Chapter 1337

After entering the carriage and closing the door. In an instant, the surrounding environment became quiet. Looking at the other passengers, it seems that they are not very interested in themselves.

The young man was reading books about the Taoism of Enchantment, and the silver-haired noble lady had a smile on her mouth, as if she was reading some interesting love novel.

And the last Miss Dark Elf, after taking a few glances at herself, closed her eyes.

Everyone seemed to have no intention of introducing themselves, as if they were planning to spend two weeks like this.

“It’s so hard to talk to…”

This is not to say that Celia doesn’t have the courage to talk to each other. It’s just that depending on the appearance of these people, even if they go to talk to each other, they will only have a hot face and a cold butt. Even Celia doesn’t like to talk with enthusiasm, but others treat it indifferently.

Therefore, to talk about this kind of thing, I can only look for opportunities. If it doesn’t work, Celia will not force it. After all, the kind of performance of Keckel in the morning has lowered a lot of her impression of the nobles of the Delos Empire.

Since everyone didn’t want to talk, Celia could only find something to do on her own.

In her space bag, she did carry a lot of books that she wanted to read in her free time. But compared to these, this carriage is more attractive to her at this time. Such a high-end carriage, Cyria is really the first time to ride.

The inconspicuous places in the carriage are exuding faint fluctuations of magical power. Celia just glanced around and recognized a lot of magic runes. The magical elements floating in nature, under the superposition and interaction of each magic rune, form different effects.

Refrigeration, heating, shock absorption, ventilation…

In Celia’s view, these achievements on the magic path are really amazing things. Because they proved it to the world. Magic can not only be used for destruction.

“Are you…interested in the carriage?”


Sai Liya was slightly startled by the sudden conversation. She turned her head, looked at the elegant young man whose gaze shifted from the book to her, and smiled politely at him.

“Yes, it’s the first time I ride this kind of carriage. The runes depicted on it are really powerful in my opinion.”

“Awesome?” The elegant young man pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and asked calmly: “Why? The arrangement of these runes is not helpful to the battle. The materials needed are not only expensive, but also useless.”

“Only chambers of commerce and nobles would be so extravagant to portray this kind of magic circle in the carriage and at home. In order to show their face and make money.”

“Yes, it still does.”

Celia said softly: “But as long as we continue to study and reduce costs, then one day in the future, all people will enjoy such a comfortable feeling. If you think about it this way, I will feel from the bottom of my heart that I will develop these methods. The people in the battlefield are really amazing.”


Hearing these two words, the elegant young man’s fingers began to gently tap the cover of the heavy book in his hand and let out a sneer.

This sneer was not laughing at Celia’s impractical idea, but laughing at another group of people.

“What a little girl can understand, why don’t those nobles want to understand? No, maybe they just hide and pretend to be confused. After all, for the empire, aggression and expansion are the most important.”


“It’s okay, you don’t need to care, I’m just talking to myself.”

The elegant young man waved his hand and his expression returned to calm. Selia looked up and down, then sighed.

“It’s a pity that you are too old and have a weak foundation. Although it is too late to start specializing in magic theory, if you are not a magician scholar, your research on magic theory is really limited.”

“haha a……”

Seeing the young man who once again devoted himself to the book in her hand, Selia’s mouth twitched a few times. This guy is really rude, too selfish, too rude.

“You don’t need to care about this man.”


It was the cold dark elf who spoke this time. At this moment she opened her eyes, her blue eyes seemed to reflect Seliya’s figure. Wearing a black leather jacket and short skirt, wearing a jet black long leather boots.

Alongside, there is a long and narrow sheathed dagger. Even the cold atmosphere exuding from her body can’t hide that this is a very sexy and beautiful lady.

“Some scholars who specialize in magic and magic have their heads silly, forgetting what is polite and what is etiquette. For such people, there is no need to care too much about them.”

Although she didn’t name her by name, Celia knew who Miss Dark Elf was talking about. I believe that the young man who looks very refined also understands in his heart.

However, he still read the book calmly, without even raising his eyes.

“Thanks…thank you.”

Celia awkwardly thanked the dark elf, adjusted her mentality quickly, and whispered, “My name is Celia Krumin.”

“Selia, isn’t it.”

The dark elf looked at Celia calmly, and then spoke lightly.

“My name is Minette. On the way, if there is anything wrong with your partner outside, you can come to me. I will help you within my abilities.”

“Thank you very much.” Sai Liya finally let out a sigh of relief, showing a happy smile. She thought that this car is really full of people who are not easy to get along with. But now it seems that there are gentle people.

However, Minette’s next sentence dispelled Selia’s thoughts.

“Helping you is a matter of my own decision. You don’t have to thank me, and you don’t have to show such a relieved expression. If you want to find someone on the road who can talk with you, I advise you to put it away. The idea is better.”

Minette said coldly: “Don’t forget, I am a dark elf. I am at odds with your humans, dark elf.”

After speaking, she closed her eyes again and stopped talking.

“Mr. Xie Ming…”

Sai Liya’s smile on her face turned into a crying expression without tears. I couldn’t help crying in my heart.

“Adventure… It’s so difficult…”

Even Xie Ming did not expect such a result. What made Celia retreat for the first time in her adventure was not the fatigue and danger of adventure, but the aspect of interpersonal communication that she should be best at.

A scholar who does his own way, a dark elf with a cold personality, and a noble lady who has been indulging in novels with a silly smile on her face from time to time.

You can meet such fellow riders on your first adventure and ride an expensive carriage for the first time. I have to say that Celia’s luck is a bit too much.

Completely dispelling the idea of ​​getting along well with everyone in her heart, Celia rubbed her face and sat down on her seat. From the space bag, I took out the books I would read a few pages every night before going to bed, and sat there honestly.

“Four passengers, the caravan is about to leave. If you need anything, please tap the wall of the carriage lightly. Thank you for your cooperation.”

With a slight vibration underneath the buttocks, the caravan finally set off.

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