Chapter 1331 Imperial Camp

Compared with the peaceful and warm Alvin Line of Defense, the camp controlled by the Delos Empire is undoubtedly the opposite place. This is also related to the atmosphere between the two countries.

The origin of the Duchy of Belmar was originally a country built by countless refugees around the Great Magician Mar during the Civil War of the Perus Empire. In Elvish language, Belmar can be translated as: the kingdom of good people.

So people here hate wars and fights very much.

On the contrary, the Empire of Delos was the country that emerged from the Civil War of the Empire of Perus. Its origin is war, and its predecessor is also a powerful country fighting on the continent. And its current king is even more ambitious to occupy the entire Arad continent.

However, although the Delos Empire was a centralized country ruled by the emperor, it was divided into north and south due to its vast territory. Cities in the south are basically under strict militarized management. Compared with the southern cities, the folk customs are more lively and open in the northern cities.

But after all, this is a comparison within the empire. Celia, who had always lived in an open and free place like Huttonmar and Irvine Lines, naturally felt a little depressed after coming to the camp.

“Let’s go.”

Gently patted Celia on the shoulder, Xie Ming said calmly: “Go first and buy the ticket to Huttonmar. Then we will find a place to have lunch and rest.”

“You are a little tired after walking all morning.”

“No, I’m fine yet.”

Wiping the sweat from her forehead and cheeks with a hand towel, Celia smiled at Xie Ming: “Please don’t worry about me too much.”

“There is no need to hold on.”

Xie Ming said softly: “People who have just started to travel will ignore physical exhaustion because of the excitement in their hearts, so they don’t pay attention to rest. But this exhaustion will slowly accumulate in the body, which will cause the body to collapse.”

“People who are accustomed to traveling can adjust this fatigue by themselves, but Cyria, you have just embarked on a journey, so you still need to pay more attention.”

Strictly speaking, Xie Ming’s first real adventure was on the plane of OverLord. However, at that time, his physical fitness was already quite inhuman, so this situation did not appear.

However, at the time, beside him was Kato Kei, a girl who had not escaped the scope of ordinary people. So even if he had the spatial ability to transfer with Teigu, the fatigue would still accumulate on Kato Megumi.

If he hadn’t found out in time at that time, I’m afraid that girl might be seriously ill.

Since then, he has paid considerable attention to this aspect. Originally, after learning about the small colorless crystal block, Xie Ming planned to deploy some in the camp of this empire and then directly take Seliya to move to Huttonmar to save time.

But this morning, he also considered a lot of things. In the end, it was decided to take a carriage to Huttonmar. It took this half a month to let Celia adapt to the fatigue of the journey.

The ease of the present is likely to be overwhelmed at a critical time in the future.

Although Celia’s predecessor was an apostle and an elf, no one knew what her current physical fitness was. In everything, it is better to be safe.

“I understand, I will listen to Xie Ming’s opinion.”

Celia nodded lightly, with a slight smile on her face: “After all, I am a novice in adventure. It is better to listen to the opinions of experienced people for anything.”

“Yeah. Then let’s get the tickets together. There are many adventurers from the Empire who want to go to Huttonmar, so there are a lot of carriages leaving from this camp every day. But purely for passengers, in the morning and There is only one in the afternoon.”

“Most adventurers go to Huttonmar in the form of escorts hired by caravans. Most of the caravans have their own escorts, and they are not weak. So there will not be too much danger on the road. These novice adventurers can also follow the guards to experience some combat experience.”

“But of course, there is no salary, just take care of boarding and lodging all the way.”

“The passenger carriage naturally follows the caravan, but compared to adventurers, it is naturally a lot easier to become a guest. There is a wind magic circle on the carriage, so there is no need to worry about bumps, and the interior of the carriage is also very comfortable.”

“So in general, the passenger carriages are used by scholars who are going to Huttonmar for academic exchanges. Although they will still accumulate fatigue, they are much better than the accompanying adventurers.”

“But… the price will be correspondingly high, right?” Celia asked cautiously.

“Well, according to the news I heard before, it looks like a passenger 100 gold coins.”

Xie Ming said casually.


Celia opened her mouth slightly, she had never cared much about money, because she had never worried about money. In Huttonmar, Socia is present. In the Alvin line of defense, Socia also provided the funds to open the hotel.

As for the operating expenses of the hotel, because there was no one, she was completely busy alone. The guest’s room and board costs only 1 silver coin a day. This time she came out, Seliya naturally took all her savings over the years.

Adding the funds Socia left for her, the total adds up to more than 700 gold coins. Unexpectedly, one-seventh of the ride in the carriage would be directly removed.

Even if it wasn’t a money fan, Celia felt a little distressed in her heart.

“time is money.”

Seeing Seliya’s expression, Xie Ming couldn’t help laughing: “If we walk on foot, even if the speed increases, we may have to walk for two to three months. And 100 gold coins are the two or three A month’s time, reduced to half a month’s price.”

“If it were the same as when you came to the Alvin Line, if you ask a magician to construct a space door, the 100 gold coins may have to be doubled.”

“…… The outside world is terrible.”

“The so-called adventure is such a thing.”

What Xie Ming and Celia said is actually the most basic, and the travel expenses can be reduced or exempted. For adventurers, the big heads of expenditure will always be the three big heads of equipment (protective gear and jewelry), weapons, and alchemy potions.

You must know that when he came out of the Grand Forest, those materials sold for nearly two thousand gold coins. But the rare necklace he was hanging on, he used half of it directly. Even the lowest-level healing alchemy potion requires thirty or forty gold coins for a few bottles.

Money comes fast, and money goes fast. This is a real adventure.

“Well, there is the ticket office for the carriage in front of us. Let’s go quickly.”

Looked at the ticket office, or the registration office, with a long line in front, but the counter was tattered. Xie Ming pointed to the gorgeously decorated counter next to him, and said to Celia.

“The VIPs in the passenger carriage have one to three guard places. These guards can get a vehicle and guard the left and right sides of the passenger carriage. Therefore, I will cheekily occupy Selia’s guard place.”

“Really, Xie Ming, you are joking again.”

Celia glanced at Xie Ming strangely: “Apart from you, who else can I give this guard?”

“Oh, it doesn’t have to be, beautiful lady.”

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