Chapter 1348

In normal times, the work in the smithy is very leisurely. After all, true novice adventurers are rare in the entire continent. So most of the time, Linus is lying on the chair in the shop, smoking, sleeping, reading, and drinking leisurely.

It was only this month before he got busy and began to forge a lot of sword-like iron weapons. After all, if you don’t forge, the inventory will be bought out by Xie Ming.

Although he usually has a salty fish as a blacksmith, since he abandons his sword and picks up a hammer, he still needs the reservedness that a blacksmith should have.

In a blacksmith’s shop, even the most common iron weapons have been bought out. Is that still plausible?

But I have to say that after a month of high-strength forging, Linus felt that his forging level seemed to have improved. Precisely because of this, he finally had the confidence to read the forging book that he got from the Mozu by chance.

The content is about how to forge Terra Stone. This kind of ore, which contains powerful energy and is difficult to manipulate, is arguably one of the most difficult materials to smelt. So often blacksmiths forge weapons, only adding a little bit of Terra stone powder to improve the quality of weapons and equipment.

But this forging book is teaching blacksmiths how to use Terra Stone as the main material for forging.

When forging, the more the composition of Terra Stone, the greater the possibility of energy loss. If this material exploded, it wouldn’t be a joke. Billmark’s desert hasn’t grown a weed yet.

It is totally crazy to use Terra Stone as the main material for forging.

So when Linus got the book, he flipped it a few times and threw it to the bottom of the box. One is that I can’t understand it, and the other is that I’m impatient to read it, and I think the person who wrote this book is absolutely crazy.

But today, decades later, he found the book again, and when he read it, he realized what a genius the master who wrote this book is. It was written about how to safely suppress energy-concentrating techniques during forging. He had to read it more than a dozen times before he felt a little Master.

Just as he frowned and smoked, thinking hard about the content above, a gentle voice interrupted his thoughts.

“Hello, Master.”

“Oh, guest, welcome to Linus Blacksmith’s Shop.”

Putting the bookmark on the side in the book and closing it, Linus picked up the hammer on the side and asked with a smile, “What do I need?”

“Yes, please take care of this sword.”

“Okay, please wait a moment.”

Take the sheathed long sword handed over by the guest, and pull the sword out of the sheath. Linus observed the blades on both sides, the connection between the blade and the hilt, and the entrance of the scabbard, and he had a clue in his mind.

“No big problem, just a little bit of polishing and maintenance. But because your sword is of very good quality, the polishing stone used is not cheap. So the repair cost is 50 silver coins.”

“Okay, trouble master.”

Nuoyu took out five strings of silver coins from the space bag and put them on the counter.

“Thank you for your patronage, just wait a moment.”

After throwing money into his own space cloth bag, Linus took out a turquoise whetstone wrapped in cloth, and then sat in front of the sharpening table to polish it carefully. Nuo Yu looked at Linus seriously, nodding in his heart.

The character of a person can often be seen in some actions. And Nuo Yu is even more adept at examining a person’s quality from these details.

Therefore, she could see that the uncle of the forge was a very upright person.

“Speaking of master, I just came to the Alvin Line today and found that the only hotel was closed. I heard the aunt of the restaurant said that the owner of the hotel seems to have gone on an adventure with an adventurer?”

“Hahaha, these sisters who love Eight Trigrams are really.”

Linus stopped his movements and shook his head with a wry smile: “Well, they are right. The owner of the hotel, Celia, did leave with a very reliable guy.”

“The young man stayed here for a month. There was no problem in his behavior or character. That’s why Celia decided to go with him.”

“…The vigilance is not weak.”

Nuo Yu frowned slightly in his heart. If it was an ordinary uncle or aunt, he would definitely tell the destination and the young man’s name all along. After all, in their eyes, these are trivial things.

But in fact, the name and destination are very important things for those who venture outside. The most intuitive role is to prevent some unscrupulous people.

“That’s a pity.” Although Linus didn’t let Linus say it, it is naturally impossible for Nuoyu to give up like this, and a very interested expression appeared on his face: “I don’t know, where did they take the risk? .”

“However, to say that the most suitable place for adventurers of a certain strength should be Huttonmar. After all, there are no dangerous monsters on the nearby plain. It is also close to the West Blue shore, and it is stronger. If so, challenging the Sky City is also a good choice.”

“If you want to take a risk in the Gran Forest, the distance is about the same as the Irvine Line of Defense. But if it’s convenient, it’s better than Huttonmar’s.”

“Yes, the Alvin Line is also suitable for some real novice adventurers. After all, in the small forest of Lorrain, there are no monsters that are too strong.”

“This is not necessarily true.”

Nuo Yu smiled: “Apart from Lorraine, the Screaming Caverns that pass through the Dark Forest are very suitable for some powerful job-changers. After all, the Slaughter Gu living there is very powerful, and there are many useful materials on him.”

“I don’t know if the mutation in the Miing Cave has been resolved. I heard that the principality seems to have hired powerful job-changers from various places to solve it, right?”

“It should be resolved.”

Looking at the delicate girl in front of the counter, Linus sharpened his sword and said: “I don’t know exactly what is going on in the Grieving Cave, but there should be no danger now.”


Nuo Yu squinted his eyes slightly, and said with a light smile: “Could it be that the gentleman in your mouth told you, Master?”

“That’s it.”

Linus thought for a while, and it seemed that there was nothing to hide. From his experience, the girl in front of him was not a bad person either. The feeling to him is also very gentle and upright, and his speech is also polite.

“The kid I told you came to this remote place specifically to solve the abnormal changes. After staying here for nearly a month, he finally settled the matter and left. Speaking of which, the kid is still a fellow with the girl. ”

“That gentleman is also Xu Zu’s?”

This time, Nuo Yu was really a little surprised, the Xuzu people are quite conspicuous on the mainland. After all, those with black hair and black eyes are a sign of Xuzuren.

“Well, so girl, if you are interested, you can go to the Grieving Cave, but I can’t guarantee whether you will get anything.”

Picking up the pliers and wiping the blade with gauze, Linus placed the long sword and scabbard side by side on the counter.

“Okay, it has been repaired.”

“Well, thank you master.”

Gently stroking the back of the sword, with a light flick, a crisp sound came into the ears of the two of them. Nuoyu smiled back.

“Really, thank you master.”

After speaking, he carried the long sword behind him and walked towards the exit of the Irvine line of defense.

“…How do you feel, there is something hidden behind this girl’s words…” Linus touched his head, then let out a laugh, “Illusion.”

Then he returned to his position and fought against the forging book again.

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