Chapter 1341 Alice’s Position

Minette’s speculation is too appalling. Even a real gentleman such as Krent was speechless after hearing it.

Similarly, if the messenger who came this time was not Krent, Minette would not speak out his guess at all.

Because in the Arad continent, the name Alice Chancellor is too loud.

First of all, the organization Tarakuta is enough to attract the attention of many people. This is the oldest magic organization in the demon world, directly inherited from the elemental magic of the second apostle Herder, so most of the members are elementalists.

In the Devildom, the name Tarakuta symbolizes orthodoxy and longevity, as well as strength. Even as a convening of various demon organizations, as the leader, formulated rules for arbitrating demon conflicts.

This conference is also called the Demon League.

She can be said to be more than ten thousand people in the Devil Realm, but she did not know why she came to the Arad continent and became a bard and a fortune-teller. Divining the future for everyone, traveling around.

All the results of divination will be confirmed one by one in the future. This magical divination ability has naturally become sought after by all forces. The elders of the dark elves and the nobles of the empire are among the most.

They believed almost what Alice said. In the kingdom of dark elves, Alice is a guest of honor for the dark elves. In the empire, Alice is an empire fortune-teller who is respected by everyone.

This is why Minette hesitated so much when he mentioned the name.

Inside the Dark Elf Kingdom, there are two main factions. One is the young group that embraces the young dark elf queen Maya, and the other is the Senate composed of elders holding real power.

The main reason for the split is naturally a different concept. The dark elves want the dark elves to coexist peacefully with other races, but the latter firmly believes that the races other than the dark elves are uncivilized wild monkeys and maintain discrimination against foreign races. And hostile attitude.

Krent, as the herald of the female Ochoku genus, naturally belongs to the younger group. Compared with the people of the Senate faction, they did not trust Alice’s divination too much. If I suspected Alice in front of the Senate faction, Minette would have to flee.

Because even if you go back, you will still be framed by the elders, and life will never get any better.

Although in fact her position is neutral. After all, in her opinion, as long as it can protect the peace of the entire dark elf race, it doesn’t matter which faction it is.

Compared to the Senate, who wants revenge against other races all day long, Minette is naturally a more enlightened and open-minded young school. It’s not that the policy of the Senate is not desirable, but the idea is too extreme.

However, even the open-minded young faction finds it difficult to accept that Alice may be involved in a country-to-country conspiracy.

“It’s just a feeling, there is no evidence.”

Minette also understood that his words were really appalling, so he comforted him softly: “Master Alice is a fortune-teller. It is also possible that the Imperial Emperor made a judgment based on the results of the divination after hearing Master Alice’s divination.”

“…Well, that’s all about Alice-sama.”

After Krent was silent for a long time, he said solemnly: “For the Dark Elf Kingdom, the important news is news that is beneficial to diplomacy, not news that will cause chaos in the country.”

“If the news is conclusive, it’s okay. If it’s just a hunch, it’s better to bury it in my heart. But…”

“If I get the chance, I will talk to the queen.”

After all, professions like assassins walking in darkness and danger, sometimes the most reliable thing is their own intuition and premonition.

“That’s fine.”

It is enough to let Her Majesty the Queen pay attention.

“Then, I will begin to convey Her Majesty’s instructions now.” Krent rubbed his eyebrows, suppressed the conspiracy theories that popped up in his heart, and said calmly: “Investigate while paying attention to your own safety.”

“If you feel the danger, stop immediately and go back to the country through the Principality, waiting for the next mission.”

“It really is the style of Her Majesty the Queen.”

With a sigh in his heart, Minette thought silently. One of the reasons why she didn’t fully join the young group was that Queen Maya was too soft-hearted.

It is normal for the assassins to pay their lives for the mission, but Queen Maya sometimes places too much emphasis on the lives of the assassins. Would rather give up information that may be very important than let the assassins sacrifice.

For humans, this kind of emphasis on their own lives will make them very happy, and will be more willing to work for the queen. But for the dark elves, this is a kind of weakness.

Therefore, the differences between races are not only reflected in physical fitness, but also in history and culture.

“I see.”

Nodded, Minette said lightly: “I understand, I will pay attention as much as possible.”

“Attention is to your own safety, not intelligence.”

Krent gave a reminder with a wry smile, and then rolled over and sat down next to Nanothune. After the two-winged black tiger yawned, it slowly stood up and shook its body.

After the two blessed and said goodbye to each other in dark elves, Minette watched Krent and Namthune disappear into the darkness of night.

But when she turned her head, all her cold hairs stood up in an instant. Extreme fear appeared in the blue eyes.

Because there, a human youth is yawning against the tree trunk. Before seeing her, neither he nor Krent had the slightest notice.


These two words appeared in Minette’s mind instantly, regardless of how many he heard. This hidden ability that can make herself unaware is enough to make her understand that she is definitely not an opponent.

Rather than caring about the loss, it is more important to stop the loss in time. It must not be for this human being to obtain more information from himself.

Just when she was about to bite the deadly poison that had been hidden in her mouth, she found that she was completely unable to move.

Killing intent, blood and sword aura completely blocked her movements. The energy in the body can’t be used at all.

“Don’t rush to commit suicide…”

The young man scratched his head, sighed and said, “If I was malicious to you, wouldn’t it be better to suppress you together when the dark elf named Krent was there just now?”


“Well, in short, give you some time to calm down and think. As long as you are not in a hurry to commit suicide, then I will let go of the restraints, how about?”


“If you agree, just blink. If you don’t agree…I can only accompany you until you agree.”

Looking at Minette with a resolute face, Xie Ming suddenly felt a little bit whether he had made a mistake when he appeared.

This is a bit different from what I thought…

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