Chapter 1344 Deviation of Thinking

Toxins are naturally effective for Xie Ming. After all, Xie Ming’s current body is just a projection of consciousness, not his ineffective body in reality. So if the toxin does occur, he may really die.

Of course, this premise is if it really happens.

The strength reached Xie Ming’s level, if he could be killed by this toxin, then he would be too ashamed. Xie Ming has long since left the stage of worrying about all kinds of poisonous gases and poisons.

Even if it is a projection of consciousness, there are several layers of protection on his body.

The first is to protect the body of the magic sword. The sword energy with the demon-breaking attribute can be said to be a special treatment for bells and whistles. Toxins, magic and so on can all be broken with the sword energy.

Secondly, it is the flames of the Cage Hand of the Red Dragon Emperor. Chilong Emperor’s flames have the ability to burn everything, which corresponds to the white dragon emperor’s ability to reduce the toxins of all things. In other words, the red dragon emperor’s flames can burn toxins at the level of the white dragon emperor.

Even if the toxin has been integrated into the blood of the body, the flame can also burn it. If you use more vivid words to describe it, it is distillation and purification.

Originally in the DXD world of the High School of the Devil, the Red Dragon Emperor possessed [Yicheng’s Flame], which only had no effect on the three beings. The white dragon emperor at the same level, the great red “Greatred”, and the infinite dragon god Orpheus in his heyday.

But after the sublimation of the Chilong Sovereign status, Yi Cheng’s flames have undoubtedly completely escalated. The cage hand of the Chilong Emperor, whose rank belongs to the elite gods, can already be called the cage hand of the upper gods, the Chilong Emperor.

As mentioned earlier, Xie Ming was just used to calling him, and considering Draig’s mood, he didn’t change his name.

The sublimated Yanhuo is one of the cards he used to touch DiRigi. Otherwise, I am afraid that he will be infected by the virus distributed by DiRigi and die on the road before he has seen the sixth apostle.

Of course, if it doesn’t work, then he can only start Spartan’s Wrath. However, according to Shilock’s reaction to the flames, the sublimated flames are still effective for the apostles.

Therefore, the toxin deployed by the dark elves is really nothing. This can be regarded as one of his backhands.

The basis of cooperation is that both parties must pay their own trust, but this trust also has its limits. To give life-saving trust to a person who just met today is not called trust, that is called a fool.

The bet Xie Ming said was whether Minette would betray and betray his trust.

Because from Celia’s evaluation of her and his understanding of her in the game, Minette is a dark elf with a deep but honest person.

Otherwise, she would not be ordered by the dark elf queen Maya to be called the professional mentor of the night messengers.

But there is one thing that Xie Ming didn’t expect at all.

There are so many inner dramas of Minette. No matter how you think, it’s impossible for you to give your life to the person you meet for the first time, right? Of course, if Xie Ming’s method was not the sublimation of the Chilong Emperor’s cage hand, but the antidote of the small world instrument, he would do the same.

A precious antidote in exchange for a friend who may have close cooperation in the future, Xie Ming thinks it is quite worth it.

But he never imagined that Minette actually thought of his actions that he was willing to trade his life for his trust. What he meant by saying those words is that the weaker have the capital to pay trust. Even if you suffer betrayal, you can afford it.

But if the weaker suffer betrayal, then only despair awaits them. Therefore, he is willing to assume the risk of being’betrayed’ as a weaker person.

The misunderstanding caused by the difference between the two thinking circuits became familiar to Xie Ming, Celia, Minette, and other partners. As the leader of the adventure group, Minette picked up a rapier and chased him several times. Street.

However, these are things to follow.

At this moment, watching Xie Ming’s act of injecting poison into his body without hesitation, Minette’s heart was filled with an emotion that could not be described in words. She has believed 90% of what Xie Ming said.

The last 10% is suspecting that Xie Ming is using bitterness. I want to cheat my trust with this behavior. Well, the spy’s suspicion is completely understandable.

Taking a complicated look at Xie Ming, Minette also injected the toxin into his body. Then he made several seals with one hand, and ejected a small fireball to burn the needle in his hand to ashes.

“Then cooperate, that’s it.”

He closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, all his emotions were pressed into the bottom of my heart by Minette. However, the tone of speech is no longer so cold and guarded.

“I will start an investigation from tomorrow. When you need to cover up, how should I notify you?”

“You don’t need to work so hard. When you get out of the carriage, I will use mental power to cover your breath and vitality, so you just let go and investigate.”

Xie Ming smiled and waved his hand, and then joked: “But if you are hit by the guard and Louis, I can only use the spatial ability to directly throw you elsewhere.”

“My skill is not crappy to that extent.” Minette said coldly.

“It’s just a joke, if I make you angry, I won’t say it later.”




He hesitated a bit, but Minette still stretched out his hand and held Xie Ming’s palm.

“OK, I wish us a happy cooperation in the next two weeks.”

After a light squeeze, Xie Ming released his hand and smiled at Minette.

“I’ll go back first. If you need any assistance from me, I will gather in the forest 20 minutes earlier at this point today. It just so happens that you can also give me a delay medicine.”

“Then rest early, good night.”

When the words fell, Xie Ming instantly returned to the branch where he had rested before, sat down cross-legged again, and entered a shallow meditation. Before long, a swift black shadow flashed out of the forest. The blue eyes seemed to be passing by, and he took a deep look at Xie Ming.

Afterwards, she returned to the compartment through the narrow door gap she deliberately left when she left. The door closed silently. Everything seems to be so normal.

“…… The source of intelligence, for the time being, there is a way. If you can get a friendly relationship with the dark elves with the strongest intelligence gathering ability in the entire continent, it will be much easier to do a lot of things. But no matter what, the dark The elven kingdom is going to be there after all.”

“After all, the evil dragon Spitz is a scourge after all. Moreover, it is also one of the evil clones of the former Dragon King Bakar.”

If it is because of oneself that causes some changes in the future, then in the owlet male character of Bakar, he will definitely not fail to leave any clues to the current self.


Thinking of this, Xie Ming slightly opened his eyes. But then he closed it again and shook his head.

“It’s useless to think so much now. Let’s deal with the immediate matter first before talking.”

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