Chapter 1355

“How do you feel that since I came to the Arad continent, I have been following the villain route.”

Seeing the murderous members of the Revolutionary Army who surrounded him all around, Xie Ming didn’t have a trace of movement on his face. It’s just that in my heart, I couldn’t help but complain.

First, all the future Four Swordsmen were exiled, and now they were fighting against the revolutionary army that resisted the brutal Delos Empire. I think of the support of the Belmar Principality behind the Revolutionary Army…

“I have only been here for two months, so I have offended all three, no, four forces?”

You see, in the empire, the purple mist group of mercenaries directly under the emperor was destroyed by him. The promising young people in the empire, Barn and Lynn were exiled by him, and they didn’t know their life or death. If this matter is known by the empire, it will be no suspense to put your head on the empire reward list.

Regarding the ancestor, Xi Lan, who had a considerable status, was also exiled by his space, and he didn’t know his life or death. Although there is a high probability that he will not die, and Xilan’s disciple Nuo Yu has also come to reconcile with him, so the high probability should be fine.

The Bantu tribe and the patriarch were all exiled by themselves.

Plus the current revolutionary army…

“Forget it, let’s take care of the things in front of you first. Everything is done in order.”

The members of the revolutionary army naturally didn’t know that surrounded by so many people, the black-haired youth in front of them was still in the mood to think about so many messy things. But his calm look did put a lot of pressure on everyone.


Suddenly, Ludmila said: “No matter how strong you are, it is impossible to fight with so many people at the same time. A brutal empire is not a country to which you are worthy of allegiance.”

“Yeah, oh yeah, can you sit down and talk about something?”

Root grinned, but when he was in a dragonized state, his smile was really hideous and ugly.

Obviously, neither of them wanted to push the strong man in front of him to a dead end. Otherwise, 80% of the people present might die. Even the Voice of the Holy One could be destroyed under their battle.

Originally the empire was so strong that they could not breathe, so they could only hide in the dark and accumulate strength, waiting for opportunities. The Sage’s Voice, which prevented the empire from catching its tracks, can be said to be the greatest support of the revolutionary army.

But if they don’t say this, Xie Ming is fine. But when he said that, his anger came straight up.

“First of all, clarify one thing. I have nothing to do with the Empire. I just want to go to Huttonmar with my companions through the Empire Caravan.”

“What…what did you say…”

After hearing Xie Ming’s calm voice, Lut and Ludmila’s hearts instantly fell cold.

“I can kill innocent people without investigating clearly. The revolutionary army’s self-proclaimed righteous rebellion against the brutal empire is what I really saw today. You think that the four little mice hidden in the caravan, I don’t have discover?”

“But now, I have changed my mind.”

“Struggle as hard as you can. Otherwise, the revolutionary army will be here and destroyed.”


The icy killing intent was mixed in the mental power, and it crashed on the horn of the holy. Everyone seemed to have a few tons of huge rock on their backs, and they were a little breathless.

Some elementalists with weaker strength and weaker physical fitness were already on all fours and couldn’t stand up. Dou big sweat dripped on the deck continuously.

Even if the strength of the body is not enough, it has small colorless crystals as an energy backing, and Apophis, a handy weapon. Xie Ming’s strength at this time can be said to have recovered 60%.

Just now, he just used swordsmanship and space abilities. Just like this, Ludmila was almost cut by him. And now, he decided to press two more cards.

A card is Kamui, the master of swordsmanship.

The other card is ghost swordsmanship after magical modification.

“Splitting Void slashed with a knife.”

The two small colorless crystal blocks disappeared, and the pitch-black blades turned into moon blades for harvesting, spreading swiftly around.


Seeing that the other party was really intent on killing, Root yelled and roared: “All the transferees below the middle rank jump off the ship! The transferees above the middle rank, start desperately!!”

After that, Root’s body swelled several times in an instant, and he was ready to return to his true body and began to desperately.

However, Xie Ming would not give him this opportunity.

“Route! Behind him!!!”

Hearing the yelling of his friend Ludmila, Lut only had time to make a turn around, wanting to shoot away the enemy directly behind him with his dragon wings. Then, it’s better not to turn around.

Even if it is a dragon, the back is the hardest part of the whole body and the strongest defensive power. But turning around like this is equivalent to removing his shield.

The body crossed the space, and Xie Ming came to his back. The flap of the dragon wing passed directly through him.

Intermediate space control, shuttle.

Silverlight falling blade magic change: war trampled.


His right foot slammed on Lut’s waist fiercely. With the sound of countless bones breaking, Lut’s entire dragon turned into a black shadow, directly smashing through the deck of the Saint’s Voice, life and death unknown.

The powerful shock waves from the war trample also blasted all kinds of long-range attacks such as bullets and fireballs, colliding and exploding around Xie Ming.

Flames and black smoke became his background.

“You bastard…..”

Several energy bows containing powerful magical waves were directly detonated before Xie Ming had been touched. Obviously, after learning that he could not directly hit Xie Ming, Ludmila immediately changed his attack method.

Want to use explosions and shock waves, constantly consuming Xie Ming. In such a strong fluctuation, even a dimensional walker would not be able to traverse the space casually, otherwise it would be easy to be crushed by the turbulence of the space caused by the explosion.

Similarly, job-changers from other professions are also following Ludmila’s example, constantly pouring out their own attacks.

The smoke and fire continued to spread, completely burying Xie Ming’s body in it.

To use a vivid metaphor for this scene, Vegeta in Dragon Ball, after going mad, constantly fires gas bombs from both hands to attack the enemy, regardless of whether he hits the enemy or not.

Obviously, there is a theory that there is no harm, and the members of the revolutionary army do not know it. Moreover, Xie Ming is not a dimensional traveler, but has an intermediate space control ability.

If it is converted into the profession of Arad continent, then at least it is also the void walker after the dimensional walker awakens.

The space of Arad continent is very stable, which has pros and cons. The disadvantage is that it takes more energy to use the space-time series of abilities. And benefit is an ordinary explosion, it is difficult to affect the space.

Of all the attacks, only Ludmila’s magic explosive arrows can disrupt spatial fluctuations. But this small fluctuation, Xie Ming can directly calm down.

Like a ghost, Xie Ming’s figure has appeared behind Ludmila. A deep dark glow was gleaming on the blade of Apophis, breaking the air, and struck the red-haired girl’s neck.

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