Chapter 1345 Caravan’s Guard System

In an instant, five days passed. Compared with the hustle and bustle when they first set off, basically no one in the caravan now wants to waste energy talking. The armors of adventurers and guards were also covered with various dried blood stains.

The source is naturally all kinds of monsters rushing out of the Gran Forest to attack the caravan. Goblins, cats, minotaurs, and even a giant minotaur appeared.

The tall body directly pulled up the giant tree beside him, and threw it toward the caravan like a javelin. If it weren’t for the well-trained guards of the Perus caravan, they would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

However, thanks to this big beast, Xie Ming also saw the true guarding power of this caravan.

Facing the tree trunks thrown by monsters, following the command of the captain of the guard, the magicians who had been converted to elementalists in the guard were divided into three teams. They were allowed to take turns using the ice wall to resist the attack. Divided into two parts according to a certain distance.

The far and middle distances are part, and the short distances are part.

For long-distance monsters, magicians take turns using magic to kill in a range. Of course, the magic used by most magicians is the easiest magic star bomb to get started.

Only a few more powerful magicians use Jack explosives to attack.

After the monster has received the first wave of baptism, the monster entering the middle distance will be attacked by the two professions of Magic Scholar and Shinsō.

The magic scholars dropped the lava bottle, which greatly reduced the movement speed of the monsters. Shinsō’s hands use the M-137 Green machine gun to shoot at the monsters. After one wave, change to another. In short, you can’t let the rain of bullets stop.

No matter what profession you transfer from Shinsō, the skill of the M-137 Green machine gun is basically a master. The captain of the escort also clearly ordered that except for the Grimm’s machine gun, no other skills were allowed to be used.

The last layer of protection is the various melee occupations. Swordsman, ghost swordsman, fighter, priest, magic spearman. When the caught fish rushed out of the two layers of defense, it was the time for them to come out.

As for the big bull beast, it has to throw the trunk, just let it throw it.

Naturally, the bull beast would not be foolishly doing useless work there. After realizing that his throws could not produce an effect, he also picked up the pointed giant axe stuck in the ground, and walked towards the Shang with thunderous steps. The team rushed over.

However, when it enters the middle distance, the deceleration and burning terrain caused by the lava bottles thrown by the magical scholars waits for it to be the full output of all the middle and long distance professions of the caravan.

Jack blast, flame impact, Jack descent, G-14 grenade, headshot, blast bomb, armor-piercing shell, cannon, anti-tank gun…

Naturally, at this time, the melee profession must rush out under the leadership of the guard to resist other monsters at a certain distance. This kind of time is when the adventurer squad fights on their own. A small team is in charge of a small area, commanded by experienced guards.

The captain of the guard is in charge of the overall situation. When the Minotaur beast was killed by countless damages, let the professionals who just broke out to recover for a period of time, and then perform the same operation just now.

Under such hierarchical management, this is comparable to a small war without any storms during the escort battle. Even if there is a magician with quite good strength among the goblins, it can’t play any role.

After dropping hundreds of corpses, the monster raid team flees back to the Grand Forest in embarrassment. Of course, no one is going to pursue it.

To be able to win such a battle perfectly, terrain occupies most of the reasons. The road where the caravan is located is the eastern plain which is quite a distance from the Gran Forest. From beginning to end, the guards also kept the battlefield on the plain.

Even so, many people were injured. Fortunately, there are many priests in the team, and there are also many alchemy potions, so there is no dead person.

If you want to change into the forest, then the caravan will have to face not only attacks from the direction of the Gran Forest, but from all directions. At that time, even if Louis participated in the battle, many people would die.

And, more importantly, not every chamber of commerce can come up with such a caravan composed of job-changers, professionals, and pre-professionals. In more caravans, I am afraid there will only be one or two transferees, or hire a team of adventurers directly.

Therefore, this kind of long-distance large caravan can not be formed by just a chamber of commerce. What’s more, it was a caravan passing through dangerous areas like Gran Forest.

Even the Perus Chamber of Commerce has a time when the car is overturned under the onslaught of the monsters in the Gran Forest. At that time, the caravan could only drop a portion of the goods and supplies, and then escape at full speed.

The current caravan’s guard system was only perfected after dozens of failures. After all, the purpose of forming a caravan is to make a profit. If sending too many guards leads to losses, wouldn’t it be counterproductive?

This is why until now, the only one that can afford to play a large multinational caravan is the Perus Chamber of Commerce.

After the battle, the caravan will take a one-hour break. At this time, it was time for the guards and adventurers to harvest the spoils. Of course, these trophies are caravans.

After all, these are written in the terms in advance. Of course, during the entire business journey, the adventurers’ weapons and equipment maintenance, as well as the treatment after injuries, and the needs of alchemy potions are all taken care of by the Perus Chamber of Commerce.

Even after completing this business journey, every adventurer will have a 10% off service opportunity in the Perus Chamber of Commerce. No matter what the service is, you can get a 10% discount.

Even if you want to buy artifacts, you can get a 10% discount.

It’s worth saying, it’s just such a battle. The rest are just a little joke. But because of such a big battle, the smell of the entire caravan reached Ultimate

Fortunately, this battle took place before the caravan arrived at the river that was cleaned midway. After passing this turbulent river, the caravan officially passed the Gran Forest. The rest are the southern mountains and plains.

If the caravan really arrived in the south, the probability of the revolutionary army’s failure would be greatly reduced. Only when the caravan had just gone through a big battle, the body and spirit had not recovered, and had not formally passed through the Gran Forest at this time, was the best chance.

At noon the day after tomorrow, the caravan will officially arrive at the river demarcation point. Therefore, if the revolutionary army wants to attack, I am afraid it will be within two days. The silver-haired noble girl and her three guards have communicated more frequently in the past few days.

But no matter what, within five days, with Xie Ming’s help to cover up, Minette also managed to find out the secret hidden by the caravan and the reason for the revolutionary army’s attack.

The answer is: the magic material that portrays the city-level magic circle.

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