Chapter 1354 Fierce Battle on Deck

The fluctuation of the space made Xie Ming instantly arrive on the deck of the Saint’s Ming. But it was naturally not the smiling faces of the crew that greeted him, but a few bows and arrows shining with cold light.

In a sense, this is also a very grand welcome ceremony. After all, there are not many people who can give such a warm welcome to the Voice of the Holy One.

“Magic blasting arrows?”

Feeling the unstable energy compressed in the arrow, Xie Ming waved Apophis in his hand and chopped it out several times in a row. But this time, what he chopped out was not an offensive sword energy, but an additional spatial ability on the tip of the sword.

The effect was that as Apophis swung down, several small spatial cracks appeared all over his body.

The magic blasting arrow shot by Ludmila just happened to be swallowed by this space crack and disappeared.

“Sure enough, is it a space-time ability?”

Seeing such a response, Ludmila’s dark red eyes shrank slightly, and she was already beginning to feel something uncomfortable: “Juggernaut plus Dimensional Walker? Or has the swordsmanship reached the point where it can break through time and space… ”

At the beginning, she just thought that the other party was using some precious medicine to board the holy voice. After all, the magic shield covering the gods, before the shield is broken, it is basically impossible for people without permission to log on to the ship.

Since the three words ‘basically’ are used, it is naturally an exception. One is precious props such as teleporting potions. The other is the ability to travel through time and space.

For example, the summoner’s summoning magic is the most widely known space-time ability. But if it is said that the one who is best at playing time and space dimensions, besides the extremely powerful magician, there is only the transfer of a magician like Dimension Walker.

Those gods are mysterious, dark and deep, as if they are living outside the world, and they can be described as fascinating in the control and operation of the dimension.

But no matter whether the young strong man in front of him is the former or the latter, it means two words for the sage’s horn: trouble.

By himself, there is absolutely no way to fight him. Ludmila quickly realized this.

She is not good at bow fighting. But what she is good at is long-range attack and support. Moreover, as an archer, fighting an enemy with obvious sword skills in close combat is definitely a demented behavior.

While retreating from the distance, while hitting a few bows and arrows again to contain them, Ludmila yelled.

“Route! What are you pretending to die!?”


“Got it! It was painful just now, okay?”

A gust of wind blew away the smoke from the explosion, and Lu Te, whose arms had all turned into dragons, responded, and his figure suddenly rushed towards Xie Ming, the dragon claw clenched his fist and swung out loudly.

In an instant, a huge fist composed of energy shot at Xie Ming. If you want to give this trick a name, Dragon Fist should be more appropriate.

“But compared to Wukong’s Dragon Fist, it’s not enough to see.”

He didn’t care about Lut’s attack at all. Xie Ming tapped the deck of the Saint’s Voice with his toes and rushed straight towards Ludmila.

Isn’t it common sense to kill ADCs first when one is playing two?

“Ignore me, this is a little sad!”

Root, who was nearly half-dragonized, grinned, revealing the sharp teeth in his mouth. With a strong wave of his arm, the Accelerating Dragon Fist, which was about to fail, changed its direction and quickly approached Xie Ming from behind.

In front of him, Ludmila once again stretched the bowstring out of thin air, and the energy of the small colorless crystals in the space bag, guided by her own energy, once again turned into a shining bow and arrow.

But this time the bow and arrow actually exudes spatial fluctuations. Xie Ming, who was pointed at by the arrow tip, had a feeling of inevitable evasion.

“Broken Arrow.”


Ludmila’s calm voice was mixed with Ruth’s passionate roar. The silver arrow exuding spatial fluctuations disappeared the moment it left the string. When it appeared again, it was only a centimeter away from the center of Xie Ming’s forehead.

At the beginning, Ludmila was able to pierce the forehead of Baroque, commander of the Empire, with one arrow in the Host, relying on this skill to leap across space and ignore distance.

After all, in Arad Continent, only those characters at the top are qualified to have access to the abilities of time and space. Therefore, Ludmila, who was born in the gods, was almost unguarded after Master’s move.

But now fighting against Ludmila is Xie Ming, who has reached an intermediate level of space control, and has purchased a small colorless crystal block and no longer has to worry about energy issues.

Ludmila played this trick in front of him. With just a glance, Xie Ming knew the principle of this trick.

Predict the enemy’s location, use mental power to locate it, and use its own energy to guide the pure energy of the small colorless crystal block to inject into the arrow, which is used to travel through space, so as to achieve an effect similar to “must hit”.

In fact, not many people can block bows and arrows that are only a few centimeters from the center of their foreheads in time. If the physical strength of Xie Ming’s consciousness projection reached the third order, he could still do it.


A small colorless crystal block disappeared in the space bag, Xie Ming’s body seemed to be blurred. It was just this time that Ludmila’s arrow passed directly through Xie Ming’s head and collided with the huge energy fist behind him.

Enter the body into other dimensions for a short time to avoid the attack of the current dimension. For space mage, it is the most common dodge skill. However, on the Arad continent, using such dodge skills requires an extraordinary amount of energy.

Just this time, it consumes the energy in a whole piece of colorless small crystal block. But the effect is also significant.


Seeing that the arrow had passed directly through the enemy, Ludmila and Rutter screamed at the same time. Breaking the air arrow, unexpectedly missed? This fact undoubtedly gave them a heavy blow.

Because the originally confident attack did not work, the situation of the archer girl instantly became extremely dangerous. At this time, Root had further transformed into a dragon, speeding up and rushing here.

Ludmila is also doing his best, quickly pulling the distance between her and Xie Ming

But no matter how fast they are, how can they be faster than Xie Ming’s knife? Of course, if there were really only three of them on the sacred horn at this time, if Ludmila had no backing, he must have been cut in half by Xie Ming without hesitation.

But as the base of the revolutionary army, how could it be possible that there are only two Rout and Ludmila on the Sage’s Voice? It was simply because Xie Ming attacked so quickly that the other members did not react.

And now it has been fighting for nearly half a minute, even if the reaction is slow, the other members of the revolutionary army should have reacted.


“Flame Impact!”

“Tian Lei!”

“Say the gas mask!”

Countless skills have enveloped Xie Ming and Ludmila respectively. But because the mind mask rising from the soles of the feet enveloped Ludmila, only Xie Ming would be hurt.

Of course, these skills are empty.

After spending another small colorless crystal block, Xie Ming successfully used teleport to escape countless locks.

Standing in the middle of the deck, the black knife pointed diagonally at the ground and looked around.

A dozen figures including Rout and Ludmila have completely surrounded him.

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