tobacco reverberating in his lungs.

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