Chapter 1357 God’s Blessing

Seven explosions directly shook the needle-like air glow of scattered feathers. The two air bursts that hit Ludmila passed directly through her body without causing any harm at all.

This scene made Xie Ming frown.

“Is it related to the capsule she just ate?”

The answer is quite correct.

Ludmila, who came from the God Realm and was taught by the Arrow God, does not lack some extremely rare items. After all, he is a disciple of the Arrow God, and it is impossible to be too shabby.

The capsule that Ludmila put in his mouth just now and waited until the enemy was about to attack him, was the rarest among the rare ones, and it was definitely the top thing among all the consumable items.

The blessing of the gods.

The effect of the capsule is very simple. Within 30 seconds after use, the user enters a transparent state and is protected from harm.

In other words, it is 30 seconds of invincibility.

Of course, as I said before, the so-called invincibility depends on the different levels of power. The blessing of the gods can be immune to all attack damage within 30 seconds in the game. But in reality, it is naturally impossible to be so outrageous.

Just like the name of the prop, this is the blessing from the gods. And Ludmila’s blessing is undoubtedly the blessing of Arrow God.

That means that unless the power level reaches the level of the arrow god, all attacks will be invalid.

Xie Ming wanted to get rid of this state, but it was actually not difficult. The Wrath of Sparta can be directly broken with a punch. Similarly, if Killing God Soldiers equipped with Sky Fire and Pure Flames and Demon Sword Nightmare in their hands, they can also cause damage.

After all, level and intensity are completely two concepts. Just like Xie Ming’s battle against Otinus before, even if he started the Red Dragon Emperor state at that time, he was not inferior to Otinus in terms of strength.

But he was still interfered by Otinus, and he returned to his original shape with a single blow.

So there is no real invincibility in this world, only the strong and the stronger. Or the weak and the weaker.

But there is no doubt that after eating “the blessing of the gods”, Ludmila has already obtained the capital to fight Xie Ming.


Two magic explosive arrows were fired one after another after Ludmila’s tumbling, and Xie Ming directly guided them to explode behind him with skill. Without any pity, Xiang Xiyu, grasped a gap in the opponent, Apophis cut off the head immediately.

As a result, it was naturally cut.

The blade seemed to be cut in the air, passing directly through Ludmila’s somewhat transparent body. However, Ludmila’s pupils contracted quickly, although he hadn’t been hit.

Because she clearly felt that although she was not hurt, the effect of “God’s Blessing” was directly shortened by about three seconds after being cut by Xie Ming.

why! ?

Could it be said that the sword skills of the young man in front of him can already interfere with the level of the gods?

There is this reason, but it is not complete.

Converting the realm of the great master to the professional realm of Arad Continent, it is indeed the sword god of the second rank of the sword soul. But the realm of the great master can only barely interfere to the level of the gods.

In other words, if a strong man in the realm of the great master confronts the gods, his realm can only help him break the defenses. But if the strength is not enough, it will only change from -0 to -1.

But what Xie Ming lacks most now is strength. If it is the main body, I am afraid that the 30 seconds will only be shortened to a few seconds in an instant.

The second is Xie Ming’s special sword aura, the magic sword aura. Demon-breaking sword aura was originally a sword aura that could break, guide, and sever all kinds of bells and whistles. With the bonus of the Great Master Realm, it is not surprising that it can hurt the gods.

The last point is Xie Ming’s weapon: Wanhua Mobing·Apophis.

The weapon that was transformed by the fifth apostle, Shilock, has the power of apostle itself. Players who have played the game DNF and are interested in understanding the background of the characters in the game know one thing.

The special nature of the apostles is the special nature of their existence. The prototype of the apostolic power possessed by the twelve apostles is the twelve gods who voluntarily sacrificed themselves in order to create the world from among the gods created by the great will (the god of creation).

In other words, the power of the apostles is actually the power of these twelve gods.

The same power of God, Apophis, can naturally eliminate the power of God attached to Ludmila at this time. In the same way, if Shilock or other apostles directly use the power of the apostle to attack, the blessing of the gods will not have any effect.

This is the whole reason why Xie Ming’s cut time will be shortened by three seconds.

Of course, Xie Ming and Ludmila didn’t know the reason. In Xie Ming’s eyes, Ludmila should have eaten some invincible consumable items. You only need to wait for the effect of the items to disappear, and you can end up with the enemy in front of you.

Ludmila was also taken aback by the three-second shortened time. Originally, she thought that in this invincible thirty seconds, she would not kill her as much as possible to hurt the enemy in front of her.

But now it seems that I am afraid I still have to work hard! After all, if you continue like this, you won’t be able to endure many knives at all.

The thinking of both sides was completed in a short moment. Taking advantage of Xie Ming’s movement of the knife, Ludmila quickly narrowed the distance and quickly moved the bowstring a few times.

The next moment, several energy light arrows were launched at a very close distance.

“Boom boom boom boom!!!”

The light arrows were all dismantled by the blade, and exploded around the two of them. Xie Ming made a mistake, and for the first time in the battle took the initiative to distance himself from the enemy. And Ludmila followed up unwillingly.

At the same time, it constantly consumes energy like no money to create a light arrow, which is shot out with the vibration of the bowstring. For a time, countless light arrows madly attacked Xie Ming like bullets poured out by Gatling.

“Ding ding ding ding ding ding…”

“Boom boom boom boom boom…”

In front of Xie Ming’s body, Apophis’s blade was superimposed with countless dark blade tracks, deflecting the flare-up arrows to other places. The sturdy deck was blasted with black marks one after another by the exploding light arrows.

Because of Ludmila’s frantic attack, Xie Ming couldn’t take any action to solve the revolutionary army members who were accumulating big moves. As time passed, seven dangerous auras enveloped Xie Ming’s body.

At this moment, a piercing arrow mingled in the explosive light and struck. Xie Ming can only use the shuttle to escape. This is exactly the purpose of Ludmila.


With a loud roar, the members of the revolutionary army smashed at Xie Ming at the same time.

Cu Nian: Nian Qibo!

Death tombstone!

X-1 compressed quantum cannon!



Annihilate the black hole!

Shura evil light cut!


I couldn’t help but slapped his mouth, Xie Ming’s figure disappeared and appeared on the top of the sage’s horn, and Apophis was already under her sheath. At this moment, Ludmila snorted coldly.

“Route! What are you still pretending to die!?”


Accompanied by the roar of the dragon, a giant dragon poked its head out of the Sage’s Cry, mixed with thunder flames, and spit out from its mouth.

Dragon’s strongest attack ability: Dragon’s Breath!

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