Chapter 1352

Time goes back to the moment when Xie Ming and Nuo Yu parted. Because after Nuoyu woke up, the dark horse stopped automatically, and the caravan was also very fast. This also led to a lot of distance between Xie Ming and the caravan.

In addition, Seliya had a partner with Minette, so Xie Ming did not expand the mental power scan too much, just left a trace of mental power on Selia just in case.

However, the physical strength of his consciousness projection is less than forty, that is, the level of the middle to high stage of the second stage, so the mental power that can be displayed is not strong.

Therefore, after passing through the compartment magic circle isolation, his trace of mental power is only a warning function, and he can no longer detect everything in the compartment.

And this situation made the silver-haired noble girl finally breathe a sigh of relief. You know, in the past few days, she doesn’t know how many times she has scolded Xie Ming.

“It really is that man! How cautious is he!! So many days of mental scans have never stopped!! If it were not for the sake of safety, I brought a concealed necklace that could conceal mental scans, this attack would be fine. Just give up!”

Of course, on the surface, she still had a faint smile, looking at the love novel she had been reading for the third time.

According to the plan, they should go to investigate the subordinates and combat power of the caravan at night. As a result, because of Xie Ming’s mental power scans that have not been revoked all day long, the devices on their bodies have been constantly vibrating.

At first, their group of advance personnel who entered the caravan to search for intelligence thought they had been spotted. As a result, after a few days, I found that it was not the case at all. It’s just that there is an overly cautious strong man who constantly uses mental power to observe the surrounding situation all day long.

After realizing this, in desperation, they could only use the artifact-class necklace that could conceal all kinds of detection methods, and take turns to investigate the situation of the caravan. It turns out that it’s not just that they are investigating.

The dark elf who was also in the passenger carriage was also secretly exploring the caravan situation, I have to say, this saved them a lot of time.

With hidden traces of the artifact-level necklace, as long as it does not hit face-to-face, it is impossible for even the strong to know the actions of the wearer. However, this necklace cannot be effective for all 24 hours.

With enough energy, it can only be used for just one hour a day. Originally, it only took this hour, and in any case, it was impossible to complete the exploration before heading to the southern continent. However, with Minette, a professional spy, it is completely different.

Minette still has a long way to go, so she can track her movements with the magical machinery she carries. Just remember her trajectory in advance, and then investigate afterwards.

As a result, at the same time that Minette completed the investigation, the revolutionary army also fulfilled their goals and successfully passed the news to their partners outside.

In the caravan, there is a Hellblood Demon God, and a strong man whose strength is unknown but whose mental power is exceptionally strong. This news was enough to shock the entire revolutionary army.

The empire arranged such combat power to escort this caravan, which shows how important the things hidden in this caravan are.

Just as Xie Ming and Nuo Yu explained the situation, the news spread to the Sage’s Voice in the revolutionary base camp at the fastest speed. The deputy leader Root made a decisive decision.

Definitely destroy this imperial action!

According to the practice of previous attacks, the members of the infiltrated caravan should set up bombs in multiple places to detonate them, rob them quickly while creating chaos, or destroy the target, but this time because of Xie Ming’s mental scan, they only installed it in one place. A lot of bombs.

The head of the caravan, the carriage in which Jaller and the bodyguard Louis drove.

Only there, Xie Ming’s mental scan will not scan. Although Xie Ming’s mental power can help Minette hide his blood from Louis’s discovery, Xie Ming is not confident that he will not be discovered by the various protective magic circles on the carriage.

The magic circle on the passenger carriage can still greatly block his scanning, let alone the person in charge’s carriage?

Of course, the silver-haired girl couldn’t even blow up the carriage she was sitting in, so even if she knew that it might not have any effect, she could only install explosives on the person in charge’s carriage in order to get as much effect as possible.

The rest is the time to initiate action. The Sage’s Voice is already on standby at high altitude, but it is up to their on-site personnel to judge when to initiate the action.

According to the original plan, it was to wait until the necklace could be used again before detonating the bomb to prevent the mysterious and powerful man from discovering it. But today, the silver-haired girl was surprised to find that the imaginary young man was not around the carriage.

The device that detects mental power on the body does not respond strongly. There is no need to explain what this shows. But just in case, the silver-haired girl patiently waited until lunch time, when most people were a little unfocused, and then suddenly pressed the detonation button.


Accompanied by the deafening blast, the carriage in which Yalle and Louis were riding was instantly exploded and brought to the sky above a hundred meters, and the three magic horses pulling the cart directly turned into pieces of meat.

The guards who were also guarding the surroundings, and the pallets that the adventurers took, were all scattered like blossoms by the blast.

“Enemy attack!!!”

The hoarse roar didn’t help, because almost everyone’s ears were constantly humming, and their heads were dizzy. Even the passengers in the passenger carriage with the protective magic circle, the condition is not much better.

In the first moment of the explosion, Minette threw Celia down and helped her cover her ears. This led to a short-term deafness for her sensitive hearing. The blast blew the pulled horse along with the carriage, and after rolling on the ground for several laps, Xie Ming was teleported to stop it.

The elegant young magician scholar shook his head and pushed his glasses in shock. Celia was fixed after being threw down by Minette, so she didn’t suffer any injuries, and she had no hearing problems.

Minette was deaf for a short period of time in both ears, but because of the strong physical fitness of the transferee, it was only a little bruised. As for hearing, I am afraid it will take a few minutes to recover.

As for the remaining silver-haired girl who appeared to be a nobleman and was actually a revolutionary army, it was actually the worst. The carriage rolled, and she rolled with it, bumping everywhere. Her face was covered with blood, and she fell into a coma.

The injury is real, but it’s not as good as it seems. A coma is pretending. Just kidding, she detonated by pressing, can she not protect herself?

The reason for deliberately injuring myself is simply to be able to use this identity a few more times.


When the three people in the carriage were still a little confused, all of them suddenly felt a sharp breath passing over their heads. The next moment, the top of the entire carriage was directly cut open.

Xie Ming frowned and looked directly at the two girls.

“Selia, Minette, are you okay?”

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