Chapter 1330

The next day, early morning. Before the dew slipped from the tip of the leaf, the silver-haired girl gently closed the wooden door and walked onto the gravel path. The familiar buildings on both sides of the path made the corners of the girl’s mouth slightly aroused.

Everything is so familiar, you can build it in your mind with your eyes closed. Time seems to have only left traces on people, and it didn’t bring much change to this small town close to the forest.

The moss climbing on the wall, the vine man hanging on the fence, the vegetable garden and the garden enclosed by the fence… I thought that I would not be able to see it for a long time in the future, and a little loneliness came to my heart again, briskly The steps became a little heavy.

“No, you can’t show such an expression.”

Celia patted her cheek with both hands, and said to herself: “If you leave with such an expression, everyone will not be relieved.”

The pace has become brisk again, but obviously, there is no way to compare with just now.

The town is very small. After walking less than a thousand steps, the girl saw the wooden fence at the entrance and her companion who was leaning against the wooden fence and waiting for her.

“Xie Mingxian…ah…”


Looking at Celia helplessly, Xie Ming sighed: “I already said it yesterday, there is no need to change the name specifically, just call me what you want to call Celia.”

“No, we are all friends and companions who want to take risks together and help each other. We can’t call them such a strange name.”

Celia said seriously.

“You are really stubborn in some strange places.”

Xie Ming scratched his face, then asked softly.

“Already prepared?”


Finally, looking back at the small town where she had lived for nearly ten years, Celia looked at Xie Ming.

“It’s ready, let’s go.”

“Well, let’s go.”

Xie Ming also glanced at the place where he had been for twenty days, then turned around and took a step forward. Celia followed behind her unhurriedly.

“Xie Mingxian…Xie Ming, are we going to Huttonmar on foot?”

“of course not.”

With a chuckle, Xie Ming took out the map: “Although the time is not in a hurry, but it is not enough to travel slowly. I have inquired in advance, although the carriage from the Alvin line to Huttonmar is only a few days a week. Cars, but the camp on the empire side has two cars every day.”

“So, we have to go to the imperial camp first, and ride the afternoon carriage there. In this way, we can reach Huttonmar in about two weeks.”

“Well, that’s it…”

“By the way, Celia, you originally came from Huttonmar to the Alvin line? How did you come here?”

“Hey? Me?”

Celia recalled it for a moment, and then smiled and said: “At that time, Sister Socia directly used dozens of small colorless crystal blocks and directly opened the space portal and sent me over.”


The corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and Xie Ming couldn’t help sighing. Although he had been to Huttonmar, he could indeed teleport directly with Celia. But… but not enough energy.

The space barrier of Arad Continent is much stronger than that of other planes. The direct violent and random breaking through the space transmission like the Dimensional Exile Cut can be achieved only by the cooperation between the space ability and the master-level swordsmanship.

The ability to open a portal or teleport over a long distance is purely dependent on space capabilities. With the energy in his current projection of consciousness, the distance can be transmitted as he wants, which is a lot less.

Um? Wait, Selya’s words just now seem to have a vocabulary that should not be missed.

“Colorless… small crystal block?”


Celia blinked and looked at Xie Ming suspiciously: “Isn’t it a matter of course to use the pure energy in the small colorless crystals for such a long-distance teleportation?”

“Is it possible, Xie Mingxian…Xie Ming, you have never used a small colorless crystal block?”


Yes, I’m sorry, he really hasn’t used it. Rather, he completely forgot about it.

In DNF, the powerful skills of any profession need to consume small colorless crystals before they can be used. Because those skills are too powerful, the energy in the body of the professional is simply not enough to support.

Therefore, it has become commonplace to use the energy in one’s body as a primer, while the big head is provided by the pure energy condensate such as small colorless crystals.

In the space bag, there is also an independent space dedicated to holding small crystal blocks of various colors. When professionals need to use powerful skills, the spirit will communicate with this independent space, breaking small colorless crystals to provide energy for the skills.

This is also the reason why the space bag will become the most epoch-making invention in the entire Arad continent.

“Wait, maybe there will be some small crystals in the cloth bag that Seamus gave me…”

It turns out that Xie Ming thought too much.

You should know that Seamus hadn’t been out for more than ten years, and the colorless small crystal block must be kept by his side, just in case he used it. And it didn’t think that Xie Ming would not know this kind of thing.

In Seamo’s eyes, Xie Ming was a young man who was thrown out of Xuzu for training. That’s why he wandered in the Gran Forest in a rag.

Sherlock and Karnina also didn’t even think about using small colorless crystals to settle accounts with Xie Ming. After all, small colorless crystals are worthless. They are used as shopping gifts or gift packages.

By a surprising coincidence, Xie Ming, who had been in the Arad continent for nearly a month, has not yet reacted to this incident.

“…Selia, do you have small colorless crystals on your body?”

“Hey? Nothing.”

Celia’s beautiful face showed a dumbfounding expression: “Uncle Linus should have a lot of them. After all, they will need them when forging weapons and equipment. Should we go back and get some now?”

“……..never mind.”

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and Xie Ming muttered: “Sit in the carriage for two weeks, and then sit in the carriage for two weeks. I just promised my uncle to take good care of you on the front foot, and the back foot is so unreliable, and I can’t afford this person.”


Celia couldn’t help laughing when she heard Xie Ming’s muttering words, covering her mouth with her hands. For a long time, this young man gave her the feeling that she was very reliable. Traveling with him, Celia was still a little worried about whether she would drag her back.

But now it seems that this worry is completely unnecessary.

“Xie Ming, you didn’t expect that there is a cute place~”

“Please don’t take the shameful side as a hobby? Thank you for your cooperation.”

“Ha ha ha ha…”

The crisp laughter like a silver bell slowly spread to the surroundings. It seemed that this was the beginning, and the day officially began. Various sounds came from the branches on both sides of the path.

Some of the melancholy and loneliness in the girl’s heart disappeared with this laughter.

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