Chapter 1335 Decomposer and Small Crystal Block

After eating lunch, the two went to the weapons shop in the camp. Whether it is a weapon shop or an equipment shop, there are counters that specialize in selling small colorless crystals. The price is also very cheap.

For 1 gold coin, you can buy 1 bag (100) of colorless small crystal blocks. As long as these small colorless crystal blocks are put into the space bag, they will be automatically transferred to an independent space dedicated to storing crystal blocks. When the release skills need to be used, just connect the mental power a little bit.

Of course, this counter is not a place dedicated to selling small crystals. It is also used to purchase damaged and abandoned weapons and equipment.

Through the profession of a decomposer, the decomposer is used to decompose weapons and equipment that have been unable to be repaired into various materials for reuse. Useless materials will be extracted from the energy contained in them and then eliminated, and then the energy will be compressed.

What was born was a pure energy condensate like small colorless crystals.

The higher the level of the decomposer, the higher the level of the decomposer that can be used. Then the efficiency of energy extraction, the higher the quality of material decomposition, and the more precious equipment can be decomposed. Therefore, a high-level resolver is a very popular profession.

For example, when the same iron sword is decomposed, the decomposer of Lv1 can only extract 120 small colorless crystal blocks. But if you switch to an Lv5 decomposer to decompose, you will be able to decompose 400 small colorless crystal blocks.

If you replace it with the top Lv11 decomposer to decompose this iron Taitou, you may be able to decompose this Taitou’s theoretically highest colorless small crystal block, 1000 pieces.

However, looking at the entire Arad continent, there has not been an Lv11-level decomposer. According to Celia, the current decomposition division with the highest level in the Arad continent is also Lv9. This is what he was fortunate enough to disassemble more than 10 complete artifact-level equipment weapons.

As for why so many artifact-level weapons and equipment can be obtained, it is said that a certain marquis-level nobleman in the empire has offended a strong man. And that strong man was the silver moon that the assassin felt.

Although the frontal combat ability was not strong, he couldn’t beat the strong one enshrined in the marquis’s house. But people will pretend to sneak.

A month later, the treasure house in the Marquis’s house was stolen, and all the alchemy potions of weapons at the bottom of the press box were taken away by others. Then this Yinyue threw all these artifact-level equipment that he could not use to this decomposition division.

As for why not sell? It’s very simple. Firstly, he is not short of money, and secondly, if he sells it, he will be bought back by the Marquis. He is puzzled. So he was very bold, and let the decomposer disassemble all of these equipment.

The decomposer was also courageous, and he threw it directly into the decomposer when he was ruthless. Therefore, he also successfully promoted from Lv7 Decomposer to Lv9, and was protected by employment by the largest chamber of commerce in the empire: the Perus Chamber of Commerce, and spent money to calm the anger for the Marquis.

As for the decomposer above Lv9, no one really knows what it is. That is why Xie Ming knew from the game that the highest level of the resolver was Lv11. It’s just that if you want to continue to improve, there really is no way at all.

After all, unlike the game, the promotion of the decomposer depends on decomposing higher-quality weapons and equipment to gain experience. Artifact-level equipment weapons are already considered the heavenly things in the Arad continent today. There may be high-quality equipment further up.

However, those legendary powerhouses have to let you break them down.

Therefore, most chambers of commerce will only feed a few Lv5 to Lv7 decomposers. Of course, these decomposers trained by the Chamber of Commerce will sign a lifetime agreement with the Chamber of Commerce.

After spending 10 gold coins to buy 1,000 small crystal blocks for spare, they accompanied Celia to the armor shop and alchemy shop, and the two went to the camp branch of the Perus Chamber of Commerce. After showing the ticket, he followed the service staff to the space dedicated to the Chamber of Commerce.

Here, there is already a lot of voices at this time. Numerous flatbed carts surrounded the carriages carrying goods, almost all of them were young adventurers who lined up at the counter at that time. Sharp-eyed Xie Ming naturally spotted the trio of Kaiker.

At this time, the three of them seemed to be on the line with an adventurer squad, and five or six people were talking and laughing there.

The outermost protection is the escort of the Chamber of Commerce. Everyone is equipped with a mount, and compared to the clamor of adventurers, these guards appear to be much more orderly.

Wearing a standard enhanced silver armor with the seal of the Perus Chamber of Commerce printed on it. 3 swordsmen +1 magician + 2 Shinsō hands, all guard teams have this configuration. This shows how powerful the Perus Chamber of Commerce, the largest chamber of commerce in the empire, is.

Most of the guards are actually professionals, and only a small part are non-professionals, but there are also energy fluctuations in their bodies, and their mental power is much stronger than ordinary people.

In other words, this small group of people are also people who are expected to become professionals.

While Xie Ming was observing, both of them also passed through the crowd and arrived at the rear position in the middle of the caravan. The carriage with the strongest magic fluctuation in the middle was naturally carried by the head of the Chamber of Commerce.

Even the horse that is responsible for pulling the carriage has elemental fluctuations on its body.

The passenger carriage for 100 gold coins is separated by four parking spaces from the person in charge’s carriage. Although the magic fluctuations emitted on the carriages can’t be compared with the person in charge’s carriage, they are quite impressive.

I’m afraid that even the Berserker’s smash hit can’t make a hole in the carriage with a single blow. And around this passenger carriage, there are 7 horses with good spirits. People were already standing next to six of them. The horse left to Xie Ming is naturally the worst of them.

“Miss, please board the carriage. The caravan is about to leave.”

“Okay, trouble you.” At the service staff with a polite smile, Celia looked at Xie Ming next to him: “Then, I will go up first?”


Xie Ming nodded gently: “There should be other passengers on it, judge for yourself, and then contact and communicate.”


Seeing Celia opened the door of the carriage and walked in, Xie Ming narrowed his eyes slightly. Because the compartment has an isolated magic circle, it is not convenient for him to directly scan the inside with mental power.

However, from the first few seconds of opening the door, he still observed the passengers inside.

An elegant scholar with glasses, a girl with long silver hair in a crimson noble dress, and a dark elf with dark skin and white hair with cold eyes.

Everyone has good energy fluctuations. In particular, there are several different energy fluctuations on the dark elf. In other words, in addition to his own profession, that dark elf should have skills of other professions.

“Magic scholars, sword souls, and assassins… yeah yeah, no matter how you think about it, you will never feel that this journey will pass without incident.”

Shrugging, Xie Ming looked at the front of the passenger carriage.

There, a burly man with a scarred face and a heavy sword carrying an epee was coming here with a thin, middle-aged man in a tuxedo.

The goal of the two is themselves.

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