Chapter 1349 WTM Isn’t Wrong

The reason why Nuo Yu left was because he had already obtained enough information.

Go to the Screaming Cave and leave after solving the abnormal change. Then this young man who was also born in an imaginary ancestor is absolutely inseparable from the disappearance of the master and the others. Moreover, the appearance of this young man and the girl named Seliya were very obvious.

A young man who had not been seen by many residents who had stayed at the Irvine Line for nearly a month after returning home from the night. If it weren’t for Linus, Nuoyu wouldn’t even know that he was also from Xuzu.

As long as she knows these characteristics, she is enough to catch up with them and ask what happened at that time.

At night, Nuoyu has thoroughly figured out the destination of Xie Ming and Celia. As expected, it was Huttonmar. So the question now is how should she catch up.

It is obviously impossible to follow the caravan starting tomorrow. The only way is to rent it yourself or buy three horses.

Why are there three horses, because ordinary horses must not be able to continue on their way. And the drive to the Perus Chamber of Commerce is notoriously fast. Ordinary horses can’t catch up with the caravan if they don’t drive overnight.

Of course, if you can buy horses that reach the level of Warcraft, you will naturally not be so tired. She has no shortage of money, but that kind of horse is basically something that you can’t find.

Unless you are in a hurry, you won’t be able to buy it at all.

Yes, unless there is a hurry…

“that is…..”

Seeing the horses pulled out of the barracks stationed in the camp, Nuo Yu blinked and suddenly felt incredible.

Because the most serious of that horse is an excellent breed crossed with Warcraft. And the black horse with crimson eyes in the middle has a few flames from time to time.

“My luck, is it so good?”

Usually, if this kind of magic horse is in the camp of the empire, it will be digested internally by the imperial knights stationed there. Unless the horse is too strong, no one can control it.

Or the number is too large for the local knights to keep, so before others come to receive it, sell them quickly to earn a sum of military expenses. But no matter what the circumstances, it is an opportunity not to be missed for Nuoyu.

So the word cause and effect is really wonderful.

I believe some people have guessed the origin of these horses. That’s right, Guy and the Purple Mist group rode over. As a rich and powerful mercenary group directly under the imperial emperor, the members of the purple mist group have a mount with the blood of beasts. It is not an exaggeration.

And where did Linus’ news come from? Naturally, it was passed from the knights stationed in this camp. As a genius swordsman in the empire, Linus has many friends.

One of his friends is the captain of the knights. So after Linus knew that Guy En and the Purple Mist Group were all destroyed, he passed the news. Regarding the news from an old friend, the knight team leader naturally believed 100%.

Since the Purple Mist Group has been completely destroyed, the precious mounts they rode over were naturally received by the Knights.

However, these mounts are really too precious, even if their Knights are stationed in the borders of the country and cannot return to the country all year round, they can accommodate certain things, but they can’t eat them all at once.

In addition, the magic horse of Guy En, the leader of the Purple Mist Group, is too awkward, eating nothing, and not letting strangers touch it. If you want to strengthen it, it will give you a heartfelt feeling when it is lifted up. There are already many knights who have confidence in themselves, and they are still lying on the bed.

Kill it, reluctant, it’s too wasteful. So I simply took it out and sold it together with a few other horses that were slightly worse.

So there was this scene that Nuoyu saw.

Xie Ming was afraid that he would never have imagined it in his dreams. There would be such a wonderful chemical reaction between Guy En and Ziwu Tuan who he killed, Xilan’s apprentice who was randomly transmitted by him, and Linus.

After seeing this magic horse, Nuoyu did not hesitate to buy it for a big price. After spending a little time taming the magic horse and preparing all the things needed for the journey in the camp, she immediately rushed to it.

Along the way, I naturally encountered a lot of monster attacks from the Gran Forest. With the speed of the magic horse, I finally had a breathtaking life, but a lot of time was wasted because of this.

Only now barely caught up. The reason why her eyes were fierce and her body exuded a strong murderous aura was naturally because she had just gone through a battle, and she hadn’t had a good rest for a few days, and she was physically and mentally exhausted.

“Finally saw…”

Looking at the caravan parked in front of the main road, the tight string in Nuo Yu’s heart finally loosened slightly. After tightening the reins and letting the magic horse slow down, Nuo Yu controlled it and slowly approached.


The caravan’s guard in charge of the night guard prevented Nuo Yu from approaching, and looked at the woman from Xuzu with alert: “This is the caravan of the Perus Chamber of Commerce, what’s the matter?”

“Hello, Mr. Guard.”

After Nuoyu got off the horse, she smiled with a strong spirit: “I don’t intend to disturb, just want to ask, is there a young man from the ancestor like me and a girl with silver hair and red eyes in the caravan? .”

“…Is there anything looking for them?”

“Yes, I have some personal matters that I want to ask them. I don’t know, can I see them. Of course, no matter who it is.” Nuoyu said, taking out a bunch of silver coins from the space bag.

“I will help you ask.”

After the guard put the string of silver coins into his own space bag, his attitude was obviously better: “You can’t go in with me, so just wait here for a while.”

“Well, please, when you meet them, please mention the four words of mourning cave a little bit.”


The guard nodded, turned and walked into the caravan.

Xie Ming naturally saw everything that happened outside the caravan through his mental power. His head started to hurt.

This, how should I fix it?

Honestly and Nuo Yu said that Xilan and the others were teleported to all parts of the world by themselves, so they don’t know their life or death?

I’m afraid that after listening to this, the Royal Swordsman of Xu Ancestor will directly draw out his sword and never end with himself.

What should I do? Also send her away randomly? This girl’s strength is also quite good, it shouldn’t be that easy to die.

Hey? Wait, why do you feel like you have done something wrong?

Obviously you didn’t do bad things?

When you think about it, Lynn and Guy took the initiative to attack him, and then Barn came and killed him. In the end, in order to protect Barn, Xi Lan and the others attacked him collectively…..

After all, wtm is not wrong at all, so why bother?

Thinking of this, Xie Ming suddenly felt emboldened in his heart. Opened his eyes and found that the guard had already left in front of him.

“Sir, a lady who is also from Xuzu came to see you outside, and asked me to mention the Screaming Cave with you.”

“Screaming Cave?”

Xie Ming frowned (pretending), then stood up.

“Got it, I’m past now.”

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