Chapter 1342 Give Me A Tube

Xie Ming actually considered the issue of not showing up for a long time. If you don’t show up, naturally there will be no problems. But in the same way, Xie Ming had no reason to come into contact with Minette and the kingdom of dark elves.

But if you show up, it will cause many problems. Especially at this kind of timing, it is more likely to cause hostility from the opponent.

However, Xie Ming did not expect Minette to be so resolute and to commit suicide directly when he found himself. Well, although the assassin is, in a sense, a kind of dead warrior cultivated by the Dark Elf Kingdom.

The spy was captured, and the result was naturally executed. But there is a problem here, that is, Minette is a spy sent by the Dark Elf Kingdom to the Empire. But Xie Ming, Ruoguang looks like a Xuzuren.

It is precisely because of this that Xie Ming decided to show up and talk to Minette. But now it seems that he wants to talk, the first step is to obtain the most basic trust of Minette.

“Hmm…I have it.”

After thinking for a few seconds, Xie Ming hammered his palm, took out two weapons from the space bag, pulled them out of the scabbard, and inserted them on the ground.


In an instant, Minette’s pupils shrank extremely. How could she not recognize these two weapons?

Guy En, the leader of the Purple Mist Group, has two artifact-level weapons, the Blade of the Mist and the Curse of the Necromancer. Since these two swords are in the hands of the young man in front of him, it proves that Guy was not killed by Shilock, but him?

Then what about the sword souls like Xilan? Is it possible that he was killed by him?

“I killed Guy, but Xilan and the others, I didn’t kill them. Instead, I used the space crack to randomly move them to other places.”

Seeing Minette’s inner thoughts, Xie Ming shrugged. In order to prove that he has space ability, he directly used the space channel, let his hand appear in front of Minette, and fanned her.

“Let’s introduce myself first. My name is Xie Ming. I don’t belong to any forces. I’m just traveling on the mainland and dealing with issues related to the apostles.”

“Before, I handled the apostle Shilock in the Grieving Cave. It was because Guy wanted to interfere in my actions and his notoriety was so prominent that I killed him.”

“But the other people, except for the brazen brat named Barn, who was educated by me, didn’t suffer much injury. Now, they should travel around the world…probably.”

“I don’t know if we can have a good talk now?”


Minette, after a long silence, blinked gently. There is no way, I am a knife and I am a fish, and in front of this human young man named Xie Ming, he can’t even commit suicide.

If this is the case, then you can only be more vigilant, pretend to agree, and take the information from him by the way, and his purpose is the most correct choice at the moment.

In terms of language skills, he can’t be compared with himself as an expert in any way.

“A wise move.”

Xie Ming laughed and released his imposing lock on Minette. The murderous energy and blood qi emitted by the wave of killing intent were also taken back into his body. However, the mental power is still concentrated on the dark elf assassin.

If Minette commits suicide again, he can stop it instantly. He didn’t want to cause the career mentor of the future Dark Night Messengers to be gone just because of himself.


After taking a breath, Minette thought of self-decision for the first time. But seeing Xie Ming’s dark eyes, he gave up the idea again.

Before his eyes, suicide is definitely not suicidal.

“what do you want from me?”

“Very simple, intelligence.” Xie Ming said without concealment: “To be precise, I want to cooperate with you. It is up to you to provide me with the information I need, and then I will solve some troublesome things.”

“For example, the evil dragon Spitz sealed in the dark elf graveyard.”

“…….You can do it?”

“Why not?”

Seeing Minette deliberately pretending to be disdainful, Xie Ming smiled: “If the evil dragon Spitz really breaks the dark elf’s seal and endangers the world again, as long as I enter there, it will not still treat me. Shot?”

“By then, whether it’s me dead or the evil dragon Spitz is dead, isn’t it a good thing for you?”

“Heh, the premise is that the evil dragon Spitz broke the seal, and then you really dare to go in.” Minette said coldly.

“Now I can’t trust you no matter what I say.”

Xie Ming shrugged, and said calmly, “It’s useless to say it. If that’s the case, why don’t we try to cooperate for the first time?”

“The Principality has been secretly supporting the actions of the Revolutionary Army. Anyone who knows more about this news knows it well. But just recently, the Revolutionary Army suddenly began to attack caravans frequently.”

“If there are no instructions from the Principality, no one believes it. And the guard of the awakened Hellblood Demon is enough to explain what is hidden in this caravan. And the revolutionary army will inevitably attack this merchant. team.”

“Listening to your conversation just now, you are also very interested in what conspiracy the empire has against the Principality. But under the guardianship of the Hellblood Demon named Louis, you dare not make much movement.”

“In that case, I will give you this confidence. With my cover, unless you really die and hang around in front of Louis or the guards, you will never be found by his physical perception alone. Our number one The second cooperation is to work together to find out the secret of this caravan, how about?”


A very reasonable proposal, Minette could not find a reason for rejection.

First of all, Xie Ming is impossible to lie to himself to die, he needs to live by himself. Although the purpose is not clear, the fact that he needs the dark elf intelligence network is not false. Then it’s best for him to live by himself.

If you want to die by yourself, you don’t have to stop yourself from committing suicide at all.

Secondly, the secrets hidden in the caravan are indeed huge. If Xie Ming wanted to use him to find out this secret and cross the river to demolish the bridge, he also had enough time to leave clues to pass on information.

Finally, it is attitude. From the beginning of the conversation to the present, his attitude is indeed very sincere and upright. Although eavesdropping on the conversation between himself and Krent has already greatly reduced these four words.

But I have to admit that this human being is indeed very frank, and there is no calculating mind and conspiracy in it. Or maybe this is just a disguise to relax one’s vigilance.

But in terms of the cooperation he proposed, there is no problem.

But just in case, he must have a card from the Master.

Looking at Xie Ming with cold eyes, Minette took out a needle tube from his space bag and said coldly.

“This is the secret delayed poison made by the dark elves. If you don’t take the delaying drug every day, you will die on the spot as soon as the time is up. Unless you are taking a special antidote, or an antidote above the level of the small world instrument, Otherwise it won’t work.”

“If you really want to cooperate, then let me inject myself with this tube of poison. Otherwise, everything is forbidden, and I will do it with you.”

“…Alright, do you have too much antidote and delay medicine? If there are too many, give me a tube of poison.”

“I understand… what?”

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