Chapter 1353 God Archer and Dragon Man

“Xie Ming! Great! You have nothing to do!”

Seeing Xie Ming’s arrival, Celia breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately looked at Minette who was protecting herself: “Miss Minette, are you okay!?”


Minette, who could only hear the sound of “buzz,” frowned, but she could still guess what they were talking about. So he shook his head slightly and pointed to his ear.

“Temporarily deaf?”

Xie Ming cast a glance at the silver-haired girl who was pretending to be unconscious, and he couldn’t help but smack his tongue secretly when he looked at the miserable pair. This acting really depends on professionalism. Whether a person is in a coma, how could he not be aware of it.

The young girl’s mental fluctuations were more active than Seliya and the young magic scholar who had just received a shock, and her heart beat faster than them.

Isn’t this taken for granted?

Feeling that the magical device that detects mental power in Kabuto vibrates at an extraordinary speed, the silver-haired girl uses great concentration to suppress her desire to escape.

Even if you are found to be pretending to be in a coma, it may seem to others that you are protecting yourself. But if she jumped up and fled, then no matter who saw it, she knew that she must have a problem.

The actions of the revolutionary army really exceeded Xie Ming’s expectations. Unexpectedly, these guys were so cruel to themselves.

Not only was this silver-haired girl who had been hit with bruises for not protecting herself, but the three guards outside, along with the guards of the Demon Scholar Youth, were blown away by the blast and directly out of sight of the caravan.

Then, regardless of the burns and bruises on his body, he changed into revolutionary army clothing on the spot, covered his face, and started lurking nearby waiting for the opportunity.

I’m afraid that when you want to attack with the holy voice, look for opportunities to go in and seize or destroy the materials of the magic circle.

Having said that, how did these guys put so many bombs on Yare’s carriage under their noses? Is it possible that you have props and equipment that can be hidden on your body?

Moreover, although Celia was not injured, Minette was only bruised. But this is ultimately the theory of consequence. The fact that they hurt the people around them has not changed.

Do you want to find them and settle this account?

Xie Ming thought this way, his eyes became slightly dangerous. Let the silver-haired girl lying in the carriage pretending to be dead stand up all over her body.

“Forget it, don’t bully the children. After you settle the bill, you also need to find someone in charge?”

Suddenly, he felt an extremely tingling sensation in the center of his eyebrows, Xie Ming’s eyes instantly became extremely cold, and the Wanhua Demon Soldier Apofis suddenly unsheathed.


The black and purple knife shadow flashed past, cutting a nearly invisible virtual shadow in half. The phantom quickly slid across his left and right sides, and steadily stuck in the dirt behind him.

It was a bow and arrow, and the feathers from the tip to the tail of the arrow were exactly divided into two, and the body of the arrow was completely submerged in the soil.

“Being cut open?”

Suspended in the air on the Sage’s Voice, a beautiful girl with long red hair had a hint of surprise in her eyes. One of her eyes was covered by a blindfold, and she held the huge bow steadily in her hand that was a few minutes longer than her height.

“In that case, what about it?”

From the bow and quiver behind the waist, three long and narrow bows and arrows were taken out and put on the strings. As the bowstrings were full, the three bows and arrows turned into phantoms that were invisible to the naked eye and attacked Xie Ming in three directions. .


At this time, Xie Ming’s expression was completely calm.

“Quickly draw a knife and cut.”

The pitch-black huge blade light flung from the blade and flashed past a few minutes faster than a bow and arrow. After destroying all the three bows and arrows, with an unmatched momentum, he suddenly blasted towards the holy horn.

If it was hit directly by this knife, even if the Sage’s Cry didn’t crash, it would definitely suffer a considerable amount of damage.

Since the other party wanted to kill himself, Xie Ming would naturally not be polite. And he could also feel the horn of the sage, covered with a considerable degree of protective cover.

At the most, my own sword left an ugly big crack on the hull after breaking the protective cover.

But obviously, the other party will not let this happen.


With a long roar of dragon roar, a blond middle-aged man with first-born dragon horn jumped off the boat, flapping the dragon wings behind him to block Xie Ming’s knife light. Both hands are already covered with scales.

“Don’t want to hurt my boat!!!”

The two dragon claws stubbornly resisted the dark blade light, and sparks continued to splash from between the blade light and the dragon claw. Suddenly, it fell into a stalemate.

But as long as anyone with sharp eyes can see, the scales on the hands of the middle-aged blond who turned into dragon claws are constantly cracking and blood is overflowing.

“Tsk, this is my boat.”

The red-haired girl standing on the boat mumbled to herself, and did not pick up the arrow to put the arrow on the string, but pulled the string directly to the full moon. An extremely sharp aura broke out from her.

The colorless small crystal blocks in the space bag were reduced by two, and an extremely condensed energy light vector turned into a beam of light and hit the knife light.


The roar, comparable to the explosion just now, spread quickly. The blast wind and impact force deflected the hull of the huge Sage’s Sound by nearly thirty degrees.

“Minette, please take care of Celia. Celia, I’ll be back when I go, don’t worry.”

After leaving a sentence to the two of them, Xie Ming stepped forward with his left foot. The next moment, the figure disappeared.

“Horrible guy…..”

After seeing that huge sword light, Minette no longer doubted Xie Ming’s strength. You know, the two people who have just shot are the strongest forces in the two major battles in the revolutionary army.

Archer: Ludmila Billow. Captain: Dragonman Root.

Both of these two existed that the strong would not normally be able to match. The former, even under the defense of the imperial army’s iron barrel, still hit the eyebrows of Baroque, the second commander of the imperial field army, with one arrow.

As the empire’s number one bounty criminal, Ludmila’s bounty has reached a terrifying 10 billion gold coins. But even so, no one has received this bounty so far.

The powerful people who died under her bow and arrow are probably more than one hand.

“Perhaps, he can really solve the evil dragon Spitz’s problem…”

“Sister Minette, sister Minette!”

“What’s wrong?”

Feeling the girl beside him shaking his arm constantly, Minette looked over calmly and asked aloud.

“Let’s stay away, so that Xie Ming can fight with confidence.”


Although the ears are temporarily inaudible, as a spy, Minette still masters the skills of lips. Slightly bent over and picked up Selya, her figure turned into a black shadow, and she began to leave the battlefield quickly.

“Too… finally gone!!!”

At this time, the silver-haired girl finally took a long sigh of relief. She felt that this was less than a minute, and it was probably the most exciting moment in her life.

She has no hearing problems because she has been protected in advance. Therefore, I also heard Xie Ming’s explanation to Minette and Celia. After the tension, a faint feeling came to my heart.

“Surely, this guy is not a caravan…”

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