Chapter 1336 Smart Caravan Leader

“Master, he has found us.”

“Hey… It seems that the little young master of Earl Vivien’s house still has a bit of vision.”

The middle-aged people naturally believe in the words of the brawny man with scarred face. This is the combat slave he excavated in the arena of the empire. Because he was a berserker, he did not die after being defeated, but barely sighed.

At that time, aware of the potential of the scar-faced brawny, the middle-aged man gritted his teeth, spent most of his life, and used the preferential rights brought by his identity, and invited a awakening paladin enshrined in the Chamber of Commerce to treat him .

After that, the scar-faced brawny did not disappoint him, and the berserker who had experienced death became stronger like a Saiyan. Now, he has the Master’s skill: Blood Remembrance can only be achieved by the Hellblood Demon God.

In other words, this brawny man has stepped into the realm of a sensation with one foot. Relying on this brawny man, the status of the middle-aged man has risen all the way, eventually becoming one of the heads of this lucrative caravan.

But this, together with the leader of the caravan between the empire and the duchy, is not so good. After all, he belongs to the Perus Chamber of Commerce, and the Perus Chamber of Commerce belongs to the Empire.

Therefore, when the emperor issued an order, the Chamber of Commerce had no choice but to bite the bullet and implement it. And the person in charge of his caravan is even more desperate.

He naturally knew the reason why the caravan was attacked by the revolutionary army. If it really needs to be exposed, in order to prevent the Chamber of Commerce from degrading its credibility, their responsible persons and even branch ministers may be thrown out as scapegoats by high-level officials.

Even so, the credibility of the Chamber of Commerce in the Principality and Xuzu would also be greatly reduced, and the loss would be extremely heavy.

Of course, without the provision of the Perus Chamber of Commerce, the Principality will also be greatly affected. This is also the reason why things have not been exposed so far.

The revolutionary army did not attack with the purpose of destroying the entire caravan. Although there will be some losses, it will not be at a loss. It’s just that the tasks explained above are definitely impossible to complete.

But here is another question. How did the people in the revolutionary army know where their goal was? Each time, it is a quick kill of the target to win a space bag, or a quick evacuation after destroying a specific transport carriage.

To know the location of things, only the person in charge of the caravan and some of his confidants know it. All people who have signed a magic contract will be known by the headquarters when they have the idea of ​​betrayal.

So the inner ghost may have been completely eliminated, and what is left is what special magic technology items may be developed by the principality. After all, that is the country that is at the forefront of Magic Technology.

Because the above tasks always fail, the senior management seems a little impatient. The Perus Chamber of Commerce has no choice but to send itself out to complete this mission.

There is a scar-faced brawny with a foot on his feet, unless the revolutionary army dispatches the main combat force on the Sage’s Ming, it is impossible to succeed at all.

But even so, the middle-aged people still feel a little unsafe, even if they have prepared a few hole cards, they still have no confidence in their hearts.

At this moment, the young master of Earl Feng’s house approached the door and said that this time the guard of a passenger on the passenger carriage was a high-ranking transfer. Maybe it was a revolutionary army sent by the inside and outside.

The middle-aged man simply ignored the obviously planted words in the latter half. However, the five words of high-level transferees did arouse his interest. Therefore, he specifically sought out Xie Ming.

“Hello, gentleman. Let me introduce myself first. I am the leader of this caravan, Yale Simpson. The one behind is my dedicated guard, Louis.”

“Hello, this is Xie Ming.” Xie Ming glanced at the berserker named Louis, and then said calmly.

“Mr. Xie Ming, I am really sorry to disturb you before leaving.”

With a polite and humble smile on his face, Yale put his posture very low: “I don’t know, would you have time to chat with me before you leave? Don’t worry, it’s not something that bothers you. ”

“Hey… the trick of that noble young master is waiting for me here.”

During the mental power scan, he noticed Keckel’s sulky smile on this side, and Xie Ming raised his eyebrows in his heart: “But it looks like he must be disappointed.”

After all, what the person in charge named Yale in front of him looked at didn’t seem to be troublesome for himself. I think about my speculation about this caravan and my exposed strength.

It was already obvious that Yaler wanted to talk to himself.

“If there is an attacker attacking the caravan, I will take action as appropriate. But I will not be too far from the carriage, nor do I want to get involved in any mess. I don’t know how to say that, can you understand.”


Hearing Xie Ming’s answer, Alena’s smiling face instantly became cloudy and sunny, and Louis also slowly exuded an astonishing evil spirit and blood. But the control is very good, only people staying around the passenger carriage can feel it.



Seeing that Louis’s aura had no effect on Xie Ming at all, Yale asked him to stop this useless work. The dark blue eyes stared at Xie Ming tightly, with some deep meaning.

“Mr. Xie Ming, you are very smart, and you can guess that with just a few things. But smart people never talk nonsense. I believe that Mr. Xie Ming should also be a very tight-spoken person, right? ?”

With that said, Yaler took out a bottle of red potion exuding a little magic wave from his space bag.

“This is a master’s potion invented by Master Norton. It is very precious. I believe it will be enough to pay. The guard I entrusted is paid. I also hope that Mr. Xie Ming can accept it.”


I have to say that the actions of this person in charge surprised Xie Ming, and his evaluation of him has improved a lot. This carrot and stick routine is quite skillful. My mind is turning quickly, and I am willing to spend money. It seems that something that the caravan is responsible for transportation this time may be really important.

Actually let such a wise man cooperate with the hellblood demon to protect him. It is conceivable that the battle will be fierce by then.

However, it is none of his business. Do you have anything to do with me when you hit you?

“Thank you very much, then.”

Xie Ming naturally has no reason to refuse gifts from others. Although he hadn’t wanted to get involved, but now accepting this gift, obviously can make the person in charge in front of him more at ease.

Then, he will do it well. After all, there are such things as alchemy potions, especially high-level alchemy potions, who would have too many?

Seeing Xie Ming accept it, although he felt a little pain in his heart, Yale was relieved a lot, and the corners of his mouth twitched, barely showing a smile.

“Then the caravan is about to set off, please Mr. Xie Ming to be prepared.” After speaking, Yale walked towards his carriage without looking back. Louis next to him stared at Xie Ming for a few seconds, then followed him.

“Tsk tusk, this is really the blessing of that young master.”

Throwing the alchemy potion in his hand casually, Xie Ming shook his head, smiled at Kaiker who had been paying attention here, walked over to the remaining horse, turned over and sat on it.

As for Keckel’s more ugly expression? It only adds a bit of joy to his heart.

Therefore, if your brain is not good, don’t learn from other conspiracies and tricks.

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