Chapter 1334 Principality, Revolutionary Army, Empire

Revolutionary army, these three words are not unfamiliar to Xie Ming. He was once the killer of the World Revolutionary Army, and together with his righteous brother, he led the rebels to raise the banner of justice to start war.

Now, he heard these three words again. On the continent of Arad, in the mouth of aristocratic young masters from the Delos Empire. And this revolutionary army is also anti-imperial.

As one of the players who liked to watch the plot and the background of the characters, Xie Ming naturally remembered the organization of the Revolutionary Army that rebelled against the Delos Empire. I believe many people have also been to a base of the Revolutionary Army in the game.

The horn of the saint.

This once dedicated novice area for female ghost swordsmen, the flying ship from the God Realm is the lifeline of the Revolutionary Army and the most important base of the Revolutionary Army. Captain Root Glebrien was also the deputy commander who led the revolutionary army against the empire.

Lut Glebrien was originally the descendant of the dragon who was sent to Arad by the blasting dragon king Bakar in order to better control the heavens.

Just as people have different personalities, dragons also have different ideas. Some dragons obeyed Bakar’s orders to cause harm to mankind, destroy towns and slaughter innocent people.

But some dragons hate fighting and just want to live quietly. But they are also unable to escape the fate of being slaughtered.

The dragon-slaying warriors who came out of the empire could not tell which dragon was a good dragon and which was an evil dragon. As long as it was a dragon, it could become their medal. The dragons who were hunted had no choice but to escape to the depths of the volcano.

Root is one of them. Full of resentment towards the empire, for revenge, he joined the revolutionary army that resisted the empire.

Later, due to the great transfer, the Principality of Belmar was hit hard, and the Empire sent troops to occupy the Principality of Belmar. The Queen of the Principality, Skadi, disappeared during the transfer, and completely disappeared behind the scenes to lead the revolutionary army to restore the country.

This is all the information Xie Ming knows about the revolutionary army.

But in the current Arad continent, there are many differences from the Arad continent in his memory.

First of all, in the game, the appearance of the female ghost swordsman is a by-product of Barn, after seeing the invincible apostle power of Silok, instigating the Emperor of the Deros Empire to conduct transfer experiments in Birmark.

Because of the failure of the transfer experiment, Bill Mark became barren.

But now, Barn hadn’t seen the power of the apostle, so he and Lin En were sent to a corner by Xie Ming in dimensional exile. And before that, the Bill Mark Experimental Field had been bombed into a desert.

According to the testimony of the escaped test subject Seamo, the reason for the explosion seems to be a failure to communicate with the Devildom? Seamus didn’t know the details. But Xie Ming can be sure that the cause of the explosion was definitely not caused by the failure of communicating with the Devildom.

The second is that the Great Transfer has not yet occurred, and the Duchy of Belmar has not been destroyed. Therefore, the current Queen Skadi should still be sitting on the throne and secretly developing her own power under her confidant.

Therefore, she is unlikely to lead the Revolutionary Army directly, and will only assist the Revolutionary Army in its operations in the Principality of Belmar when conditions permit.

The fact that the revolutionary army is hiding in the territory of the Duchy of Belmar is not difficult to speculate. But because there is no evidence, the empire could not arbitrarily send out the knights to carry out large-scale clearance.

Otherwise, it will not only arouse the resentment of those adventurers in the principality, but also make the principality’s high-level vigilance, and stun the ancestors. Even if it is as powerful as the Deros Empire, it is difficult to endure if it is confronted by the virtual ancestors and the Duchy of Belmar.

In the game, the main reason why the principality is occupied by the empire is actually the natural disaster caused by man-made disasters such as the Great Shift. As for who caused it? Everyone knows that.

Even Xie Ming suspected that the experiments conducted by the Empire in Bill Mark, communicating with the demon of the devil and infecting the subjects with the Kazan plague, probably contained the shadow of Herder.

Cough, I’m thinking a little far away. The thing to pay attention to now is that the revolutionary army will attack the imperial caravan. The imperial caravans have been back and forth between Huttonmar through the camp for a long time. But why, the revolutionary army has become active in the last period of time?

Rebelling against the empire must hold the banner of justice. Otherwise, it is easy to lose popular support and the organization will disperse without attack.

There are many people like Root who join the revolutionary army simply to avenge the empire, but not all of them. Many people oppose the brutality and corruption of the empire and join for the justice in their hearts.

Therefore, many people will not approve of unjust things like attacking caravans. Even those who seek revenge are unlikely to approve.


“Unless the attack on the caravan itself is an act of ‘justice’. Otherwise, the principality cannot do nothing.”

After all, the queen of the principality is the hidden head of the revolutionary army. The caravan’s exchanges are very beneficial to the principality itself. With the character of Queen Eskadi, it is impossible to do this kind of detrimental things to herself.

If you really don’t want to have business dealings with the empire, the practice of attacking caravans with a revolutionary army is really too much. Moreover, it is easy to stun the snake, giving the empire an excuse to send strong men into the territory of the principality.

It is impossible for Queen Skadi to fail to consider the negative effects brought about by the attack on the caravan. That is to say, after considering these negative effects, she still chose to let the revolutionary army attack the imperial caravan.

This shows what?

It shows that rather than allowing the Imperial caravan to enter Huttonmar normally, Queen Skadi is more willing to bear a series of threats that may be caused by an attack on the caravan.

Then, the PuTTY in the Imperial Caravan may be very interesting.

“I’m really in a hurry.”


Celia, who was sitting opposite Xie Ming, wiped her mouth with a towel and looked at Xie Ming suspiciously: “Xie Ming, did you say anything?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

Xie Ming smiled and said profoundly: “It’s just that our journey to Huttonmar may not be so peaceful. Celia, you have to be a little psychologically prepared.”

“Not calm…. ready…”

“Yes, prepare.”

Xie Ming said calmly: “If our luck is really so’good’, this journey, you might see a lot of people on the same road die.”


No matter when, death is a sad thing. No matter who it is, even Xie Ming, who has killed countless people, will still not be happy about the killing. Yes, it’s just helplessness and sighs.

And Celia, who has a gentle and kind personality, will only hate killing and death more than Xie Ming.

However, she hates death, which does not mean that she will overpower her to say something like saving everyone.

“I see.”

So the girl nodded, with a slight sigh in her voice.

“I will think and judge well.”

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