Chapter 1347

Nian Qi is a special force generated by using the body to feel the flow of nature and drive the flow of life energy in one’s own body. This power is very versatile, very flexible, and has a variety of uses.

Perceiving other people’s thoughts is one of them. The flow of life energy for each person cannot be exactly the same, and the difference in these promises will imprint their own unique special traces on the mind energy they cultivate. And only practitioners of mindfulness can distinguish such traces.

As a disciple of Xilan brought up since childhood, Nuo Yu couldn’t distinguish Xilan’s unique Nian Qi. So after Nuoyu struggled, he made a conclusion in his heart with some despair.

Xilan, dead.

Died in the cave with a few companions.

“At least, you have to set up a burial mound for the master…”

Depressing the sadness in his heart, Nuo Yu once again picked up his thoughts and began to dig, all morning, it passed again. The collapsed cave was finally dug through, and Nuo Yu, who was soiled by dust and stone chips, stepped into it.

But not long after she left, she stopped again. Because of the situation in the cave, something is wrong. She didn’t see any sign that Xi Lan left her as a guide.

The situation of other people, Nuoyu is not clear, but when Xilan enters this kind of cave that is easy to get lost, he will definitely leave a mark that is not easy to be found and eliminated every certain distance.

Nuo Yu also wanted to rely on the traces left by Xilan to find the place where Xilan and the others died. However, after searching for many laps and many places, she didn’t find it.

“Although the master likes to drink, he must be fully prepared before this kind of battle. At this time, he will not touch the wine very much. Even if he is with the wine, he will not forget to stay. mark.”

In fact, Nuoyu could walk from the dark forest to the Screaming Cave immediately, relying on the marks left by Xilan and himself when they passed by.

There is no such mark in the cave of mourning. This shows that Xilan did not enter the Beiming Cave.

So, where did they go?

Reminiscing about the ground and trees in front of the entrance that were completely ravaged by powerful forces before turning into that look, Nuo Yu couldn’t help but guess.

In addition to the master and their team, another team came here. The two teams clashed fiercely in front of the cave. Judging from the fact that the master and the others did not enter the Sorrowful Cave, it should be another team who won the victory.

But the problem reappeared. No matter what he thinks, Nuo Yu doesn’t think Xilan is the kind of person who knows he can’t beat him and holds it up. With the magical skill of Nian Qishi, running is absolutely no problem.

Although the master is a bad guy, he is by no means pedantic. When it’s time to run, he will definitely not hesitate. Unless, the opponent is so strong that he can’t escape at all.

There is also a problem, that is, the outside venue is too clean. It stands to reason that after an extremely fierce battle, there should be a lot of energy remnants left on the field.

Especially in the team, there is still such an existence as Luxi.

If he is in desperation, Nuoyu believes 100% that the poisonous dark elf will, in order to save his lover, will not hesitate to liberate all the power of Kazan in the hands of the sealed ghost and turn it into a Kazan state.

But whether it was the remnants of Kazan’s power, or the remnants of blood and sword aura, corpses, fragments of weapons and equipment… these things that should be there, there are none at the entrance.

It seems to be eliminated artificially by someone with a heart.

Interested person? Who is the caring person? Why eliminate? Is it the other team? Or other people, or other reasons?

More and more questions filled Nuoyu’s heart.

But one thing can already be confirmed, that is, it is definitely not only Xilan and his team who came to Beiming Cave yesterday. Well, you can start investigating from this point.

The sadness in his heart has been suppressed, because Nuoyu has a new direction and purpose. Sad, it’s not too late after the results are found.

After regaining his calmness, Nuo Yu felt hunger alone, as well as mental and physical exhaustion. The ups and downs of her mood and the use of mind energy for digging in the evening and the morning have made her exhausted.

What she needs most now is not to rush to investigate the truth, but to sleep after a good meal.

If you collapse, how can you investigate?

“Remember, not far from the dark forest, it seems to be the Alvin Line of Defense…”

She pinched her eyebrows and asked herself to lift up some energy, Nuo Yu walked to the Alvin line of defense with a weary pace. Although the Celia Hotel has been closed, there are still other restaurants in the Alvin Line.

However, the place to sleep may only be discussed with the local residents as to whether she can borrow a room to let her rest for a while. Fortunately, the aunt of this restaurant is still very friendly and kind.

“This girl, how tired to be like this. Even if you are out for adventure, you have to take care of your body. Hey~ It’s not a coincidence that you came. If you come a few days earlier, you can still live in Sai Liya’s hotel. Now. , You can only improvise to take a rest in Auntie’s restaurant.”

“Well, thank you Auntie.”

Nuo Yu politely smiled at the aunt, and asked softly: “Well, why doesn’t the hotel in the town open? Is the business too sluggish?”

“no no.”

After serving Nuo Yu, the aunt wiped her hands with her apron, and said with a smile: “Auntie, this small restaurant can still be opened. Although she doesn’t make much money, she has no problem living in this small town. of.”

“Mainly Seliya followed the young man who came here a month ago to take an adventure. The girl is quiet, but everyone in the town knows that she has a lot of things hidden in her heart.”

“This morning, we saw that the hotel hadn’t opened, and we were worried about whether she was sick. As a result, Master Linus at the blacksmith shop next door stopped us and said that Celia had followed the guy and left early in the morning. , I went out for an adventure, and I don’t know when I will come back.”

“That guy seems to have come to this small place because of something. He walks out early in the morning and comes back soon after dark. But it seems that he is done with things now, so he is ready to leave.”

“I don’t know if Celia this girl likes people or what she does. She decisively checked the hotel and ran with him. But with Master Linus watching, that guy’s character should be trustworthy. of.”

“Speaking of which, Selya has been here for many years, and she left so suddenly, everyone…”

Nuo Yu couldn’t hear the chatter behind the auntie at all. At this time, there was an uproar in her heart.

Leaving early in the morning and finishing the business, young guy…

Even if the current clues were just such a little bit, it was enough to make Nuo Yu pay attention to it. Intuition told her that the purpose of this young guy was very likely to be related to the Grieving Cave.

“Don’t worry…Don’t worry…”

Forced to calm himself down, Nuo Yu told himself inwardly.

“First of all, you have to replenish your energy after eating. There is still time for a meal.”

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