Chapter 1358 Extreme Sword Control

The flames burned the air, even if there were tens of meters away, the members of the revolutionary army could feel the heat of the dragon’s breath. Even the things in front of me began to twist slightly.

Almost everyone who knows the revolutionary army knows that the leader of the revolutionary army is a dragon. The members who stayed on the Sage’s Voice also often heard Root’s grumbling and soaring in the sky where he wanted to restore the dragon’s body to freedom.

But among the people present, except for Ludmila, Ludmila’s old acquaintance, no one had ever seen Ludt’s dragon form.

Now they finally saw it.

The two brown horns on the head of the original human form have been magnified nearly a hundred times, and every pattern and scar on it can be seen clearly. And that uncle’s face, which was always cynical, was replaced by a hideous huge mouth and a terrifying vertical pupil.

The members of the Revolutionary Army realized this fact for the first time at this time. Ah, it turns out that our leader is really a dragon.

Immediately everyone became excited, because Root’s breath power has completely exceeded the strength of the Awakening Skill. No matter how strong the enemy is, he will be hit hard by the Awakening Skill.

However, the look on Ludmila’s face did not relax at all. If possible, Ludmila wants everyone to perform their strongest moves again and completely defeat the enemy.

But under the dragon’s breath, these moves that didn’t even reach the level of a sense, would be burned just by approaching. Even she can’t locate the enemy’s mental power, so she can use the air-piercing arrow to attack.

“Only, are you waiting for the result?”

The crimson eyes stared at the top, Ludmila murmured. But for some reason, an uneasy feeling has been around in my heart. Where does this uneasiness come from?

“Think about it, think about it…”

Ludmila began to recall all the moves Xie Ming had performed.

The “Hollow” ability and teleport ability have been deceived by the blessing of the gods and everyone’s collective attacks, and they should not be able to be used in a short period of time. Aura, trampling, unable to fight against Root’s dragon’s breath.

If you use sword energy to fight, the huge black sword light should have appeared long ago. The rest, there is…

Suddenly, Ludmila recalled a certain scene, causing her pupils to shrink to the extreme in an instant.

“Stupid dragon! Stop quickly!!”


Hearing the shout of his friend, Root did not hesitate at all, and immediately stopped his dragon’s breath. In fact, maintaining it for so long is a huge drain on his physical and magical powers.

“It was really slow to find.”

An extremely indifferent voice came from above, but everyone on the Saint’s Cry could not help shivering. The young man in the red windbreaker stepped on the transparent barrier and looked at everyone condescendingly.

In front of him, a space crack several meters long was slowly closing. And in the cracks in space, the flames mixed with lightning are rolling.

Ludmila’s guess is correct, and the shuttle to hide his body into other dimensions is closely related to physical fitness. Even with small colorless crystals as energy backup, Xie Ming’s current physical fitness cannot be detected for long.

The same is true for teleportation. The solid space barrier of the Arad continent made Xie Ming’s teleportation extremely difficult. After each teleport, you need to let your body recover for a while.

Otherwise, it’s easy to teleport, and you will teleport yourself into a serious injury without having to do anything else.

But opening a space crack is much simpler than teleporting and shuttle. Because, with the sword technique of the Great Master Realm assisting. Although keeping the crack open, it also requires a lot of energy.

However, this does not require high physical strength.


Jumped off the space barrier and landed softly. Step forward, the next moment, the body disappeared, so that the attack can only hit the deck.

“Quickly draw a knife and cut.”

“Roar oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!”

The icy blade light flashed slightly, followed by Root’s roar. Ludmila turned her head pale, and saw a place of dragon blood, gradually turning back into a human form, Lut holding his head, and…

A huge brown dragon horn that fell on the ground.

“I don’t know whether Dragon Horn is good or not as a material.”

However, according to the monster hunters Xie Ming played before entering the main god space, dragon horns seemed to be rare materials. So if you use dragon horns as materials to forge weapons, it should be good.

“If this is the case, you may have to go to the permafrost and dark elf cemeteries.”

After all, materials that are even better than Root are staying there. Root is just a dragon who can transform into a dragon, but Spitz and Skarsa, but the evil clone of the Dragon King Bakar, is the most pure-blooded dragon.

Adhering to the principle of no waste, Xie Ming raised his left foot slightly, kicked the brown dragon horn, and put it into the space bag. Then he lifted his eyes slightly and looked around, and finally froze on the pale Ludmila and the blood-filled Rut.

“It looks like you have failed in your struggle.”

“Then, the revolutionary army will be destroyed today.”

“You bastard…..”

Ludmila gritted her teeth and prepared to take out the precious consumables brought from the God Realm to fight Xie Ming again. However, he was stopped by Root.


“I’m sorry, Ludmila.” Rutte showed an ugly smile: “It’s estimated that the Sage’s Voice is not going to be paid off. Please retreat with everyone. Here, leave it to me.”

“What crazy things are you talking about. If I can leave you alone, will I participate in this mess of rebelling against the empire!?”

“That’s why I have to ask you.”

Root showed the cheeky smile that Rudmila was familiar with. He was just missing a horn and his face was full of blood, but he could no longer give people a sense of dangling.

Yes, it’s just the responsibility of being the leader of the revolutionary army.

“I’m a named leader, and you can’t stand the affairs of the Revolutionary Army to help me deal with it. The Revolutionary Army can be without me, but you can’t be without you.”

“If…. If the future revolutionary army really can’t sustain it, there is no need to force it to maintain it. At that time, you can go back to the realm of the gods. Only when you become strong can you do what you want in your heart. Thing.”


“What do you think?”

Xie Ming looked at the two coldly, and interrupted Ruth’s last words that he was explaining: “Unless someone with enough ability comes to rescue you, you don’t even want to leave today.”

“…It’s useless, Root.”

Ludmila shook his head with a wry smile, and gave Lut the shelter of the only two gods left on him.

“The deck of the Sage’s Voice has been covered by his powerful space cover. With our remaining physical strength, no one can escape. This is the shelter of the gods, there are two remaining, you hurry up and eat Go down and leave with the companions below.”

“Because I have just eaten it, in a short time, the protection of the gods has no effect on me. Now, the only hope is you and her.”


Hearing Ludmila’s words, Rutte gritted his teeth and yelled at Xie Ming: “Does it take such a rush to kill!? After all, do you have the strength of the strong!!!?”


In response, Xie Ming only replied two words. The space barrier of the hemisphere has been completely formed. Apophis has also accumulated power in the scabbard. This time, what he was going to use was not dimensional exile.

It’s a genuine product that cuts all the space in the hemisphere into pieces, dimensional cut. Unless someone can break this spatial barrier, no one present except Xie Ming himself can survive.

Yes, unless someone can break it.

“Extreme Sword Control, Time and Space Slash.”

The cold sound was accompanied by the sword track that pierced the sky. Cut the hemisphere space barrier into countless transparent fragments.

Holding a black and white epee, the girl with short silver hair shoulder-length, gently fell in front of Lut and Ludmila. After looking at the two of them, the dark red eyes moved to Xie Ming.

“It’s you, who hurt them?”

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